Saturday, January 6, 2018

Anointing for Assignment

Saturday 6 January
READ: I Samuel 15:10-28   
MORE LESSON: I Samuel 28:3-8 

Our text today is the story of David whom God anointed in place of Saul. God appointed Saul first but he disobeyed Him; he was more interested in what he could get than serving. As a result, God took away the kingdom from him and gave it to David. The Bible tells us that the Spirit of God departed from Saul. God did not only take the kingdom, He also took His Spirit, who is the Anointing.

The anointing of God upon a man's life is for the purpose of the assignment God wants him to do. Therefore, the moment the assignment ceases the anointing also ceases; the anointing functions so long as the man functions in his assignment. Notice that God was quick to take His Spirit away as soon as Saul decided to please himself and not the Master. Many people get so busy bragging around with the anointing given to them instead of using it to fulfil the assignment. The anointing is not for show-off. The day God takes the assignment, He will also take away the anointing. God took the assignment from Saul and the anointing went away too.

Do you know you can lose the anointing? Anything that comes can go; anything that can hear, ‘come’ can also hear, ‘go’. Glory can come and it can also disappear; it is not permanent. It is for a purpose, and where it is not used for what it is meant for God does not hesitate to give it to someone else who will make judicious use of it. In the same way as God calls men, He also replaces them if they fail in the duty He has assigned them. The day that Saul abandoned the assignment that was given to him, the Bible tells us that the glory of God departed not just from Saul but the entire land of Israel was affected. That was to the point that they were disgraced when they went to war; the secret of their victory was taken away. Israel always had victory over their enemies because of the presence of God that was always with them. However, when the presence departed, they were badly defeated.

As children of God and as servants in His vineyard, we must be careful what decisions we make because they could have not just local but national or even global impact. It is my prayer that we would use the anointing to carry out our assignment for trans-generational impact, in Jesus’ name. Today check your life to see if the assignment and anointing are still in place. Do not sit down and allow demonic powers to carry on the work like Saul did and as many fake prophets do today. When the anointing departs, we can also go back and seek the face of our merciful God for restoration. God is ever willing to take us back and re-equip us for greater exploits.

*Ask that the Lord will anoint you afresh today for His assignment.
*Pray that God’s presence and anointing will not depart from you.
*Pray that you will not lose sight of your destiny assignment.

As the Lord lives, this year, I shall prevail on every side, in the precious name of Jesus.

Divine Authority

Friday 5 January
READ: John 5:19-23
MORE LESSON: Isaiah 30:21

Any man who walks in divine authority is one who will find out what God is doing and do the same or what He is saying and say the same. Any man who does or says what God is saying per time will have the whole of creation respond to him. God’s Word will not return to Him void as He declared in Isa. 55:11, So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.  Anytime we say what God is saying or do what He is doing, we are bound to return with answer. The reason we do not get answer to our prayer sometimes is because we tend to talk about our situations more than we talk to our situations about what God has said. In order to get unhindered answer to our prayer, we should say what God has said concerning a situation because His Word will always return with answer.

The Bible says, Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven: Matt 18:18.  This does not mean that every time we pray, something is loosened or bound in Heaven. Everything that needs to be bound or loosened in Heaven is already in that state. This is why the Bible says, For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven: Psa. 119:89. Therefore all we need to do when we pray is to check what is bound in Heaven and bind it on earth, and loosen that which Heaven has loosened. If we can effectively do this, then our prayer will become more effective and result-oriented.

Have you ever wondered why Jesus worked with so much authority and precision? Every prayer Jesus uttered was honoured by God. The disciples were amazed and at a point they exclaimed, ...What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him: Matt 8:27. This is the secrete, ...Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise: Jn. 5:19. Jesus followed the voice of the Father to the letter. He did only what the Father did and said only what He heard the Father say, and the entire creation was subject to Him. This was the exact thing that Adam was supposed to enjoy and he did enjoy it until he rebelled. No wonder Jesus is called the second Adam. He came to restore man to the original estate. Choose to follow the voice of the Lord in everything because if you speak what God has said, you are perfectly sure that  the earth cannot resist the authority of the Word.                                            
*AsK God to help you to do what He will want you to do.
*Ask God to reveal His perfect will to you for every matter of your life.
*Ask for the grace to walk in obedience to God and your leaders.

