READ: Luke:17:20-21(NIV)
Bible Reading in One Year: Matthew 22-25
Jesus made so many references to His Father's Kingdom all through His teaching on the earth, both by parable and direct teaching, But seek ye first the kingdom of God....: Matt 6:33, ...the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye....: Mark 1:15, ...Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God....: Mark 4:11, ...Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God?....: Mark4:30, ...preaching the gospel,....: Lk.9:6. There are several more. The question is, What does Jesus mean by the Kingdom? The Bible teaches that the day is coming when Christ will return to the earth and establish a perfect kingdom where there will be no scandals, no corruption. It will be perfect and there He will rule perfectly as our Shepherd.
However, the Bible also teaches that the Kingdom of God is in our life today. That means the Kingdom is in you the moment you surrender your life to Christ and give Him control. When Jesus says, Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me....: Matt.11:29, He means that you are to surrender the direction of your life to Him, just as a farmer uses a yoke to direct his plow animals. In the same way, when Jesus says we are to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, He means that we are to seek the rule and reign of Jesus Christ above everything else in our life. His Kingdom is first and foremost a spiritual one. Jesus once said to pilate, ...My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight,....: Jn.18:36.
There are three ways by which we can bring the Kingdom of God to the earth. By prayer, Jesus taught the disciples to pray, ...Thy kingdom come....: Luk. 11:2. By the life you live, For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost: Rom.14:17. We cannot bring the Kingdom of God by force but by the life we live as a godly living will attract the world to God's Kingdom. Finally, we can bring down the Kingdom by preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Share the good news that Jesus can forgive all sins by His death and resurrection with the guilty and hurting world. Building the Kingdom of God does not mean changing the ways of the world but changing the hearts of people by prayer, exemplary living and preaching of the Gospel.
1. Pray that the will of God will rule in your heart.
2. Pray that you will be a Kingdom builder and not a destroyer.
3. Pray that the Word of God will prevail in the hearts of men globally.
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