Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Treasure in the House

Text: Prov 21:20
More Lessons: Matt 25:1- 13
Bible Reading in one Year: Revelation 19-22

Wisdom is one subject the writer of the book of Proverbs devoted much of his writings to, he also wrote on issues that deal with day-to-day affairs which, if learned, can go a great deal in making a man wiser and to standout. Some of those things which should characterise the life of a believer include integrity, righteousness, wisdom and the fear of God.

Our text focuses on the things which should characterise the life of a wise man, which include treasure and oil, There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise; but a foolish man spendeth it up: Prov . 21:20. Every wise man has a treasure to be desired, either a quality, ability, resource, grace, etc. In Jeremiah 41:8, ten men were spared because they had resources and oil in the field when others were slayed. It is therefore wisdom to always have a treasure to be desired in your life; it will make you ever relevant and needed.

The wisdom to learn from out text includes these:
1. Don't spend up the treasure in your life before you seek to refill. (Matt. 25:3-9). One of the things that distinguishes the wise and foolish virgins is that the foolish virgins use up their oil before they seek to refill. Even if there are demands on the treasure and oil in your life, don't spend it up. Be wise.
2. When you have no more treasure and oil that men can desire, they will call you foolish, therefore give attention to your life. Don't be lost in the praise of men when your talents or abilities are at the peak. It is then you need to seek to improve yourself, that is time to do something new and better.
3. Learn to take a break to create room for reviewing and refilling. The foolish virgins are not sensitive to know the time to refill their lamps. There should be an interval to refill and re-stock. Only God should not wait, there is nothing that cannot wait to give room for you to renew and refill your treasure and oil. Even if it seems there is no time for that, it is wisdom to create the time.

Someone ones said grace is a depleting asset, it reduces with use. It is wisdom to always seek to have it renewed so that the house will be filled with treasure.

Prayer / Action
* Thank God for making provision for a stress-free life.
* Declare every life of stress and labour ended in your life.
* Proclaim the blessings of the Lord that make rich and add no sorrow a reality in your life from today

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Treasure in the House

Text: Prov 21:20
More Lessons: Matt 25:1- 13
Bible Reading in one Year: Revelation 19-22

Wisdom is one subject the writer of the book of Proverbs devoted much of his writings to, he also wrote on issues that deal with day-to-day affairs which, if learned, can go a great deal in making a man wiser and to standout. Some of those things which should characterise the life of a believer include integrity, righteousness, wisdom and the fear of God.

Our text focuses on the things which should characterise the life of a wise man, which include treasure and oil, There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise; but a foolish man spendeth it up: Prov . 21:20. Every wise man has a treasure to be desired, either a quality, ability, resource, grace, etc. In Jeremiah 41:8, ten men were spared because they had resources and oil in the field when others were slayed. It is therefore wisdom to always have a treasure to be desired in your life; it will make you ever relevant and needed.

The wisdom to learn from out text includes these:
1. Don't spend up the treasure in your life before you seek to refill. (Matt. 25:3-9). One of the things that distinguishes the wise and foolish virgins is that the foolish virgins use up their oil before they seek to refill. Even if there are demands on the treasure and oil in your life, don't spend it up. Be wise.
2. When you have no more treasure and oil that men can desire, they will call you foolish, therefore give attention to your life. Don't be lost in the praise of men when your talents or abilities are at the peak. It is then you need to seek to improve yourself, that is time to do something new and better.
3. Learn to take a break to create room for reviewing and refilling. The foolish virgins are not sensitive to know the time to refill their lamps. There should be an interval to refill and re-stock. Only God should not wait, there is nothing that cannot wait to give room for you to renew and refill your treasure and oil. Even if it seems there is no time for that, it is wisdom to create the time.

Someone ones said grace is a depleting asset, it reduces with use. It is wisdom to always seek to have it renewed so that the house will be filled with treasure.

