Monday, June 30, 2014

The Usefulness of Riches

READ: Psa. 105:23-45
MORE LESSONS: Prov.3:9-10
Bible Reading in One Year: Hosea 11-14

Our text today describes the exodus of the Israelites when they left Egypt with all their labour fully rewarded (Exo. 11:2-3; 12:35). They left with silver and gold and clothings, and did not have to purchase anything in the wilderness and the Lord constantly supplied them food (Exo.16:35). Moreover, they did not have to spend their money on their journey because the Bible says there was no feeble person among them. Their shoes and clothes were growing with them, a rare occasion when non-liiving things assume the characteristics of living things, (Deut. 29:5; Neh. 9:21). They were neither cold or hot in the wilderness, contrary to the natural order. All these made serving God in the wilderness easy. All the blessings were ploughed back to serve God in the wilderness, including building a tabernacle for God..

There is God in heaven who cares so much for His people that He will pay all your bills if you fully surrender your life to Him. You will not spend your salary or profit on any waste because Jehovah will take over.

However, as He delivers your harvest from the waster and prevents you from wasting money on sickness, diseases, e.t,c. You too must deliver his work from rot and lack! Note that every good thing God has given you is first an empowerment for service. When you use them to serve Him, they will increase till you have no more room for the blessings of God in your life. Make a commitment towards a need in your church today or better still make a covenant with God that you will use the riches He gives you not only for personal use but also for His Kingdom and people, just as Israelites did in the wilderness and their provisions never ceased in 40 years. Your riches is not only for comfort but for the Kingdom of God’s use.

Prayer / Action
* Make a demand on the heavens to lead you to the store house meant for your prosperity.
* Ask God to open the windows of His treasury to your destiny and make you a Kingdom financier.
* Destroy every root of poverty over your life, family and destiny.
* By the blood of Jesus, rebuke satanic strongholds over your prosperity.
* Don’t stop at praying, start today by giving towards a project of the Kingdom at your local assembly. Don’t watch others do it, give your little.

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God bless you

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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Keep the Gates Closed

READ: Psa. 15:1-5
MORE LESSONS: Prov. 4:23-27
Bible Reading in One Year: Hosea 8-10

In most Nigerian cities, many houses are fortified with strong iron gates and fences for security purposes. Believers must be conscious to do the same in the spiritual, so that their spiritual treasures will not be robbed. Solomon, the wise king, counsels, Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life: Prov. 4:23. Our Lord Jesus further warns, For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murder, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: Matt. 15:19. Also, David in our text examines the root cause of disqualification of many from the presence of God. He then provides a list of attitudes, habits and practices that qualify one to be in the presence of God. Uprightness, righteousness and truth in the heart among others, are the top requirements for remaining in God's presence.

When a heart is porous, vices like backbiting, evil imagination, judgmental reproach of brethren and pride will dominate the character. However, a submissive, sanctified and consecrated life always seeks to keep the gates of his or her heart closed to rampaging habits and ways of life that dominate the present world.

Do you want to ascend to God's holy hill? Then keep your hearts closed with all diligence and keep the gates closed to all influence of sin. This is an important ingredient of revival in a world that is daily seeking to enroll thousands into hell. You must work out your salvation with trembling and contend earnestly for your faith: And Judah said unto Simeon his brother, Come up with me into my lot, that we may fight against the Canaanites; and I likewise will go with thee into thy lot. So Simeon went with him. Jud. 1:3. Mind your environment and company; many things going on around you are not good for your faith. Deny the devil access to your thoughts and actions and watch your life carefully to ensure the enemy does not infiltrate it. Keep the gates closed.

Prayer / Action
* Invite God to come and regain firm control of your heart today and ever.
* Pray against negative influence over your life by sinful environment.
* Handover your heart to the Holy Spirit of God for an unbreakable contact and strength.

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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Bring Down this Jericho

READ: Josh. 5:1-14
MORE LESSONS: Josh. 6:2-5
Bible Reading in One Year: Hosea 5-7

The city of Jericho symbolises the seemingly insurmountable obstacles (sickness, poverty, unemployment) that hinder men from possessing their possession. While Jericho was a visible obstacle on Israel’s pathway, they first had to deal with something in their own lives. The children of Israel had to do three things before confronting the enemy called Jericho.

First, they had to be circumcised (vs 2-5) as a mark of surrendered hearts in which the reliance on the flesh was cut and put off (Rom. 2:29). Circumcision involves putting off of the sinful nature. Your total commitment and consecration are prerequisites for conquering your Jericho.

Second, the Israelites celebrated the passover which symbolises a thankful heart. Beloved, regardless of the obstacles and problems confronting you, have a thankful heart. Eating of manna ended and they received a new and more satisfying food. As you give God thanks and praise for what you are passing through, I see God bringing down your wall of Jericho, in Jesus’ name.

Third, they had a battle plan from God. Josh6:3-5 You need a battle strategy from God to bring down your wall of Jericho. God’s instruction may sound foolish; just obey. For Israel, it was the shout of victory, yours may be different. The Bible has all the battle plans of God for your life; read it, memorise it and obey the instructions. Surely that will make your ways prosperous and you will have good success

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Josh.1:8.
Jericho must fall today!

Prayer / Action
* Lord, send your angel to bring down every wall of Jericho in my life and destiny in Jesus’ name.
* Lord let the power that pulled down the wall of Jericho, come upon the walls of Jericho in my life and terminate them.

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Friday, June 27, 2014

Visa to Heaven

READ: Psa. 15:1-5
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 24:3-5
Bible Reading in One Year: Hosea 1-4

One great desire of many people today is to get an immigrant visa to a developed nation, especially United States of America. Young people in particular are doing anything (negative and positive) to get this visa. But then there is a visa that is far more useful and of eternal value than American immigrant visa: the heavenly immigrant visa, without which you are eternally doomed.

As expected, there are conditions for qualifying for this visa and for retaining it. Some of the conditions are outlined in today’s text:(1) Walking uprightly - without blame (v2). To be blameless is to be without blemish, irreproachable, having no outstanding fault (Psa. 19:13), being sound, having an undivided commitment to God (Deut. 18:13). This implies integrity, sincerity and whole-hearted devotion to God and to His laws (Gen. 17:1; Psa. 119:1). (2) Working righteousness (v2); righteousness means goodness, the act of doing right and having a right standing before God, without which no man can qualify for Heaven. (3) Speaking the truth from the inward part (v2) which is speaking the truth from the heart (Psa. 12:2; Isa. 29:13). (4)Being free from backbiting (v3); all seekers of heavenly citizenship must abstain from slandering other people, speaking evil or falsely accusing others. (5) Not doing evil to others (Rom. 12:17). (6) Receiving no reproach about neighbours (Psa. 15:3). A Heaven seeker does not gladly repeat an account of or rejoice at another man’s misfortune. (7) Not keeping the company of evil doers rejected by God (Psa. 1:1,4). (8) Keeping one’s word even to one’s hurt (v4; Lev. 27:10). (9) Not taking advantage of one in need to increase riches (v5). (10) Refusing bribe (v5) because it aids corruption. (11) Protecting the innocent (v5).

Today, make a conscious effort to walk by these principles and let others see you as a sincere icon of righteousness and angels with their beauty and music will celebrate your approval and eventual entrance to Heaven. When life is over on this side, where will be your next abode for eternity?

Prayer / Action
Take a thorough study of the following scriptures and use them to pray for yourself:
* Psa. 15:1-5
* Psa. 1:1-3.

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