Monday 2 March
READ: Est 1:3 - 22
MORE LESSON: Rom.8: 28
God wanted to elevate Esther and He began to orchestrate things in her favour. The first thing was that He made Vashti, the Queen of Ahasuerus, to make a mistake. The king organized a feast and asked her to come and display her beauty in the presence of his dignitaries. It was not supposed to be a difficult thing but a way of relaxation with her husband, in any case it was her husband's call and at least for that reason alone she would have done it to honour him. But she refused even though everybody tried to persuade her. Her mistake was to Esther's advantage. For had it not been that she refused and was consequently sacked, Esther would not have become queen. (Est. 1:10-15)
When God wanted to elevate Mordecai from gate man to the throne, He arranged some people to plan coup for the king and made Mordecai to discover it and save the life of the king. God ordered his steps. It was very possible that Mordecai would not have been at the point where the coup against the king was being plotted and there wouldn't have been an occasion for him to reveal such secret which eventually led to him being considered for honour (Est. 2:21-23). Your steps will be ordered by the Lord this year, in Jesus’ name.
Also while Mordecai was sleeping, God was working things out for him: God took away the sleep of the king. They tried all they could to induce this king to sleep but sleep would not come. Do you know why? It was because somebody was ordained to be glorified by God. So when the king could not sleep, he decided to start reading the records to keep himself busy. This was when he came across the case where Mordecai saved his life from the plotters and he asked what had been done to reward Mordecai. In all these, Mordecai was just somewhere, probably silently praying and serving God while God was working out his blessing and promotion.
I want you to know that God is already working all things together for you. Do not fret, do not expire your strength running from pillar to post in a bid to lobby that promotion and lifting for yourself. Just stay with God in the place of prayer service and faithfulness and I see God working all things together for your good today.
* Prophesy that all the kings that carry in their hands your blessing will lose their comfort until they release it to you today.
* Declare that your enemies will make mistake to your advantage today.
* Speak to all the negativities around you to begin to work for your good.
Father, thank You because by the force of the Trinity nothing shall be impossible for me this third month.