Prayer / Action
* Thank God for making provision for a stress-free life.
* Declare every life of stress and labour ended in your life.
* Proclaim the blessings of the Lord that make rich and add no sorrow a reality in your life from today

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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A Privileged Labourer

Text: Matt. 20: 1- 8
More Lessons: I Cor. 15: 7 -1 1
Bible Reading in one Year: Revelation 16-18

There are several lessons to learn from the parable in our text today. Firstly, note that God will always depend on man to accomplish what He wants done on earth with regards to propagation of the gospel and every service that propagates His Kingdom. We are co-labourers with God, For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them: Eph. 2:10. For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building: I Cor. 3:9.

Few of those things to learn from today's reading are:
1. Rising early to achieve the day's task is a character of the Kingdom to which we belong. The householder going out early to recruit men to his vineyard is a habit to inculcate, And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed: Mark 1:35.
2. The primary assignment we are called to do is to work for God's Kingdom. To the group he recruited early and each of the groups recruited at the third, sixth, ninth and eleventh hours the assignment is to go and work in his vineyard. The timing may differ but the purpose is the same (I Cor. 15:7-11)
3. God will always give everyone the opportunity to contribute to His Kingdom by giving him responsibility. Our Master always recruits and He does that at His own discretion. When God chooses new hands, it does not mean He no longer needs the one who was called earlier as long as he has not disqualified himself from the assignment. Those whom He chooses later are to complement those that are there earlier.
4. Whatever God has done or not done for others should not become a problem to you in the process of serving the Lord. What He promises those that come early is considered good for them, that is why they agree to work. Be sure that, faithful is he that calleth you, who will also do it: I Thes. 5:24.
5. Another important thing to learn from our text is that God will not owe any man, the labourers, and give them their hire...: Matt 20:8. There is nothing done in the Kingdom that will not be rewarded. We are likened to hire labourers, wages will be paid. There are rewards for every service we render in God’s Kingdom here on earth and much more in eternity.

Prayer / Action
* Thank God for every privilege He has given you in His Kingdom.
* Ask for grace to fulfil your God’s given responsibility.
* Pray that you will not miss the reward for your labour.

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Monday, December 29, 2014


Text: Lk. 7:37-48
More Lessons: Lk.22:44
Bible Reading in one Year: Revelation 13-15

Expression is a look or action that conveys a thought or feeling. One of the things that we must learn as believers is that the way and intensity with which we express our heart, feelings and requests is important to God and to men. Expression plays a role in determining the effect of what you do.

There was a woman that came to give an offering to Jesus. And behold, a woman of the city, who was a sinner, when she learned that he (Jesus) was reclining at table in the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster flask of ointment, and standing behind him at his feet, weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head and kissed his feet and anointed them with the ointment: Lk 7:37-38. This woman touched the heart of the Master not only by the offering she gave but also by the expressions of her adoration to her Saviour. When some people give offering to God they take an executive standing position and drop the offering. King David in the Bible danced and expressed his praise to God so much that the wife who felt too big felt embarrassed. It is unbecoming of you to feel too embarrassed to express yourself to your Creator in worship.

Elijah was another man that added real expression to his prayer to God, And Elijah went up to the top of Mount Carmel. And he bowed himself down on the earth and put his face between his knees: 1 King 18: 42. The man climbed up Mount Carmel, put his head in between his knees and bent over. Must he go that far for God to answer? Some people claim that it is your faith alone that is important in prayer and not the expression. Yes, faith is the key to answered prayer, but you need to add expression to your faith. Elijah was a man of faith but if you see Elijah in the place of prayer on Mount Carmel, you will know that this is a man that is serious about whatever it is that he is asking God for. There is no way God will not answer that man's prayer. Don't be nonchalant or too civilised for God in the place of prayer. Your expressions are important.

Finally let us look at the Lord Jesus Himself. And He withdrew from them about a stone's throw, and knelt down and prayed . . . And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground: Lk 22: 41-44. The expressions of Jesus Christ in the place of prayer were very powerful.

Whatever you do, be it prayer, singing, praising God, teaching or preaching, make sure you add the power of expression to it. This also includes how you greet, show love, care, concern and give to men. Don't just do a good thing as if it is a duty , add a joyful expression.

Prayer / Action
* Ask God to clothe you with the spirit of humility to be able to freely express yourself before God.
* Ask God to grant you a divine encounter with Him that will surpass yourself consciousness.
