Thursday 5 April
READ: 1Samuel 3:1-3
MORE LESSON: Acts 2:17-18
Vision is a key ingredient of a great destiny. Becoming mighty in life starts with having a purpose and a vision. Visionary leadership is the secret of greatness. A visionary man sees better and beyond what obtains around him/her. Visionary people are people that bring in new ideas of how things can be done better wherever they are. Vision is knowing how things can work better, having a pictorial understanding of what the future should be like. It is good to ask God to give you a vision and also to expand your vision. A man's life is at the mercy of his ability to plan for the future. Where there is no vision, the people perish. According to Hos 4: 6, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. If people were asked to write a vision of their life now, you will be surprised. Some people are living just like that. Vision births sacrificial living. Sacrifice is a pre-requisite for greatness. It is a visionary person that puts himself under restraint and delays gratification so that the cause can be furthered. A visionary person will not consume everything he has today because he is thinking about the future. Don't only dream, have goals and vision. When your dreams are supported by actions and targeted timeline, then they become a vision.
One of the disasters of the present day Church is that there are lots of visionless Christians. It is lack of vision for one's spiritual life that makes a man come to church on Sunday and you don't see him again till another Sunday. A person whose vision is to know God intimately will seek Him passionately and sieze every opportunity to appear before God. A person without a vision does anything, anyhow. He seeks any job, no plan of what type of job or the career path he wants to pursue. In those days brethren would not take a job that prevented them from having time to serve God; those were days of visionary Christianity. It is vision that should govern the decisions which you make in life. The course you read, the place you are located and even the spouse you will marry must all be borne out of an understanding of God's given vision for you. May we never have a repeat of the days of Prophet Eli, when the Word of the Lord was scarce and kings were not available, when the eye sight of the prophet had begun to go dim and the nation was consequently thrown intodisaster. May we live with a clear vision from the Lord, for all areas of our lives.
* Give thanks to Jesus knowing that your tomorrow will be better.
* Ask God to help you focus on a greater future.
* My destiny will shine, my glory will sing, no matter what it looks like today.
TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Every enemy masquerading as a friend, I confirm you exposed and terminated, in the name of Jesus.z