Friday, February 28, 2014

How to be a Kingdom Builder

READ: Luke:17:20-21(NIV)
Bible Reading in One Year: Matthew 22-25

Jesus made so many references to His Father's Kingdom all through His teaching on the earth, both by parable and direct teaching, But seek ye first the kingdom of God....: Matt 6:33, ...the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye....: Mark 1:15, ...Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God....: Mark 4:11, ...Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God?....: Mark4:30, ...preaching the gospel,....: Lk.9:6. There are several more. The question is, What does Jesus mean by the Kingdom? The Bible teaches that the day is coming when Christ will return to the earth and establish a perfect kingdom where there will be no scandals, no corruption. It will be perfect and there He will rule perfectly as our Shepherd.

However, the Bible also teaches that the Kingdom of God is in our life today. That means the Kingdom is in you the moment you surrender your life to Christ and give Him control. When Jesus says, Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me....: Matt.11:29, He means that you are to surrender the direction of your life to Him, just as a farmer uses a yoke to direct his plow animals. In the same way, when Jesus says we are to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, He means that we are to seek the rule and reign of Jesus Christ above everything else in our life. His Kingdom is first and foremost a spiritual one. Jesus once said to pilate, ...My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight,....: Jn.18:36.

There are three ways by which we can bring the Kingdom of God to the earth. By prayer, Jesus taught the disciples to pray, ...Thy kingdom come....: Luk. 11:2. By the life you live, For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost: Rom.14:17. We cannot bring the Kingdom of God by force but by the life we live as a godly living will attract the world to God's Kingdom. Finally, we can bring down the Kingdom by preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Share the good news that Jesus can forgive all sins by His death and resurrection with the guilty and hurting world. Building the Kingdom of God does not mean changing the ways of the world but changing the hearts of people by prayer, exemplary living and preaching of the Gospel.

1. Pray that the will of God will rule in your heart.
2. Pray that you will be a Kingdom builder and not a destroyer.
3. Pray that the Word of God will prevail in the hearts of men globally.

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Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Problem of Worry

READ: Matt.13:18-23
Bible Reading in One Year: Matthew 18-21

Don't worry is easy enough to say, but it’s not so easy to do when unpaid bills stack up or a crisis looms or the future looks bleak. Worry can overwhelm and brutalise a person; it's a hard emotion to suppress. There is hardly any man who has never gone through worry before. Even the disciples of Jesus were once worried about their future and Peter expressed his fear, ...See, we have left all and followed You: Lk. 18:28. Worry is a powerful emotion that grips a person tightly in times of crisis and he wonders, What about tomorrow? What if this happens? What if that happens? If we don't have enough, we worry that it might be stolen or taken away. Man is indeed a phenomenon! Some people are terribly worried about the fact that they are too young, they want to get older, but worrying won’t change anything or help anyone.

In the parable of the sower, Jesus talks about the seed that was choked out by the worries of this world and the deceitfulness of riches. The seed of the Word of God never brought forth fruit because it was strangled by worry. It isn't only those who are well off that are plagued with the problem of worry, it also bedevils those who have very little but who are always worrying about what they don't have. Whether for lack or abundance the effect is the same: it chokes you and strangles you spiritually.

Here are a few reasons why you must not worry:
1. Most of what we worry about never take place.
2. Worry has never been a problem solver.
3. Worry does not make things better but worse.
4. Medical science says worry can shorten a man's life.
5. Worry is anti faith and anti trust in God.
What to do with worry:
1. Take all matters to God in prayer and leave them there.
2. Cast all your cares upon the Lord.
3. Don't fear the future, rather pray about the future.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus: Phil.4:6-7.
Remember, worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, rather it empties today of its strength.

* Give thanks to God for being the God who can meet all your needs.
* Rebuke the spirit and the working of worry over your life.
* Tell God you surrender all your worries at His feet today.

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Expressions of Love

READ: I Sam. 18:1-5
MORE LESSONS: 1 Cor. 13:1-8
Bible Reading in One Year: Matthew 13-17

David and Jonathan are wonderful examples of a perfect love relationship such that if it were between a male and a female, it would be considered a conjugal love. Love brings about a relationship. It was the love that existed between David and Jonathan that made them to enter into a strong covenant relationship. Where there is love among people, relating with one another is never a problem.

Love does not conSam.18:4). It was love that made Jonathan to strip himself of his robe, sword, bow and girdle and gave all to David. Remember that Jonathan was the heir apparent. So when he gave his garment to David it was a symbolic relinquishing of the throne to David, which is an act of selflessness. How many of us can do what Jonathan did? Even between spouses, some find it difficult to release their car, money, or valuables to their partners. For Jonathan, even his entitlement to the throne was not too valuable to release to the one he loved.

Love speaks well of the one that is loved (1Sam.19:4) as Jonathan spoke well of David to his father. Where there is love, evil speaking is put away. When you see yourself speaking evil about someone, your love level for that person may either be zero or very low.

Love shares all things (1 Sam.19:7). Jonathan shared with David all things that David needed to know. Where there is love, there is really no secret. Two good friends that really love each other will tell each other things that their parents are not aware of. If a husband or wife is secretive, it is likely that their love relationship is not at its best, which is why there is no mutual sharing of information. Love that is expressed enhances a relationship and the love that is not shared does not exist. Have a love filled day.

