Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Mighty Man of Valour

Tuesday 3 April
READ: Judges 6: 12 - 14
M O R E L E S S O N: Judges 7: 13 – 15

A mighty man is one that is endowed with an extra ability beyond the normal. He has the extra strength to do what is beyond the ordinary. There have been many mighty men in scriptural and contemporary times. In the name of Jesus, you are the next to be numbered among them. Ordinary strength produces ordinary results while extra strength does extra things. Might or strength may be spiritual, physical, financial or material. It is the extent of a man's strength in an area of life that determines how productive he can be in that area of life. When you see people run away when faced with trouble or are brought down by challenges, the truth is there is lack of strength. According to Prov. 24: 10, If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. Every form of failure is a demonstration of lack of strength.
It is a wonderful thing to be called a mighty man. In Judg. 6: 12, the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon when he was in hiding and called him a mighty man. Gideon was surprised that the Lord called him a mighty man because even he didn't know that he was a mighty man. This means that irrespective of your present challenges and situations, God sees you as a mighty person. The desire of God is to make you see yourself the way He sees you. Gideon found it difficult to believe that he was a mighty man of valour, even after God had told him that he was. Even the enemies of Gideon knew he was a mighty man but he didn't believe. When God wanted to help Gideon, He had to make him hear what his enemies were saying about him. A Midianite was telling his dream to another and the fellow answered, ...This is nothing else save the sword of Gideon the son of Joash, a man of Israel: for into his hand hath God delivered Midian, and all the host. And it was so, when Gideon heard the telling of the dream, and the interpretation thereof, that he worshipped, and returned into the host of Israel, and said, Arise; for the LORD hath delivered into your hand the host of Midian: Judg 7:14-15.
You are a mighty man. God said it and even the devil knows it. All the attacks on you by the enemy are because they know that you are mighty but they donot want you to believe it. This is the reason they buffet you so much to get you to start to think that you are weak. Today, I want you to blow the trumpet of your might as Gideon did and arise for the Lord has delivered your enemies into your hands.

* Ask for strength today.
* Pray that God empower you with economic strength to make impact in your generation.
* Receive spiritual strength in the place of prayer.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Jesus, Your death on the cross of Calvary will not be in vain over me and my generation; I shall tell them all about the goodnews, in the name of Jesus.

Be Strong in His Might

Monday 2 April
READ: Ephesians 6: 10
M O R E L E S S O N: Judges 6: 14

What makes a man strong is the presence of power. Power is defined as the ability to do work or execute an undertaking. God is called the Almighty because He has the unlimited power to do anything that He wishes to do. Everything in life answers to power, and without power, we cannot do anything. This is why we must seek to be powerful in every sphere of life. It is possible to be strong in certain areas and weak in others. A man can have financial strength but lack spiritual power, so the enemy lays hold on him and gives him a problem that all his money cannot solve; or he falls sick and spends all his money trying to recover his health. Also, a man can be spiritually strong but lacks financial capability, thus he is limited in what he achieves. A child can have rich parents but is mentally retarded. He is financially strong but mentally weak. My prayer is that you will have all-round strength.
God is strong in the spirit, strong in wealth, creativity and mental exploits. He has all-round strength; nothing that God does fails and no weakness is traceable to Him in anything. God never runs from a challenge nor is unable to meet a need. Anywhere you see people close their eyes when it's time to give money, they don't have the financial strength, and they are weak. Strength has disappeared. Money makes a man mighty. Today, financial might will be your portion. That strength that you need to get anything done, the Almighty God will give it to you.
The Bible says to be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might (Eph. 6: 10). This means that we should be strong with God's all-round might. God's might is not limited to certain areas only. So being strong in the power of God includes strength in the spirit, soul, body as well as in finance and marriage. As you put on the whole armour of God, which includes righteousness, truth, faith, salvation, the Word, prayer; you will realise that no area of your life is open to weakness.
Go forth and do exploits for the Lord with the might that you have received from Him and deploy strength in all areas of life. Go in this your might.

* Ask the Lord to gird you with strength for battle.
* Receive the spiritual and physical strength to go through this year.
* Ask the Lord to empower you for results in 2018.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Jesus, because You live, I can face 2018 and beyond, I cling to Your cross, in the name of Jesus.

