Saturday 6 January
READ: I Samuel 15:10-28
MORE LESSON: I Samuel 28:3-8
Our text today is the story of David whom God anointed in place of Saul. God appointed Saul first but he disobeyed Him; he was more interested in what he could get than serving. As a result, God took away the kingdom from him and gave it to David. The Bible tells us that the Spirit of God departed from Saul. God did not only take the kingdom, He also took His Spirit, who is the Anointing.
The anointing of God upon a man's life is for the purpose of the assignment God wants him to do. Therefore, the moment the assignment ceases the anointing also ceases; the anointing functions so long as the man functions in his assignment. Notice that God was quick to take His Spirit away as soon as Saul decided to please himself and not the Master. Many people get so busy bragging around with the anointing given to them instead of using it to fulfil the assignment. The anointing is not for show-off. The day God takes the assignment, He will also take away the anointing. God took the assignment from Saul and the anointing went away too.
Do you know you can lose the anointing? Anything that comes can go; anything that can hear, ‘come’ can also hear, ‘go’. Glory can come and it can also disappear; it is not permanent. It is for a purpose, and where it is not used for what it is meant for God does not hesitate to give it to someone else who will make judicious use of it. In the same way as God calls men, He also replaces them if they fail in the duty He has assigned them. The day that Saul abandoned the assignment that was given to him, the Bible tells us that the glory of God departed not just from Saul but the entire land of Israel was affected. That was to the point that they were disgraced when they went to war; the secret of their victory was taken away. Israel always had victory over their enemies because of the presence of God that was always with them. However, when the presence departed, they were badly defeated.
As children of God and as servants in His vineyard, we must be careful what decisions we make because they could have not just local but national or even global impact. It is my prayer that we would use the anointing to carry out our assignment for trans-generational impact, in Jesus’ name. Today check your life to see if the assignment and anointing are still in place. Do not sit down and allow demonic powers to carry on the work like Saul did and as many fake prophets do today. When the anointing departs, we can also go back and seek the face of our merciful God for restoration. God is ever willing to take us back and re-equip us for greater exploits.
*Ask that the Lord will anoint you afresh today for His assignment.
*Pray that God’s presence and anointing will not depart from you.
*Pray that you will not lose sight of your destiny assignment.
As the Lord lives, this year, I shall prevail on every side, in the precious name of Jesus.