Wednesday 4 April
READ: Judges 6: 11 - 14
M O R E L E S S O N: Proverbs 9: 10
Every journey has a beginning. As it is usually said, 'The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step'. When you know the beginning of what you are seeking for, you can have a good start in getting there. For instance, the Bible says, The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding: Prov. 9:10. Wisdom has a beginning; that is to say, when a man seeks unusual wisdom, he has to start from fearing and reverencing God. In a similar manner, strength has a beginning. In the quest to be a strong and mighty man, you must know where to start your journey from.
When the angel of the Lord encountered Gideon and commissioned him as the deliverer of his nation, Gideon saw himself as a weakling. However, by the time the Lord was done with him, he had become a mighty man. When you look at the Scripture, you will realise that God never gave Gideon a staff or a mantle. The Lord simply gave him knowledge of who he was and what was inside him. When Gideon knew that the Lord was with him and that he was sent by God to defeat the Midianites, he became strong. It is what a man knows that makes him strong. Strength always begins from the place of knowledge.
Prov. 24: 5 says, a wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength. Wisdom makes a man strong. Wisdom is the application of exact knowledge. Therefore knowledge is the basis for wisdom. The more correct knowledge you have, the stronger you become. So if you want to be stronger, work harder on what you know. If you want to be a mighty man, get to know more. The knowledge we are talking about is not merely the knowledge of arts and science. Foremost, you need to know more of God to be a mighty man of valour. According to Daniel 11: 32, ...but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. To become mightier, you have to know more of God. There is no way to do mighty things, especially in the spirit, except you are full of the Word of God. Seek mastery in the things of God; it is your passport to becoming mighty.
You also need to know more in your field. So read more, acquire the necessary knowledge through study, go for training and learn more. Ask questions and consult experts. Just keep going for knowledge because it is the beginning of might. If you want to become a mighty man, start learning and keep learning.
* Ask God to empower you to do exploits through the Word.
* Lord, fill me with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit day by day.
? Make up your mind to study the Word each day from now on.
TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Whatever is the serpent that bruises in 2018, I declare your head bruised;you will no longer be able to perform, in the name of Jesus.