A Daily Devotional by Bishop David
God, the Owner II
29 October
I returned, and saw under the sun,
that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet
bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to
men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. Ecclesiastes 9:11
FOR TODAY: Ecclesiastes 9:11 I returned, and saw under the sun, that
the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread
to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of
skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.
Genesis 21:1 And the
LORD visited Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did unto Sarah as he had
If you have been told that your season and time has passed, that is not correct
information because it is God who owns the seasons and times that can decide
whether one’s season has passed or not.
1. For instance, Abraham and Sarah had
passed their child bearing age. Men thought it was over for them but they
forgot that He who owned them also owned the times and seasons of their life.
When He decided to visit them, Sarah conceived and bore a son just as she had
been promised (Genesis 21:1).
God owns both the situation you expect to
happen and the time. So when the time seems to have passed, He can take time
from the back to meet up with the situation in front or He can bring back the
situation to meet the time where you are because both are in His control and He
can use them to your advantage. Your battle is about time and you don't need to
fight that battle because God owns times and seasons.
So do not listen to the enemy's deceit that
your time has passed. That is a lie from the bottomless pit. How do you believe
the calendar more than the owner of the calendar? You must choose to look
beyond your situation and believe God who owns times and seasons. God can
reverse the time or fast forward it all in your favour.
2. The Sarafoenician woman is another good
example. She came pleading with Jesus to heal her daughter and at a point, His
disciples told Him to just say something to her so she could go. Jesus said it
is not good to give the children's bread to the dog, she said the woman
responded that it is true while the children are eating, the dogs do not
compete with the children on the table, but they can eat the crumbs that fall
beneath the table.
What Jesus was saying in essence was that
He came to die so that He could redeem the seed of Abraham and all those who
would later come to believe, to whom belongs the healing. But the woman said
that healing belongs to You (Jesus). What You can do post Calvary, You can also
do now. Jesus explained, I have never seen such faith and instantly her miracle
was delivered to her because she believed that Jesus owned the times and the
seasons. Today, times and seasons will change in your favour, in Jesus’ name amen.
* Thank God because your life and times are in His hands.
* Declare that times and seasons are not against you but they are in your favour.
* Pray that all things shall work for your good because you
love God and I expect His is return.
PRAYER: Hallelujah it's The Master's Convention
again. A new season, here we come. Let the shout of hallelujah now rend the heavens,
in Jesus' mighty name.