Embracing Persecution

Sunday 1 April
READ: Acts 21: 1– 14
M O R E L E SSON: Mark 10: 29 - 30

Paul was about to go to Jerusalem and a prophecy was given to him that if he did, persecution and bond was waiting for him. He replied that he was willing to go, not only to be bound but to be killed for the cause of Christ. His companions wept, trying to dissuade him from going to the place of persecution. He told them that they were only breaking his heart by their tears because he was ready to suffer for the sake of Christ and also to die for Him, if the need arose. It is high time the Church began to study the lives of men like Apostle Paul again. One would wonder whether it is the same faith that these people received that we have received today. When the Lord called Paul to preach, He told him that he would suffer greatly for the cause of Christ. Paul heeded the call and embraced the suffering. How many people today will answer God's call if the Lord tells them that the call includes suffering and persecution?
Several times, Paul was put in jail for preaching; on getting there, he would start preaching in the prison and convert all the prisoners to Jesus. He was charged to court for preaching the gospel and was brought before the judges and kings. He stood up as if to defend himself but started preaching to everyone in the court so much so that he nearly converted King Agrippa to Christianity (Acts 26: 28). It was Paul who said ...woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel: 1 Cor. 9:16. This man actually vowed that he should be cursed if he stopped preaching the gospel.
The depth of the commitment of Paul and many others in the Bible and post-Bible days was what made Christianity survive till it reached our generation. Living less than the standard set for us is failing in passing on the baton that was passed to us. Jesus asked whether He would find faith on earth when He returns (Lk. 18:8). Each generation is to preserve the faith that is handed over to them and hand it over to the next generation. I pray that our generation will not be the one to fail the Lord. We must rise and rescue Christianity from the decadence that is setting in. We should go back to the ancient path and see how the fathers did it. We should learn from the example of men that laid all down to make sure the baton reached us and we should not be afraid to pay the price to see that we pass on genuine faith to the next generation.

* From today, I lay off my idol I go for Jesus.
* There shall be nothing too precious for me not to give up for Jesus.
* My life, my time, my everything I surrender all at the feet of Jesus.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Jesus, Your death and resurrection made today ajoyful day, thank You for April's good!

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Hallowed Place

Wednesday 31 January
READ: Exodus 3: 4 - 6  
MORE LESSON: 1 Corinthians 3:16-17

A nation, tribe, people or place can be chosen by God. Jehovah does not do things haphazardly; He is a God of order and choice. It is man's responsibility to find out what God has chosen and align yourself with it. There are places that God has chosen; when you recognise and position yourself in such places, you attract God to yourself.  In Exo. 30:6, the Lord said to Moses, And you shall put it before the veil that is before the ark of the Testimony, before the mercy seat that is over the Testimony, where I will meet with you (NKJV). The Lord specified where He would meet with him. If Moses went somewhere else and waited for God, he might end up waiting in vain. In the same vein, when Moses was to encounter the glory of God face to face, God told him where to stay. The Lord said, ... Here is a place by Me, and you shall stand on the rock… and you shall see My back; but My face shall not be seen: Exo. 33:21-23.

We must understand and respect the power of places that the Lord has chosen. Hallowed places must be given due reverence. God has a great regard for such places and so must we. If God has arranged to meet you at the vigil in church and you decide that you want to pray in your bedroom while the other brethren are praying in the church, you can lose the blessing. There is a principle of places with God. It seems at times that unsaved people respect places of God than believers. I have never seen an unbeliever enter a church and light a cigarette, because even in the heart of unregenerate men, there is an understanding that the church must be hallowed. Normally, in times of war, when you run into a religious place of worship like a church, no one is allowed to harm you inside the sanctuary. This is because even governments and warlords respect the consecrated place of worship. However, some people in the name of Pentecostalism have lost respect for God and the altar. People do unspeakable things in and around the house of God and some have thereby brought curses on themselves.
Some hallowed things of God include:
1. God's name and altar.
2. God's offering – don't steal it.
3. Marriage bed – don't desecrate it.
4. God's anointed ones/servants – never raise a finger against them.

Everyone that respects what God hallows gets the blessing that he deserves. God has set aside places of worship and everyone who respects such places gets a reward from the Almighty.

* Pray that today you will be where God wants you to be, and do what He wants you to do.
* Ask that the presence of God will go with you from today.
* Request that the will and command of God will guide you.

I can't explain it but thank You Jesus, You made a way in January and it shall remain so throughout 2018, in the mighty name of Jesus.