Saturday, January 31, 2015

No Thanks, No Extra

Text: Luke 17:12 – 19
MORE LESSON: Psa. 103:1-5

There is no one that God has not blessed; there are only people that think He has not blessed them enough. If you think that there are some things you have not got and so you refuse to give thanks, then you are missing a very vital spiritual principle. God's principle for receiving more is thanking Him for the ones you already have. If you are prevented from thanking God for what you have because of what you don't, you will be denied receiving those things you don't have yet. In other words, the extra you want is in thanking Him for what He has given already; so, ‘no thanks, no extra.’ I charge you today that if you want more of God's blessings, begin to thank Him vigorously and sincerely for all He has ever done for you.

In Luke 17:12 -19, we see ten lepers healed by Jesus and then only one returned to give Him thanks. The other nine hurried away to pursue the next blessing; they were focussed on going to the priest so that they might be restored to their families and communities. But the one that was more focussed on giving thanks for what he was given went back to the Great High Priest. The result is that Jesus said to him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole (Luke 17:19 KJV). The others were just healed but he was made whole. Being made whole means that the sickness was not just removed; every loss he had experienced as a result of the sickness was reversed and all blessings the sickness denied him were now endowed on him. He was given total restoration as an extra over the others because he gave thanks.

The following are ways to thank God so that you can connect with the extra from Him.
1. Constantly give testimonies of God's goodness to you. A testimony is a tool for the duplication of miracles. When you tell people about what God did for you yesterday, He will do more tomorrow.

2. Write down the things God has done for you and praise Him for them. Many people have books where they write what they want God to do for them but no book to write what He has done.
3. Create a memorial of what God has done. You can immortalise what God has done for you by doing something that will remind you and others that God did something for you.

4. Make a sacrifice to God that will cost you something. When God gave Samuel to Hannah, she brought him back to God- that is a sacrifice. God gave her other wonderful children as extra. When you give something that ‘leaves a scar' on your bank account, time, energy or property, then you are making a sacrifice.
Today is the day to thank God and as you do, extra blessings are on your way.

* Give God thanks for seeing the end of the first month of the new year.
* Ask God for His forgiveness over any act of ingratitude you have done in the past.
* Ask God that as you give Him thanks today, He will keep your blessings and also add to it.
* Ask God to grant you mercies to also see the end of the last month of this year.
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Father, bring me into a good land, where my water will be sure, eat my bread without scarcity and have no lack of anything.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Goodness and Mercy

Text: Psa. 23:1-6
MORE LESSON: Exo 33: 16-19

The goodness of God is God's abundant mercy poured or showered on a man who does not deserve it. It is enjoying one good after another. Goodness and mercy are covenant benefits for all who belong to the sheepfold of God just as Moses had, For how then will it be known that Y our people and I have found grace in Y our sight, except You go with us? So we shall be separate, Y our people and I, from all the people who are upon the face of the earth. So the LORD said to Moses, I will also do this thing that you have spoken; for you have found grace in My sight, I know you by name And he said, please, show me Y our glory. And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy: Exo. 33:16-19.

The secret of how David had goodness and mercy following him is that the Lord was His shepherd. A shepherd tends, feeds, keeps and defends his sheep. He watches over, looks after and guides his flock. Being a sheep in God's fold qualifies you for His guidance, provision, protection, correction and all the comfort that He can give. He will lead you to a green pasture and besides still waters because He has pleasure in you. He restores the weary soul and He will not leave His sheep in danger of the shadow of death nor will He hand you over to your enemy that you cannot compete with; He makes His own the envy of all men.

A man that will enjoy all these is the one:
1. who has been admitted to be a member of God's holy family by being born again;
2. who enjoys communion with God and dwells in His presence forever;
3. who does not set his happiness in the pleasures of the world, but in the fear and service of the Lord;
4. who is under the care and tuition of God;
5. who has made God his only sure protection and confidently relies on Him; and
6. who fears and trusts in the Lord – Ps 31:19. Such a man can confidently say as the Psalmist that, Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

* Father, let Y our goodness and mercy follow me and my household.
* Father, be my Shepherd and don't let me stray away from Y our fold.
* Father, let me see Y our goodness in the land of the living.
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Confess Deut. 11:2: 2015 is “a land which the Lord thy God careth for: the eyes of the Lord thy God are always upon it, from the beginning of the year even unto the end of the year”.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Alone with God

Text: Exo. 24: 9-18
MORE LESSON: Gen 32: 22-24

In our relationship with God, He has always desired to have a more intimate fellowship with us on an individual basis. For all who stand out in a walk with God, they do it on a personal relationship with Him. The walk of faith is first of all a personal walk; as individuals, we must be ready to forge ahead, not regarding the contrary situations. We must also be an encouragement to one another in faith. Every child of God should know that he/she needs a personal relationship with God and just knowing God as the God of his/her parents, who already have a stand before God.