* Ask God to help you to express godly love to everyone around you.
* Ask God to make you a typical expression of His love.
* Ask God to connect you with a sincere friend today.

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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Honour over Pharaoh

READ: Exo. 14:2-5
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 124:1-8
Bible Reading in One Year: Matthew 9-12

Among other things, there were two major reasons why God wanted to intervene in the case of Israel's captivity in Egypt. First is the need to keep His promise to take the descendants of Abraham to Egypt and bring them out on eagle's wings, thus proving His faithfulness to Abraham, And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, …afterward shall they come out with great substance: Gen.15:13-14. Second, God wanted to prove His greatness in Egypt and be honoured over Pharaoh.

How was God honoured over Pharaoh? He did this by:
1. Fighting on the side of Israel until Egypt was defeated, Exo. 14:14.
2. Dividing the Red Sea for the Israelites to pass, Exo. 14:21-22, 29.
3. Troubling the host of the Egyptians, Exo. 14:24.
4. Taking off the wheels of the Egyptian chariots so that the Egyptians said, Let us flee from the face of Israel; for the LORD fighteth for them against the Egyptian: v.25.
5. Closing the sea on the Egyptians, vs 26-28.
6. … and Israel saw the Egyptians dead upon the sea shore: v.30
7. Making Israel see the great work which the Lord did upon the Egyptians, v31.

May the Lord do the same and more also over your satanic captivity and enslavement this year. May He make you see your pharaohs dead. May He make you see His great work on all your Egyptians until He is fully glorified and honoured over your enemies. Amen.

It is God's honour to take advantage of your challenges and troubles to prove to the world how great He is and turn your tests to testimony. Do not despair therefore when you pass through diverse troubles. They are simply an avenue for God to be honoured, and so shall it be over all your travails, in Jesus' name.

* Take each of the seven acts of God in our text to God in prayer. Ask Him to do same to every enemy of your destiny.

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Monday, February 24, 2014

Holiness is Beauty

READ: Ps 93:1-5
MORE LESSONS: I Chron.16:29
Bible Reading in One Year: Matthew 5-8

Whatever gives a deep sense of admiration or deep satisfaction is said to be beautiful. Holiness is one thing that gives God such satisfaction. God is attracted wherever holiness stands just as any man is attracted to anything beautiful. Therefore, holiness is one means of attracting God to your life as God never gets tired of it. The more of it God finds anywhere, the more attracted He is to such.

Enoch attracted God to his life by holiness until God had to take him home to Himself, by-passing the natural process of death, And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him: Gen 5:24. It was holiness that attracted God to Noah when the people on earth were sinful, ready for judgement, …Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God: Gen.6:9. It was holiness that qualified Mary to carry the pregnancy of the holy seed, Jesus, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us: Matt 1:23. Elizabeth and Zaccharias were barren and well stricken in age, but the Bible records, …they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless: Lk. 1:6-7. Joseph was righteous before God and the favour of God followed him everywhere he went (Gen.39:8-9), including the prison. The list is endless.

Holiness is a spiritual gain because it strengthens integrity, character, honour, sound mind and of course, good health. All these are more of benefits to man than God and therein is the beauty of holiness. Holiness attracts good testimony, it delivers from guilt and fear of eternity. If you desire all these, go for holiness, always has."Beauty" and "Holy" mark your palace rule, GOD, to the very end of time. Ps 93:5(M.S.G)

* Ask God to help you live a holy life.
* Pray against every anti-holiness spirit around you.
* Pray that your life be pleasing to God by the incense of holiness.

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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Godliness is Possible

READ: 1Tim.3:14-16
Bible Reading in One Year: Matthew 1-4

Godliness is possible because Jesus came to the world. You now can have God come inside you, live inside you and act through your personality. You can partake of the divine nature and become a genuine son of the living God. When Jesus was born into this world, He was God in human flesh, that is why His name is Immanuel, God with us. Jesus was the only man who walked the face of the earth without committing a single sin, …for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me: Jn.14:30; …was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin: Heb.4:15.

By the time Jesus died on the cross and rose again, He became the Author of eternal salvation for all who believe in Him. When He was on the earth, He said, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him: Jn. 14:23. Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour transforms your life completely and gives you the power of sonship, But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Jn.1:12. The sonship, in addition to the power of the Holy Ghost that comes upon you, empowers you to be whatever God wants you to be, But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth: Acts 1:8.

Therefore, godliness in a believer is made possible by the power of redemption in the blood of Jesus which changes your life and character to behave like God. If indeed you carry the life of God by redemption, your life must be the life of God, and your fruits will show it. If you are born of God, live like God.

* Give thanks to God for making godliness possible.
* Rebuke every act in your life that runs contrary to the life of God.
* Ask God to help you live like Him on the earth.
* Ask that sin will not have dominion over you.

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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Prayer Pillars

READ: Acts 4:23-31
MORE LESSONS: Jam.5:17-18
Bible Reading in One Year: Proverbs 29-31

A pillar is a load carrier in a building or structure. Without strong pillars a great house or structure cannot stand. A pillar therefore is the main strength of a structure. A pillar is called by whatever material it is made of, hence you have concrete pillar, pillar of cloud, pillar of prayer, wooden pillar, etc. Like any strong building, the Church of Jesus needs strong pillars to stand among them, one of which is prayer pillar. The prayer pillar in any church is the intercessor, individual or group. The New Testament Church did not survive without it and no church of God today can survive without it. A church is strong to the extent of its intercessors or individuals lifting the church or its pastor up in prayer because the work of God moves on the wings of intercession. Therefore, where there is no intercessor the work drags and suffers great setback no matter what else is done. The glory of the New Testament Church is her prayer pillar.