My gracious Father, because of Jesus and His blood, let mercy speak for me in 2018, in Jesus' name.

All Things 

Thursday 4 January
READ: Romans 8:31-39   
MORE LESSON: Haggard 2:4-11

The day God gave His only begotten Son to die for man's redemption, He gave mankind everything. The Bible says concerning God in Rom. 8:32, He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? There are certain things we have that we find very difficult to give out. They are like treasures to us. We protect them with all our might but the day you lose those things either by giving them out or they get damaged, you will realise that there is nothing else you will lose that will touch you. Some people have lost loved ones that were so dear to them and it looked like they were not going to get over it, but eventually, they did. And today when they hear that someone has died, it doesn't disturb them as such because they have lost what is more. So also, Jesus is God's choicest treasure, yet He gave Him to us. If God did not spare Jesus but gave Him to us, what on earth or in Heaven do you think God would not freely give you? Jesus is the key that gives us all things.
We have all things given to us but we may not be able to access them if we don't ask. Matthew 7:7 says, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. We have a record of several things that God has given in time past. He makes the sun to shine upon us, He makes the air to blow upon all of us without discriminating, He is a good God and He gives to all men who ask Him. If He gave Jesus, then He can give all things but you must ask Him. God has everything that man needs on the face of the earth and He will give to anyone who asks. He has the answer to every question, and the provision to satisfy every desire.
Solomon asked for wisdom and he got it, God added riches to the wisdom. Jabez asked for a changed life and God changed his life and he became a man more honourable than all his brothers. Then his name became the name of a city, and yet at the beginning of his life he was called a child of sorrow. God is the power behind every positive change and no one else can brag about the ability to make positive changes in your life except God because no man has what God has. Over that long standing issue in your life, ask God what you desire concerning it and watch Him turn things around for you. He is ever ready to give you all things, not just to own but to also enjoy.

*Pray that by the same love of God that gave us Jesus, God will give you all things for life and godliness.
*Ask God to bring answer to a definite outstanding request in your heart.

Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost are my portion in 2018, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Be the Best II

Wednesday 3 January
READ: Matthew 5:13-16  
MORE LESSON: Obadiah 1:21     

Yesterday we began to look at the fact that God wants us to be the best in all that we are and do. We also examined the necessity of becoming the best as a means of taking up kingdoms for our King and Father. We cannot effectively invade the world, impact it positively and take up territories without becoming an icon of excellence in our field. Moreso, we cannot become the best by remaining in obscurity. We are a city that is set on a hill, which cannot be hidden.

The things that God does are not an accident, oversight or coincidence. God is intentional about everything He does. He did not just make us the light of the world, the Bible says we are set on a hill so that our potential to shine will not be limited. It is God's original intention that when the world that lies in gross darkness seek light, they will look up to us on the hill. It is amazing that the children of light whom God has set on the mountain have left their place and are struggling for relevance in the valley.

Many Christians have hidden their light under the bushel of laziness, mediocrity, religious mindset and lots more. If we must become the best then we must learn to strike a balance in all that we do. Most times you find Christians who spend working hours praying and fasting instead of working. The Bible clearly tells us that God is not the author of confusion. He has given us time for everything.
We must, therefore, learn to manage our time wisely so that we can obtain maximum output in all that we do. It is embarrassing that we are the ones that are always queried for negligence of duty. It is an insult to the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Also, some people have not been able to become the best in what they do because of mediocrity. They just believe in being small as they don't want to get out of their comfort zone to get anything done. With this kind of attitude, we cannot influence the world for God. We should therefore cast off every restraint of laziness, mediocrity, excuse etc, and work at becoming the best in all that we do,
For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God: Rom 8:19.

It is time to wake up from slumber and manifest the glory of God in us and thereby command the world to do same.  Be the best.      

*Ask the Lord to make you an icon of excellence in your field of endeavour.
*Ask God to grant you the wisdom to stand out as the best.
*Pray for grace to live up to the expectation of God for your life.

2018, I forbid you from co-operating with enmity against me in your whole season, in the mighty name of Jesus.