Saturday, March 4, 2017

Put God in Remembrance I

Friday 3 March
READ: 1 Sam 1: 9 – 20
MORE LESSON: Exo. 2: 23 - 25

Hannah had desired a child for many years. She had prayed and cried unto to the Lord many times. Since God is not deaf, He must have heard her all the while. However, on the day her answer would come, God didn't just hear her, the Scripture says, ...the Lord remembered her: 1 Sam 1:19. So it was the day of her remembrance that came and God answered her prayers. It is not enough to be heard; it is necessary to be remembered. Even in the natural, you could ask someone for something and he heard you but later he doesn't remember to give you. God is never forgetful, but that Scripture says that you need to remind God of His promises so that He can remember you. A man's file can be on his boss' table yet it is not attended to until the day God remembers him.
The children of Israel had been suffering in Egypt for hundreds of years. The burden of slavery became unbearable and they cried to the Lord. Exodus 2:24 says that God heard their groaning, and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God not only heard their prayers, He remembered the covenant. It is not sufficient to hear but to remember to take action. This is the reason you should not just rely only on the fact that you have prayed; you must insist until God remembers and does something about your issue. In Isaiah 43: 26, God says, Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, that thou mayest be justified: Isa 43:26. So the reason many are not yet justified for the answer to their prayers is because they do not put God to remembrance.
God delights to be put to remembrance, not because He doesn't have the capacity to remember on His own, but because it shows your commitment to His Word. Please note that you are to remind God of His Word and promises and not your sufferings and tales in tears. Many people are murmuring and complaining and think that they are putting God to remembrance. What to bring to God's remembrance is His Word, His promises and the Blood
The Lord who remembered Hannah and granted her desire; Jehovah who remembered Israel and delivered them, will remember you today. He will take action on His promises concerning your life and you will have a divine intervention, in Jesus’ name.

* I refuse to give up on God, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive grace never to resign to fate but to resort to God's Word, in the mighty name of Jesus.

My Father and my God, today, break every limitation in my life and take me to the rock that is higher than I, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Blessed to be a Blessing

Thursday 2 March
READ: Gen. 12: 2 – 3
MORE LESSON: Psa. 37: 21 - 26

God delights in blessing His children. We must know that God's intention for every blessing He gives us is for us to become conduits through whom those blessings will flow to others. The Bible says concerning Abraham that the LORD blessed him and made him a blessing. God called Abraham and blessed him, but the real intention of God was that through Abraham, all the families of the earth should be blessed. God's purpose was to bless all the families of the earth. He only needed a man who can be his access point and distributor of the blessing. God saw Abraham's heart that if he was blessed, he would generously pass the blessing to all the families of the earth. This is the reason the Lord greatly blessed Abraham.
If you are not ready to be a blessing, you are not qualified for God's blessings. God doesn't want His blessings to ever be stagnant; He wants them flowing. When God meets your need, He expects you to meet another's need. Life is not all about eating and enjoying all that you have; your life should also be about helping people. Don't just eat and feel happy that you are eating good food; do something to put food on somebody else's table as well. Let people know you everywhere you are that you are a blessing.
Everything God gives you is so that you can be a blessing to people with it. Are you intelligent? Be a blessing with your wisdom. Use it to build people, not to con them. Can you speak? Then be a blessing with your word. Be a blessing with your resources, time and finance. Let there be people who can attribute the blessing and success in their lives to the fact that you are blessed .
In Psa. 37: 21 – 26, we read about the blessedness of the righteous man who is a blessing to people around him. The Bible makes it clear that even his children will be blessed because of him. When you are a blessing to others, wherever your children get to, they will experience the blessings of God through other people. Henceforth, you should make a decision that you will go out of your way to be a blessing to at least someone every day. Make a commitment that there will be many people who will be made and blessed by your life so much that they will glorify God that you lived on this earth by the time you are gone. Always remember that you are blessed to be a blessing to people around you.

* Father, let the covenant blessing of Abraham rest upon my household, in Jesus’ name.
* Father, make me a channel of blessing everywhere I go from today on, in Jesus’ name.

All the days, weeks, and months in this year are blessed for my sake and I shall walk in the blessedness, in Jesus' mighty name.

