Sunday, January 28, 2018

A Nazarite

Sunday 28 January
READ: Judges 13:3-5    
MORE LESSON: Exodus 28:35-36

A man can be specially set apart unto the Lord. There is no greater blessing than when God lays claim on a person to be His own. To be the chosen one of the Lord is a rare privilege that is to be treasured and guarded with all of one's strength and life. There have been people whom God has specifically claimed for Himself. An example of such in the Bible were the Nazarites, set apart by God unto Himself. Any man that wants to be used mightily of God needs to be set apart.

According to the text, Nazarites were not allowed to live anyhow. Holiness of life is God's expectation for those that are set apart for Him. Nazarites were not permitted to drink wine or similar strong drinks, no unclean thing could be allowed near them, no razor should come upon their heads. They were to be wholly dedicated to the Lord. In return, the Lord endowed them with power and might so that they could accomplish the extra-ordinary tasks that the Lord placed before them.

This is a lesson for us today. To be a people of power, we need to be Nazarites unto the Lord. The secret to a life of exploits is total consecration and dedication to the Lord. One cannot live anyhow and expect to be a special vessel in the hand of the Lord. There are several ways one can do this. Moses was predestined by the Lord to be the deliverer of Israel and Aaron and his descendants were chosen by the Lord to be set apart as priests unto Him. As priests, they were given special conditions of living which demand holiness unto the Lord. We also are to be set apart as kings and priests to the Lord, therefore our watchword should be holiness unto the Lord. In Samuel's case, it was the mother that made a covenant with God that her seed would become a Nazarite unto the Lord. David, on his own part, positioned himself to be found of the Lord (Psa. 89: 20). David went after God with all his heart and positioned himself through service, worship and love for God till God's heart was stirred and He chose David for Himself and put His anointing upon him.

God has called you to Himself, it is left for you to set yourself aside specially for Him. Whoever you are, whatever you do and wherever you are found, you must realise that you can be a Nazarite unto the Lord. With God, there is a chosen place, a chosen nation, a chosen tribe and a chosen people. You can be God's chosen person in your generation.

* Consecrate yourself afresh for God’s service.
* Ask the Lord to use you greatly from today.
* Ask the Lord to cleanse your life of every filthiness that can hinder your total surrender to God.

Father, in 2018, my sun shall not go down; neither will my moon withdraw itself, in the mighty name of Jesus.   

Saturday, January 27, 2018


Saturday 27 January
READ: 2 Kings 6: 1-2    
MORE LESSON: Psalm 118: 5    

Enlargement is becoming more, doing more, going forward and expanding; enlargement is about advancement. For there to be enlargement, one must confront and overcome whatever stops one from going forward. Enlargement therefore is making all-round progress.  A good way of understanding the definition of something is to define its opposite.  To know what enlargement means therefore, we need to understand its opposite, that is, reduction. The opposite of being enlarged is to be reduced, which is to go backward, to suffer subtraction, to lose.

The key to enlargement is to refuse smallness and deal with it. In 2 Kings 6:1-2, ...the sons of the prophets said to Elisha, "See now, the place where we dwell with you is too small for us. Please, let us go to the Jordan, and let every man take a beam from there, and let us make there a place where we may dwell".... (NKJV). If you want to be big in life, you must keep dealing with smallness; rebuke it, reject it, plan against it, work against it. Don't dream small because smallness is a disadvantage. Job 36:16 says, Indeed He would have brought you out of dire distress, Into a broad place where there is no restraint; And what is set on your table would be full of richness (NJKJV). If you ask to partner with God for enlargement, He will bring you out of your present narrow place into a broad place where there is no restraint.

From Psa 66: 12 we know there is a place called the wealthy place, Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place. The wealthy place is the place of enlargement. The Living Bible calls it the place of great abundance. Where is the place? Locate where it is and go for it. The place where the sons of the prophets were staying was too small for them. They had a challenge and they faced it.

The first thing anybody, who wants enlargement, should know is that for there to be enlargement, there must be challenges. If you want enlargement in life you should prepare for confrontation and challenges. It is conquering challenges that brings enlargement. Even though the sons of the prophets were spiritual people, they were confronted by a natural problem. The challenge they had was smallness. The way they dealt with it was by taking the initiative to resolve the problem. The prophets were mighty people of prayer but they came up against little things that could mess them up if they did not advance beyond their challenges. This shows that it is not only spiritual steps that need to be taken but also natural steps for there to be enlargement. Today, the place where you are is too small for you, go and get a bigger place, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask the Lord to bring you to your wealthy place.
* Declare that you shall not be small in destiny.
* Ask God to bring to your way challenges that will provoke enlargement for you.

