Wednesday 2 September
READ: Matt 16: 24 - 25
MORE LESSON: Heb 12: 1 - 3
Jesus said that anyone who will follow Him must deny himself, take up his cross and follow. The Christian life is a life of the cross so we need to clearly understand what the cross is and what it means to carry one's cross in total surrender to Christ. The first thing I want you to know about the cross is that the cross is a place of pain. Bible said that Jesus endured the cross (Heb 12: 2). The cross is not a place of enjoyment; it is a place of willful acceptance of pain. Jesus was crying in agony on the cross but He was not ready to escape from the pain because He saw the glory it will bring to God. He was crying and agonizing, yet He was not looking for relieve but was ready to stay with the pain if the glory of God would be made manifest by it.
This means that the cross cannot be an Adamic nature or sinful habit that you have refused to give up and then you claim that is your own cross. No, the cross Jesus carried was not a sinful habit that He kept falling into. Your cross also cannot be a sickness that you are carrying about and you have not received healing; the intent of the cross is to glorify God. Your being sick doesn't glorify God in any way. Furthermore, your cross is definitely not a wrong decision you made and are suffering for it. You should avoid the consequences of wrong decisions by making sure the word of God governs every step you take. Don't break God's principles and when the repercussion comes, you look sober and say you are carrying your cross. That is not what the cross is.
Carrying the cross is not being controlled by sinful habits, afflicted by sickness and it is obviously not wearing a big cross on your neck and strolling around claiming to be carrying a cross. Carrying your cross means willfully subjecting yourself to an unpleasant experience which you could have avoided but, for the sake of heaven, you embraced. It is when you say Lord I know I could have chosen this other easier way, but this painful way is the one that will glorify you. So I lay my neck on the altar even at the point of death.
When you willingly subject yourself to situations that are not convenient because you want God to be honoured and glorified, you have embraced the cross and there is a glory awaiting you. Jesus endured the cross and now He is seated in glory. Now that you have understood what carrying your cross is, it is time to carry your cross and follow Him.
* Like Jesus, receive grace for the cross you have to carry.
* Proclaim that you will not endure a cross without the glory manifesting.
* Rebuke every evil hanging on you in the name of bearing your cross.
God of Israel, You led Your people for forty years by the pillars of cloud and fire, do the same for the rest of my year, in Jesus’ name.