Sunday 14 January
READ: Matthew 7:28-29
MORE LESSON: I Corinthians 2:9-11
We saw yesterday that it is God's desire that we should continually scale to higher heights. We notice that Jesus didn't do any less. In fact, the Bible says that at the beginning of His ministry when He preached in the synagogue, the people said He preached with authority and not as the scribes. Even on the pulpit he defeated, several times over, those who went to school. It is an incredible thing what God has planned for us and if only we could find it out, life would be better on the face of the earth and best in heaven. God is not only planning good on the earth, but also for better and best in heaven. If you consider the words that Jesus constantly used to encourage those who want to become His children, you will find out that His desires, plans and provisions for us are not small things at all. In John 10:10 He says He has come to give us life, and not ordinary life, but abundant life. Living from hand to mouth or having to beg is never part of God's plans for us.
I notice that all during the life time of the Master Jesus, even though He didn't have any bank account, He never had a reason to get into a situation where He could not afford something. There was nothing He could not afford. The day He noticed that the treasurer had no money in the purse, He commanded the Heavens to send it through the bank in the waters. No Central Bank could provide that. That's a higher height; when your needs are met by a force that is beyond human capacity.
Most times people live less than what God desires for them because they have exchanged their standards. Instead of looking up to the life of Jesus as the standard, they tend to compare themselves with other humans; ...but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise: 2 Cor. 10:12.
The goal of the Holy Spirit is to make us like Jesus and not like another man. But Jesus even said, if we believe, we can even do beyond what He did. It is amazing that no man has been able to attain that height, and we are so satisfied.
The key to attaining higher height is to remain open for more. The largest room in the world is the room for improvement. No matter how high you have gone there is a higher height. Don't stop; keep moving!
* Pray that the supernatural hand of God will be at work in your life.
* Pray that in your field of life you will attain to the peak.
* Pray that you will attain to the high life of Jesus, in every area of life.
In 2018, my seeds, my roots and my fruits shall be saved from the waster, in the mighty name of Jesus.