The early Church prayed:
1. In Every watch hour (Acts 3:1).
2. As an apostolic band (Acts 4:23-31).
3. And the building shook (Acts 4:31).
4. And the earth quaked (Acts 16:25-26).
5. And the prison doors opened (Acts 12:1-11).
6. Without ceasing (Acts 6:4).
7. Until something happened (Acts 12:5).
8. And changed the world (Acts 17:6).

The greatest need of the Church today is men and women who will raise prayers up to Heaven for the Church and her pastors. Are you one of them? The recruitment exercise is still on, join those who lift Moses’ hands up and not those who criticise everything that is done in church. Whatever we do to a church or in a church building has eternal reward.

* Pray that God will use you in the place of intercession to make a difference in your church and in the world.
* Pray that God will raise faithful intercessors to pray for your church and world evangelism.
* Pray for your spiritual leaders.
* Make a covenant never to close your service or family altar or personal prayer time without a prayer for your spiritual leader.

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Friday, February 21, 2014

Make a Demand on Heaven

READ: Neh.2:1-6
Bible Reading in One Year: Proverbs 25-28

Occasionally in life you are opportune to stand before great people and you are asked, What can I do for you? It is usually an opportunity to make a great request but sometimes you mess it up and ask for peanuts. Nehemiah stood before the king and asked for permission and help to return and rebuild the broken walls of Jerusalem and he got it, … So it pleased the king to send me;….v6. Herodias’ daughter, prompted by her mother, stood before Herod and asked, ...Give me here John Baptist's head in a charger. And the king was sorry: nevertheless for the oath's sake, and them which sat with him at meat, he commanded it to be given her: Matt.14:8-9 She got it. Elisha asked Elijah for a hard thing and got it (2kgs.2:10-14). Solomon, himself a king, had the rear privilege of being urged by not less than the King of kings to make a request, he got it, Wisdom and knowledge is granted unto thee; and I will give thee riches, and wealth, and honour: Chron.1:7-12.

When you know how to make your request to Jehovah, it is as good as standing before the Almighty God Himself and it is an opportunity to ask for the great desires of your life. Each time you notice the presence of God in a place, either a worship time in or out of church or an unusual presence of God's glory all around you, it is as good as hearing God say, What can I do for you? Never let such opportunity pass you by, make a request, step into a great worship or anything that will make you a partaker of the glory of the divine presence. Today, write a prayer request of the greatest desires of your heart, create an atmosphere of God's presence by praise and worship (singing) or by prayer, and present your requests to the King of kings and expect an answer. Just as others got answer, you too will today.

Prayer / Action
* Thank God for the honour of being allowed into His presence.
* Ask God for the blessing of His presence.
* Ask God to grant your desires by His greatness.
* Rebuke every barrier and road block to your answer.
* Declare that today your pain will become a testimony.
* Thank God for answer.

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Thursday, February 20, 2014

You must not Lose your Labour

READ: 2 Jn.8 (NLT)
MORE LESSONS: Gen.26:12-13
Bible Reading in One Year: Proverbs 22-24

Many people work so hard, breaking new grounds, planting and harvesting but do not pay attention to conserving the fruits of their past labours. Such people will labour all through life and end up with no rewards in their hand. They have stories of what they did, and probably what they achieved but nothing concrete in terms of end products that will carter for their needs. That shall not be your case; you will eat the fruits of your labour. Imagine a farmer that is so busy opening new farms, but will not look back to weed the ones he has cultivated. At the end of the season he will have no harvest because he has laboured like a fool. Or a pastor who wins souls everyday, but he does not have a solid plan to disciple the souls he wins, absorb them into the church and build them up to become mature believers. The church of such a pastor will be empty. Take a moment to reflect on your labour of old. What are you doing to preserve and process them so they can become profitable fruits in your hand? Our text cries out so loud to us to look to ourselves so that we don’t lose the things which we have worked for.

In your quest for greatness, God wants to take you from glory to glory. He wants the new grounds you have broken to be an addition to the old ones, not substitutes. He wants you to add to your achievements and thereby make you become greater and greater. May you truly advance by addition and may you increase and be preserved, in the mighty name of Jesus.

* Take Psa.115:14 to God in prayer for yourself.
* Pray against any waster or devourer that may want to eat up your fruits and past labour.
* Ask the Lord to increase and establish the works of your hand.
* Ask God to increase and establish the works of your pastor, spiritual and otherwise.
* Ask God for wisdom for an enduring work.
* Give thanks for answered prayer.

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Yes, You Can

READ: Matt. 21:19-22
MORE LESSONS: Matt. 7:7-11
Bible Reading in One Year: Proverbs 19-21

Have you ever dreamt of a day when all your prayer requests are answered? Or a situation where, as you ask, you get the result? I hear Heaven say, Yes, you can; you can get prompt answer now, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: Matt.7:7. This scripture simply means that prayer is not meant to be a one way traffic, which is what we are used to. Rather it is supposed to be something like a direct face-to-face conversation with instant result. Our theology and direction about prayer needs to shift from an exercise for future result to instant manifestation because this is what prayer is meant to be.