Start doing Great

Wednesday 1 March
READ: Gen 26: 13
MORE LESSON: Job 5: 25

When Moses was leading the children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan, he asked his brother-in-law, the son of Jethro, a Midianite, to leave his own people and join the company of Israel. Moses told him to come with Israel as they set out for the place which the Lord had promised to give them. Moses promised the brother that they would treat him well; for the LORD has promised great things to them (Num. 10: 29 – 33). What is striking here is that Moses was so confident of the greatness and goodness that God had promised Israel that he asked someone to leave the tangible assets that he had in his native land and follow Israel to the greater things that await them by faith. Even though at this time the Israelites were wanderers in the wilderness, Moses didn't see based on that; he saw based on the greatness that lay ahead of them.
It is important that you start seeing yourself, talking and acting based on the greatness ahead of you and not on your present circumstance. When people ask you how you are doing, don't answer them based on your present circumstance and thereby start narrating your predicament to them. Just tell them that you are doing great. In our commission, it is popularly taught that when people ask you how you are doing, your response should be 'I am great'. Even the little kids in the children class have been taught this. So when asked , how are you doing? they say, 'I am great.' By doing this, you are prophesying into your destiny.
In the course of my visits to America, one of the things that I have noticed is that, whenever you ask an American how he is, he says “I am good”. It even seems like they do it out of reflex action; it is so much part of them that they do it unconsciously. I have noticed that if an American is dying and you ask him how he is doing, he won't even think about it, he will just say, 'I am good.' It seems like a national culture, but it is actually a spiritual principle that they are applying even though many of them are not aware of it.
You are a child of God; Which doeth great things past finding out; yea, and wonders without number: Job 9:10. You have spiritual understanding, so you should apply spiritual principles deliberately. This is why you must not just 'do good' but you 'do great.' Job 8: 7 says, Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase. Irrespective of your situation, know that you come from a great God and you can't do less than great. So prophesy over your life, 'I am great.'

* Announce that you are great and all things are working out for your good, in Jesus’ name.
* Declare that you and your seed shall be great, in Jesus’ name.

Father, a thousand tongues will not be sufficient to thank You for the gift of the third month of the year, I thank You Lord.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

War against Witchcraft

Tuesday 28 February
READ: Deut. 18: 10
MORE LESSON: Exo. 22: 18

The Lord warned the children of Israel, When you come into the land which the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer: Deut. 18:9-10 (NKJV). Witchcraft and sorcery are part of the abominations of the inhabitants of the land of Canaan that made the cup of their iniquity to be full before the Lord.
It is because of these abominations that God chased them out of the land. The Scripture listed some of the things they were doing that God is against. The first is that they were making their sons and daughters to pass through the fire; that talks about human sacrifice. God is at war against human sacrifice; it is the height of wickedness and abomination. Every wicked man that uses other people for rituals must be destroyed. We declare the judgment of God against all perpetrators of human ritual in our land and nation, in the mighty name of Jesus
God also declared His hatred for soothsaying and interpreting omens. All the herbalists and palm readers that men consult to tell the future are agents of abomination; the judgment of the Lord is on the heads of the perpetrators and the patronisers. All the zodiac signs that men read and prediction of the future by any means are not of God. This involves false prophets and 'soothsayers in collar' that have filled the television and internets. You must be careful not to open your spirit to them by staying under their ministration. The anger and judgment of the Lord is already on them and they will transfer the wrong spirit that they are operating with and the judgment that they are incurring on all the people that follow them. We pray that all false prophets, soothsayers and diviners will run out of business by the judgment of God, in Jesus’ mighty name.
God is against witchcraft and sorcery. In fact in Exo. 22: 18, He says that the witch should not be permitted to live. This is not gender sensitive; both male and female can be a witch or wizard and they both are equally under the judgment of God. Today, it is judgment against all witchcraft working against your life and destiny. However, it is with your mouth that you will wage the war against them. Every manipulation and influence of witchcraft over your life is destroyed, in Jesus’ name.

* I terminate the activities of witchcraft in my life by the Holy Ghost, in Jesus’ name.
* Let witchcraft cease in the Body of Christ, in Jesus’ name.

Father, it is with gratitude and praise to Your name that I declare the month of February closed and my destiny continues, in the name of Jesus.