Father, the Creator and Owner of 2018, grant that mercy, help, advancement and unlimited joy flow to me this year, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Back to Eden II 

Friday 26 January
READ: Exodus 24: 1-11 
MORE LESSON: II Corinthians 12:1-4

God gives Eden experience to His loved ones. In today's text God fellowshipped with Moses and the elders of Israel in a unique way, And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness. And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hand: also they saw God, and did eat and drink: Exo. 24:10-11. Wow! What beautiful experience, they saw God in his glory, fellowshipped with Him and ate with Him. May you have the Eden experience of seeing God in glory and partaking of the beauty of relating with God. Apostle Paul also had an Eden experience in II Cor. 12 where he was caught up to the third heavens into paradise, He saw and heard heavenly words which confirms again the realities of Eden, God's paradise prepared for His loved ones.

Satan robbed our first father of his Eden experience and even though the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus' death and resurrection has been paid to restore Eden to mankind, many children of God are still being robbed of their Eden experience. Don’t allow Satan to steal your Eden; step out of darkness and receive Jesus into your life. The following are other things to consider.
1. Avoid sin like a plague; sin robs men of their Eden experience. Keep away  from abominations or lies (Rev. 21:27). Also, repent of little foxes that spoil the vine; do not shrug them away saying that they do not matter.
2. Another thing is to consecrate your life to God in holy living.
3. Cultivate the worship lifestyle; God loves worship in spirit and truth. Worshipping Him whole-heartedly can give you the Eden experience while still here on earth.
4. Cultivate humility; remember Satan lost his Eden because of pride. Never allow arrogance towards man or God. Be conscious always that whatever you are or have is from God and is for God so never lift up your heart in pride.
5. Love God passionately. Let His love be your love and His hate be your hate. He delights to take those who love Him into His love garden.

He did it for Moses and the nobles of Israel; He also did it for Paul and He is ready to do it for you now and in eternity. Eden awaits all who follow Jesus and never lose faith to the end. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God: Rev. 2:7. You will get there in Jesus name!         

*Lord, thank You for loving me and desiring fellowship with me.
*I renounce all sins that steal the Eden experience from a man.
*I receive Eden as I step into this new day, in Jesus’ name.

Father, I prophesy against the enemies of joy in 2018, nothing they do shall stop my joy, in the mighty name of Jesus.  

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Back to Eden I

Thursday 25 January
READ: Genesis 2:8-15
MORE LESSON: Ezekiel 28:11-15

Eden is the paradise of God and in Hebrew it means “pleasure”or “delight”. Paradise in Greek is “paradeisos” which means “the king's private reserve” or “a unique and delightful place”. Eden (paradise) is the place where God fellowships with His sinless sanctified beings. Satan dwelt in an Eden with great glory as described in today's reading; he had perfect wisdom and beauty. He was covered with shining jewels: sardius, topaz, diamond, beryl, onyx, Jasper, sapphire, emerald carbuncle and gold. That Eden had stones of fire and was a place of great worship/love zone of Jehovah and His holy angels. Satan was in charge of worship before he rebelled and lost Eden. Before he sinned, there was perfect spiritual harmony between the worlds created by God and heaven. His sinful rebellion affected the world then and the Eden created by God.

Eden is described as a place of delightful sights and sounds, enjoyable work and worship, physical and spiritual wholeness as well as a place of the presence of God and fellowship with God. Adam and Eve also had the privilege of living in this Eden. From the Pre-Adamic era to the post Adamic era, it is obvious that Eden is a place God created for His loved ones. Eden typifies glory, beauty, communion, fellowship, exposures to heavenly realms and glory including the worship of the Most High. Eden cannot be created by man; God is the custodian and Lord of Eden. It is His private reserve and resort; He chooses to enjoy it with His created beings starting with angelic beings (Ezek. 28:13), then man (Gen. 2:8) and all His hosts (Rev. 3:23-24). When Satan deceived man, Eden was locked against man in all its glory. Man was driven out of Eden both by sight, sounds and experiences.

Praise God, hope for the joy of Eden was restored when Jesus went through the garden of sorrow: Gethsemane, to restore mankind to the garden of joy, communion and glory: Eden (Mk.14:32; Mt.26:36). Even now the acceptance and followership of the Lord Jesus can take you back to Eden. No wonder when men get saved, they sing “Heaven came down and glory fills my soul. When on the cross my savior made me whole, my sins were washed away and my night was turned to day”.

To get back into the Eden experience, get into a love relationship with God again through the Lord Jesus Christ and the Eden experience will happen in your life!       

* Lord, thank You, for creating Eden for us, Your created beings.
* Father, restore Eden experiences back to my life, which I surrender afresh to Jesus.
* Let the joy, glory, beauty and fellowship of Eden return to my life now and continually, in Jesus’ name.

In 2018, the gospel shall be spread by prosperity through me, in the name of Jesus.