“Ask and receive”, not ask and wait. This is not to see prayer as magic for instant results in your hand always as there could be a reason to wait, but you need to go to the Father's presence with an expectation that the answer will be now. Prayer for Jesus was communion with the Father with instant answer. After all, all we will ever ask have been provided before creation and we can never exhaust God’s resources. Therefore all we need to do is ask and pick up the supply. All through Jesus' work on earth, prayer was ‘ask and pick it’. At Lazarus' tomb where we should have expected the toughest prayer and delay because death was involved, His prayer was short and answer came instantly, …Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me. And I knew that thou hearest me always: …. And he that was dead came forth…. Jn.11:41-44. Even at Gethsemane where the battle was tough, He got answer instantly (Lk.22:43). However, all these are predicated on, … if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: 1Jn.5:14. Ask according to God’s will and you can confidently conclude, Yes, I can get the answer now.

Three quick tests for answered prayer:
1. A righteous life, Psa.24:3-4.
2. Faith in God, Heb.11:1-2.
3. Asking according to His will, I Jn.5:14.
Yes, you can have what you ask, right away.

* Ask God to revisit your past requests and grant you answer today.
* Pray that a new season of answered prayers will begin for you today.
* Ask God to increase your faith.
Worship the Lord and sing a song of answered prayers.

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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Forget Not

READ: Ps.103:1-22
MORE LESSONS: Deut.6:10-12
Bible Reading in One Year: Proverbs 15-18

The Bible strongly exhorts us not to forget God. This is because God saw ahead of man the tendency to forget Him. Jehovah warns that whoever forgets Him does so at his or her peril, The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God: Psalm.9:17. Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy sons' sons: Deut.4:9.

One way not to forget God is by praising Him. The Psalm for today's reading has about thirty benefits of God to us for which we should praise Him. The land will yield its increase to the man who praises God, Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us: Ps.67:5-6. Praise God for the benefit of forgiveness of sin (Eph1:7), for the benefit of healing when sick. There was statistic sometimes ago by a doctor who surveyed the number of sick people in hospitals. He and his team discovered that there were fewer Christians in those hospitals, this fact is not by chance. We boldly declare it’s because God heals His people, And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee: Exo.23:25.

Praise Him for daily redeeming you from destruction as you go out and come in (Ps.121:7-8). Also, celebrate God for the benefits of satisfying you with good things of life: food, water, clean air to breathe. Exalt Him for executing judgment on your behalf, and for fighting your battles, known and unknown to you. For these and many other benefits jump on your feet and magnify God. Cease to complain and murmur about the things not yet accomplished; commend Him for the ones He did and use this as a platform to reach out for the ones yet to be done. Choose to remember His benefits today and more will come rolling your way.

Prayer / Action
* I declare I will never forget God.
* Lord, I remember all Your benefits to me and I give You praise for them.
* I choose to give God thanks instead of murmuring and complaining.


Monday, February 17, 2014

Great Things

READ: Joel 2:18-21
MORE LESSONS: Job 5:8-27
Bible Reading in One Year: Proverbs 12-14

God does not do anything less than great things because greatness is God's nature and doing great things is natural to Him. If you are a child of God, walking with God consistently and great things don't happen in your life, you should be alarmed. God will do great things because He is the greatest. It's said that " only great men do great things'. God is greater than the greatest man and He does the greatest things. God does great things by the precedence of greatness. It is not being suggested that God is great, people testify worldwide that God is great because He does great things as declared in our reading today. May you testify of great things done by the great God for you as you step out today, in Jesus’ name.

Evidence that God does great things abound in the Holy Bible. Jabez, born in sorrow and named sorrow, brought his situation to the court of the great God and his testimony changed (I Chron.4:9-10). In I Sam. 17:50 the great God who does great things terminated Goliath using a teenage boy while generals fled out of fear. God will deal with all the goliaths that threaten you. Job 5:8-27 lists great things that Jehovah does. Meditate on these things as you enter a new day and you will also have testimonies of great things.

To experience the greatness of God you must meditate on the great things He does as recorded in the Word of God, the Chronicle of great things. Second, deal with fear. Fear opposes faith and kills the seed of greatness. Third, be bold and talk about the great God, even in the face of contradiction. Maintain your confession of what God can do and He will show up in your situation.

* Take time to exalt the greatness of God.
* Fill your day with confessions of God's greatness and declare the great things He will do in your situation.
Sing a song of praise to celebrate God’s greatness that will manifest in your life.

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Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Law of Fruitfulness II

READ: Gen.18:16-22
MORE LESSONS: Luke 12:16-21
Bible Reading in One Year: Proverbs 8-11

It’s established in the Word of God that fruitfulness is good and it’s God's will for all His children, Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples: John 15:8. Another point of meditation about the issue of fruitfulness is that God does not continue His covenant with an unfruitful man.