The Lord said this concerning Abraham, Look unto Abraham your father and Sarah that bare you, I called hi m al one and blessed hi m and increased him: Isa 51: 2. Then Abraham moved his tent and went to dwell by the Terebirth trees of Manre, which is in Hebron and built an altar there to the Lord Gen 13: 18. The place of his altar was also the place of his encounter with God (Gen 18:1). In the days of Enoch, he had a testimony that he walked with the Lord and God took him (Gen. 5:21-24, Heb. 11:5) Enoch had a consistent and intimate fellowship with God even though the people of his generation did not seek after God.

A consistent and intimate relationship with God is expected of every believer. Jesus called His disciples that they may first be with Him and then that He might send them. To build your spiritual stamina, you must be willing and ready to feed more at the foot of Jesus. This can be achieved by consistency in prayer, study of the Word of God and engaging in spiritual activities that will enable you to communicate with God. Such activities include evangelism and personal retreat. Jacob spent all night wrestling with the Lord in prayer; the encounter that brought transformation to his destiny (Gen 32: 24). Making time out for personal prayer and study of God's Word gives you the privilege of being alone with God.
The life of Moses is also an outstanding example for us to learn from.

We learn from him that:
1. there is always more to know about God;
2. there are still greater experiences you can have with God than what others have had;
3. what makes you a leader is your ability to stay ahead, and
4. if you can patiently wait in His presence, His glory will transform your life.
If the secret of the fathers of faith in the Bible and also in contemporary times have been God's dealings on a personal level then everyone of us must aspire to have a consistent personal relationship with God. The altar of prayer, study of the Word and communication with the Holy Spirit must be with zeal and consistency.

* Ask God to draw you closer more to Him.
* Ask the Lord for grace for a consistent work with Him.

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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Vain is the Help of Man

Text: Psa. 60:9-12
MORE LESSON: Psa. 146:1-5

Nobody can go through challenges of life alone (Eccl. 4:9-12). You need help to achieve your aspirations and heart desires for 2015. People that get things done in life succeed because of the help, favour and assistance they receive from other people. In seeking solution to the problems or challenges of life, people try so many things. Some run to other people for help, others turn to institutions and establishments, or to demonic and diabolic devices for help and solutions.

However, the Bible is very clear that true help comes only from God Almighty. The help of man is not only limited (2 Kings 6:26-27), but also vain outside God (Psalm 60:4). The Bible says, for by strength shall no man prevail (1 Sam. 2:9). Regardless of your physical, academic, financial, political, spiritual strength, you still need help from above.

The good news is that, it is not a big deal for God to help, increase, prosper, enlarge your coast, make you great, end that crisis in your life and create supernatural open doors (Acts 12:10). I don't know what your challenges are right now: an examination, an impending operation, a court case, an admission case, a new and better job, a burden for the ministry work, crises in your marriage, health challenge, a need for the fruit of the womb, or for a life partner? In 2015, the Lord is out to give you help so that you are not disgraced and ashamed (Isaiah 50:7).

To enjoy the help of the Most High however, there are certain basic things you have to do. (1) You must have a relationship with Him by accepting Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour. (2) Do not go down to Egypt (Satanic altars, demonic prayer houses, occults etc) to seek for help (Isaiah 31:1-3). (3) Acknowledge the fact that by strength (certificate, wisdom, skill, bank account etc) shall no man prevail (1 Samuel 2:9). (4) Acknowledge your need for help and ask God for it (Math. 15:25). (5) Keep your eyes and trust absolutely on God. Your help only comes from above (Psalm 121:1-2). (6)

Determine to be a channel of blessing or help to someone else, as you receive God's help in 2015. (7) Be appreciative of every help received from men and God. (8) Ask Him on daily basis to link you up with destiny helpers. Saul’s blindness ended when God linked him with Ananias (Acts 9:9 – 27). (9) Do not neglect church services and or fellowship with the brethren. Y our help is in the sanctuary (Psalm 20:1 – 2). In 2015 and beyond, may the Lord defend you, protect you, send you all round help from His sanctuary, be an enemy to your enemies and bless you early.

* Thank God for all the help received in 2014.
* Ask for specific help of the Lord in the situation you are in right now.
* Pray that the Lord will help and give victory to somebody that you know is going through a critical time right now.

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