Wednesday 17 January
READ: Hebrews 12: 1 - 3
MORE LESSON: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
It is grace that makes the race of destiny easy. The Christian journey is likened to a race. Track events usually take a lot of discipline and endurance. There are different types of races. The sprint is a short distance race and speed is needed as the fastest runner usually receives the medal. The other type is the long distance race, which demands that athletes run long distance. In such a race, it is not the fastest but the one who is able to endure that wins. In a marathon, which is a long distance race, athletes don't even try to run too fast, because if they do, they will lose their breath too soon and may no longer have the energy to finish the race.
The Christian race is not a sprint but a marathon. Successfully finishing a marathon is not all about having speed; there is need for endurance and support. This is the reason water, cheerers and energy drinks are stationed at intervals along the path of a cross country race. This is to show that, for a long distance race, there is need for help and grace.
In Hebrews 12:1, Paul encourages us, ...let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.
This Scripture further states how grace for the race of destiny is accessed. He summarised, Looking unto Jesus.... (verse 2). Jesus is the grace for your race. He has run His race successfully and by looking unto Him and connecting with Him, you access everything that is needed to finish your race well. Jesus is the Author and Finisher of faith; so by maintaining unbroken connection with Him, we access limitless faith. He is the fullness of grace, therefore when we stay in touch with Him, we receive grace upon grace (John 1: 14 – 17). Jesus was pressed beyond measure, persecuted and beaten but He made it to the end of His race. Therefore, no matter what you face, you will triumph in your race. The secret to winning in the race of life is to stay glued to Jesus, running your race the way He ran His. From today, in the race of life, you will never be a victim, in Jesus’ name; you will not be grounded, exhausted nor faint in the race of destiny. There is grace for your race.
* Ask for grace to run the race of life.
* Declare that you will not faint on the track of life’s race.
* Declare that you will not give up, you will finish strong.
Every storm shall surely obey my voice in 2018 as it obeyed the Master on the sea, in the mighty name of Jesus.