An unfruitful man is one who will not train his children, household or raise disciples in godliness. An unfruitful man is one that will not allow God's goodness to flow through him to others but wants to keep all to himself like the rich fool in Luke 12:20. The Bible says the rich man was not rich toward God; in other words, he was unfruitful. On the other hand, God loves to make covenant with men and their seed after them as established in the following scriptural examples in addition to the example of Abraham in today's reading- Adam, Gen.3:15; Noah, Gen.7:1; 9:1,8; Jacob, Gen.28:13; 35:11; Phinehas, Num.25:11. God wants His greatness to continue for endless generations and that is why He delights in making covenant with men and their generations after them.

Therefore if God sees that His goodness cannot flow through you to others, He will not make a lasting covenant of greatness, increase and prosperity with you. Do you want to be great through God's power? Then be ready to be a blessing, not just be blessed; be a pipe to channel blessings to others, don’t dam up the blessings for yourself alone. Some complain before God, I have no heir to pass my wealth to. To such the Lord says it’s not just your biological children that you are to raise as disciples for the Master. Look around you and see the children waiting to be raised by you through adoption by divine guidance and leadership. What about having an orphanage to train some children in godliness? What of that brother or sister that needs your resources to pay school fees and move up in life? Allow God to channel His blessing through you to others. Be fruitful.

* Lord, help me to be wiser than the rich fool in Luke 12.
* I position myself for blessing and to be a blessing.
* Lord, open my eyes to see those that I can help.

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Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Law of Fruitfulness I

READ: Gen. 1:25-28
Bible Reading in One Year: Proverbs 4-7
God has a plan for increase and fruitfulness. He set the law of fruitfulness into all living things that He made, from creeping things to the cattle on the field. God said all should bring forth according to its kind and it was so. God saw that fruitfulness is good. Say that to yourself, Fruitfulness is good and I will be fruitful. Also, He decided to make man in His own kind and in His image (Gen.5:1, I Cor.11:7, James 3:9). This Bible account nullifies the theory of evolution which states that man is a product of evolution.

Man , the crown of God's creation, is glorious because he was made in God's image. One may not have seen God in bodily form, but because man was made in the image of God, one can without hesitation say that God has eyes, ears, head, legs and arms. What a glory to be made in God's likeness. God made man in His image for the same issue of fruitfulness and increase because God wants godliness multiplied on the earth.

What is it that God wants multiplied? Is it murder, hatred that we see around ? No, God wants kindness, love, compassion, brotherly affection, and all of His nature multiplied on the earth. This is why the Church exists today because the Church is the channel to reproduce godliness on the earth by raising godly people who are like Christ. Every home must labour to raise godly children who fear the Lord from cradle to the time they leave home to be on their own as adults. This is the whole essence of a godly home. A home where miscreants and vandals are raised is not fruitful. As a part of the church, are you fruitful? Do you contribute to the fruitfulness of the church by exemplary godly living at home and wherever you are? Do you share the good news of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus with people you meet regularly? How fruitful are you?

It’s unfortunate that even among God's people there are those who walk contrary to the law of fruitfulness, they are the gossips, and those with party spirit who by their actions even send some out of the church. They don’t add to the church but by their wrong behaviour make some to leave church. Consider whether you reproduce God where you are. Be fruitful!

* Lord, thank You for making me in Your image and likeness.
* Lord, help me reproduce godliness wherever I go.
* I shall not be a barren member of the church, I receive grace for fruitfulness.
Check your actions and reactions each day and take steps that lead to fruitfulness.

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Friday, February 14, 2014

The Law of Obedience

READ: Deut.8:1-14

Bible Reading in One Year: Proverbs 1-3
There is a law that must be fulfilled in order for anyone to have a full and thorough satisfaction in life. This law is so important that the whole creation has conformed to it from the beginning. As God instructed and commanded, every aspect of creation obeyed (Gen.1:3, 7, 9, 11, 15). The phrase, it was so, keeps reoccurring. The vital law that must be fulfilled by all is the law of obedience. Satan did all he could and introduced disobedience in Heaven and in the Garden of Eden. He brought in disorder and chaos but his victory was not for long (Gen.3:17) as Christ came and restored the pattern of obedience, For by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous: Rom.5:19.

Disorderliness and chaos being experienced in the world today resulted from disobedience to God's set order by those who live as enemies of the Gospel and the cross of Jesus Christ. Therefore, restoration of order starts with receiving Jesus as Lord and Saviour. If anyone will enjoy the blessings of God as listed in today's reading, then the law of obedience must be conscientiously and carefully followed, For the LORD thy God bringeth thee into a good land, ... of oil olive, and honey; ... wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness, thou shalt not lack any thing ....: Deut.8: 7-9.

Children must obey their parents (Eph.6:1), servants must obey their masters (Eph.6:5) and masters must obey the Lord, who is Master over all men (Eph.6:9). We must all obey God (Acts 5:29). In the age of increasing rebellion you must be obedient for it to be well with you (Isa. 1:19). Check yourself today, are you obedient? As a church member and probably a worker, have you not started compromising on duties assigned to you in church, saying God understands? Have you not started compromising Bible studies and prayer meetings for business in direct violation of Heb10:25?

Be obedient if you will eat the fruit of the land and not labour in vain.

* Lord, I repent of all acts of disobedience and I return to the path of obedience from today onward.
List practical steps you will take to obey God and constituted authority.

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Times and Seasons II

READ: Hosea 6:1-7
MORE LESSONS: Jer. 29:5-12
Bible Reading in One Year: Exodus 38-40

The reason why some people resort to using other mediums to know their future instead of seeking God is because they want to know times their own way. Yet God is willing to reveal to men if they will do it His own way. Men's way is to ask the Lord for the total picture of their life at the time they pray to the Lord. God's way is the way of faith, Then shall we know as we follow on to know the Lord; His going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth: Hosea 6:3. God expects us to walk each day with Him in faith and by faith (Heb.11:6). The Christian walk is that of faith and daily obedience.

As God gives an instruction and you obey, He gives the next instruction. Each step of obedience takes you higher and leads to an orderly pattern of walk that culminates in a fulfilled and accomplished destiny (Jer.2:11). Be assured today that if you are God's own, His expected end for you is peace, void of evil. As months go by with different seasons unfolding, take time to seek the face of the Lord and He will direct your path. There are several assurances of divine guidance and direction for God's children among which are: Prov.3:5-6; Ps.48:14; Ps.73:24.

The Holy Spirit is available to guide into fruitful seasons, profitable opportunities and investments (John 16:13). The more you fellowship with the Lord both in personal devotion and congregational worship, the clearer your mind will be and the brighter your path will be because you will be more discerning of His ways.

Be assured that He that spared Moses as a baby from the sword of the tyrant Pharaoh, guided his infant basket to be nurtured in the same Pharaoh's palace, groomed him among the Midianites and raised him as a deliverer for Israel will surely direct your times and seasons to greatness! Seek God and stay with Him.

* Lord, take over my times and seasons, lead me to my greatness in the land of the living.
* Let the lines fall to me in pleasant places and give me a good heritage.
Make a purposeful pattern for better times of fellowship with the Lord and follow this pattern, avoiding distraction.

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Times and Seasons I

Read: Eccl.  3:1-14
Bible Reading in One Year: Exodus 35-40

The issue of times and understanding times has always intrigued men. The search for the knowledge of times is something several pursue with great interest. The irony is that many people want to understand the times neglecting the Creator of times, the Almighty God, Why, seeing times are not hidden from the Almighty, do they that know him not see his days? Job 24:1. Some people resort to horoscope instead of getting close to God in order to know, understand and experience their times. They substitute the leadership of God for their life with stargazing which the Bible strongly warns against because it’s idolatry, There shall not be found among you any that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times [horoscope], or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard or a necromancer: Deut.18:10-11.

God says all who do stargazing are an abomination to Him. The methods of observing times as listed in Deuteronomy above have become modernised and easily accessible in newspapers, on the internet and mobile phones. Some go for fortune-telling and to wizards and "prophets" to discover secrets of the future using various forms of spells and incantation to cure diseases and form league with familiar spirits. Through these many fellowship with devils. Let it be clear that those involved in such cannot fellowship with God and how can you understand times and seasons if you are not in agreement with God the owner of times and seasons?

Today's reading clearly states that if anyone will truly understand the times, they must trust God, But I trusted in thee, O Lord; I said, thou art my God. My times are in thy hand: deliver me from the hand of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me: Ps.31:14-15(AMP). The Amplified version says to trust God is to lean on, rely on, and be confident in God. God is reliable, dependable and trustworthy. He has kept the universe intact from creation till now and the order hasn’t been disrupted: the ground has not sunk under our feet nor the sky fallen on our heads. This same God assures, But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and green and tomorrow is tossed into the furnace, will He not much more surely clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not worry and be anxious,.... Matt.6:30-31(AMP). Men who have become God's own by the salvation experience obtained through faith in Christ Jesus and are abiding in Him are secure no matter what the times and seasons hold. Therefore, trust God!

* Lord, I will trust in You continually and I will experience the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Throw out all materials of observing times and stargazing. Cleanse your house of all idolatrous materials that show independence of God. Take time to seek His face for divine guidance.


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Heart, Not the Message

READ Luke 8:4-15
MORE LESSONS: John 8:31-36
Bible Reading in One Year: Exodus 32-34

A friend once asked me why there are so many churches and powerful preachers in Nigeria, yet unrighteousness abounds. Before I could pose an answer, he concluded, I think there is something wrong with messages that are preached. It is either the preachers are not preaching the right stuff to change the people or the messages lack power to convict men of sin, righteousness and judgment. My friend may be right, but I also think there is something more as the Scripture reading explains. The sower planted the same seeds at different locations, but what influenced the performances was the nature of the land. Those which fell by the way side were trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured the seeds. Some fell upon a rock and as soon as they sprang up, they withered because there was no moisture. Some fell among thorns and were choked up by the thorns that sprang up with it. Yet others fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bore fruit a hundredfold.

In the explanation of the parable, Jesus says the seed is the Word. No one can doubt the potency of God's Word. If the Word fails to produce result, it is not the inefficacy of the Word or of the sower, but the land, and in this case the heart of men that influences the performance of the seed. It is unfortunate that some listeners in church have the hearts that are vulnerable to birds of the air. Such hearts are those that wonder about when preaching is going on. They hardly hear anything in church. Even if they hear, the Word does not get home with them. The enemies of their souls simply pick everything. Some others have hearts that cannot stay upon God's Word for a season. Although they hear and even respond to altar call, when their flesh demands for things contrary to the Word they hear, they easily submit to their flesh. These are believers who cannot resist temptation because they are not deep rooted in the Word. Some other believers have hearts full of the cares of this world. Although they seemingly love God, they also love the world. They are those who use the Word as a cloak for covetousness. You never can be a friend of the world and please God in anyway, as the Scripture cannot be broken (1John 2:15-17). The cares of the world will stunt the growth of the Word.

It was the same seeds that fell on fertile ground and produced fruit in thirty, sixty and hundred folds. Anytime God's Word finds a fertile ground, the fullness of its potential will manifest. God's Word is perfect, converting the soul. It is a lamp to the feet of men, a light to the path of them who believe. Make your heart ready today for God's Word, and the preaching you hear daily will produce effect in your life.

* Lord, make my heart fertile for Your Word.
* I declare that the Word I hear daily will profit me.
* I receive grace for obedience to God's Word.

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Monday, February 10, 2014

High Cost of Stubbornness

READ: Exodus 5:1-11
MORE LESSONS: 1Sam.15:23-25
Bible Reading in One Year: Exodus 14-17

Stubbornness is a character of the devil. Unfortunately, some people magnify stubbornness presuming that they are strong and tough as Pharaoh was seen by all Egyptians as a tough, no-nonsense leader, a mighty man of valour, one who could not be cowed to submission by the miraculous display of Moses and his God. Pharaoh's magicians encouraged him in his stubbornness when they went on to repeat some of Moses' miracles. They turned water to blood (Exo.7:22-23) and brought more frogs on the land (Exo.8:6-7). They did all that to prove to Pharaoh that all that Moses was doing was not impressive.

To be stubborn means: 1) to be unwilling to obey or do what you know is the right thing to do; 2) to deliberately set yourself against the truth; 3) to wilfully continue on the path you know or have been told is wrong; 4) to determine to do the wrong, damning the consequences. God hates stubbornness. In His sight, stubbornness or unwillingness to repent is as iniquity as idolatry (1Sam.15:23). Stubbornness is to say, What can authority do to me? What a man reaps from the sin of stubbornness and non-repentance are plague, affliction, sickness, pain and destruction of property, business and children, just as it happened to Pharaoh, his magicians, and the entire nation of Egypt. Pharaoh in his stubbornness said to Moses, ...Who is the LORD, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the LORD, neither will I let Israel go: Exo. 5:2. Even if Pharaoh did not know the God of Moses, he knew the power of the gods. But blindfolded by stubbornness, he dared the God of Moses. Stubbornness blindfolds and makes you see only yourself. It makes you rate yourself above your worth, and you become proud. Unfortunately, behind pride and haughty spirit is a monster lying in wait to override you, Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall : Prov.16:18.

It is not the desire of God to send plagues to your life. His desire for you is to bless and multiply you, If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: Isa.1:19. But if you continue in your pigheadedness, you can jeopardise your future and destiny. I plead with you to repent and come out of that sinful way, and you will enjoy the great harvest that God promised us this year.

* Lord, I repent of stubbornness. Please forgive me, in Jesus’ name.
* Uproot every element of stubbornness in your life.
* Submit your emotions to the Holy Spirit.
* Go for deliverance prayer if you notice that you find it difficult to submit to authority.


Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Wiles of the Devil

READ: Exodus 1:8-11 .
Bible Reading in One Year: Exodus 28-31

The second text admonishes us, Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Satan has tricks to get people to do what he wants in order to scuttle people’s destinies. One of such schemes is cunning. In the main text Pharaoh adopts a crafty method in dealing with the growth rate of the Israelites in Egypt, Come on, let us deal wisely [cunningly, shrewdly, craftily] with them; lest they multiply....: Exo.1:10. Pharaoh had foreseen that the Israelites would one day leave Egypt and that would reduce the labour force and affect the building of his empire. Therefore, he acted fast and strategised to ensure it never happened.

In Genesis 3:1-6 satan cunningly overpowered Eve. He made her see how good and concerned he was about their welfare and how unfair God had been to them (Gen.3:4-5). Satan said it was because God did not want Adam and Eve to know good and evil, and become like the gods; that is why God prevented them from eating the fruit. However, satan’s plot was to overthrow the plan of God for Adam and Eve.

Satan and his agents have not changed from using cunning to alter people's destiny even today. When they set out to overthrow someone, they first make him see why following God's way of doing things is a waste of time, and foolishness. They make the victim see the 'blessings' he stands to gain if he will follow their suggestions. They craftily make their suggestions, appealing to the man's emotions, as it happened to Eve, And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat:Gen.3:6.

Make up your mind today that you will not yield to satanic suggestions that you should stop being 'over righteous' and try other means outside Jesus to solve your problems. That is the voice of satan. He wants to overthrow your destiny. Do like Paul and shake the beast into the fire (Acts 27:3-5) and get ready for God's miraculous intervention in your matter. Your destiny is designed for the top and you will get there.

* Ask the Lord to help you win over every plot to short-change or overthrow
your destiny.
* Put on the whole armour of God.
Set on fire every scheme of the devil over your life.


Saturday, February 8, 2014

Begotten into a Living Hope

READ: 1Pet.1:3-12
MORE LESSONS: Eph.2:11-14
Bible Reading in One Year: Exodus 25-27

Our texts explain some of the privileges of salvation which include: 1) Being born into a living hope. Prior to the time of your salvation, you were a stranger to Christ and hopeless in destiny (Eph.2:12). Though you had many aspirations, your hope was a dead hope, without a surety. But the day you said ‘yes’ to Jesus, your hope and aspiration received the life of God. (2) Begotten into an incorruptible inheritance that doesn’t fade, reserved in Heaven for you. You may not have possessions here on earth, perhaps you lost them to thieves, natural disaster, or seized from you by your persecutors. The possessions are nothing in comparism to the inheritance reserved in Heaven for you. (3) You are under preservation by God's power so that you can be ready through faith to be revealed on the last day. Whatever and however it is today, there is a set time for your release. 4) Although there may be reasons to be in heaviness through manifold temptation, such circumstance is only for awhile, That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: v7.

Beloved, your days here on earth are only a preparation for the heritage awaiting you in Heaven. Jesus is emphatic, Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: .... And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also: John 14:1-3. There are mansions undergoing construction in Heaven. When the job is done, the Master Himself will come for us. While it is enough for a master to send for his servant, Jesus Himself shall come from Heaven to take His saints to be with Him in Heaven (1Thess.4:16-17). The plan of God is for us to live forever with the Lord.

Today, make a choice for this glorious inheritance. Be content being a member of the royal priesthood, a peculiar people; no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God (Eph.2:19). Set your affection on those things above and not on things here because you died and your life is hid in Christ Jesus and in God (Col.3:1-3). Surely, our Master comes soonest. He is at the door. May He find you ready even if He comes in the night hour.

* Jesus, help me to be ready for Your coming.
* Open my eyes to the inheritance awaiting me and help me to be content here on earth.
* Jesus, I pledge to be occupied for You until You come.


Friday, February 7, 2014

Who is Hurt?

READ: Exodus 9:22-35
MORE LESSONS: Gen.4:3-15
Bible Reading in One Year: Exodus 21-24

There is a saying that a man's deceptive practice reaches its peak the day he succeeds in deceiving himself. In our text, Pharaoh plays hide and seek with Jehovah. When he hardens his heart against releasing the Israelites and a plague strikes, he quickly soft-pedals and invites Moses for a talk. As soon as the plague ceases, he goes tough again. Who is hurt in the long run? It is sad that some people play with their life as Pharaoh did, thinking they are smart. They don’t pray or go to church, or do what is right and holy until they have a problem. Then they suddenly remember God, run to men of God for prayer and observe religious rites. But as soon a solution to their problem comes, their spiritual involvement stops. They will give a thousand and one excuses why they are not able to meet up with their spiritual commitment. When they have a problem, they put those excuses aside and seek for help from God. Such people seek to use God to meet their needs but never allow God to use them to meet His needs.

Pharaoh did not prosper in his hide and seek game with Moses. Although Pharaoh knew very well the powers of the gods, he chose to take on the God of Moses. At first, he was seemingly successful in playing on the intelligence of Moses' God to the admiration of his people. But Pharaoh lost everything at the end, including his firstborn. If he was straight in his dealings with Moses and God, he would have spared himself of the unwarranted losses.

I counsel you to love and serve the Lord with all your heart, might, soul and all your strength. Those who do so are always honoured by God. He will deliver them from their enemies, and in the days of famine He will keep them from destruction. Stop the deception now and seek after God with all your heart. Learn from Cain, who offered an unacceptable offering, became jealous of his brother, and even when God warned him about falling into sin, he didn’t listen. He bluffed God even after killing his brother. When God pronounced judgement on him, he protested that the judgment was too harsh. Why wait for your house to be on fire before calling for help when you have the opportunity to stop someone from putting the fire on your roof? Even if men come to your aid and put off the fire, you have lost your roof top at least. Be diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord (Rom.12:11).

* Lord, I repent of any hide and seek game I have played in serving You.
* I separate myself from everything that hinders my love and service to God.
* Ask God to establish you in His presence.


Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Enemy of your Household

READ: Exodus 10:3-7
MORE LESSONS: Isa.30:15-17
Bible Reading in One Year: Exodus 18-20

The background to this statement was that Pharaoh the king of Egypt did not want the Israelites to go to the wilderness to worship Jehovah. Pharaoh perceived that if Israel went, they would not come back, and that would be a big blow to the Egyptian economy since it was the Israelites that were their slave labour force. Pharaoh and his wise men had tried to play down what the God of Moses could do by repeating some of the miracles that Moses did to convince Pharaoh that God was not behind Israel’s request. What started like a mere display of miracles of rods turning to snakes and water to blood became full blown plagues of frogs, lice, flies, livestock disease, boils, hail and locusts in succession. The Egyptian magicians could no longer reproduce the same and admitted that there is a Being that is higher than the gods of Egypt at war against them. The servants of Pharaoh were fed up and they cried out to their master, And Pharaoh's servants said unto him, 'how long shall this man be a snare unto us? Let the men go, that they may serve the LORD their God: knowest thou not yet that Egypt is destroyed? v 7.

Now, between Pharaoh and the magicians on one hand, and Moses and God on the other, who was actually the snare of the nation of Egypt? Pharaoh would not let Moses and his people go because of pride and arrogance. He was greatly encouraged by the magicians at the beginning of the battle. They showed him that Moses' miracles were not impressive by repeating some of them, which hardened Pharaoh's heart. The magicians and Pharaoh were the snare of their own people. I wish they realised this truth and faced their problem squarely, but they were pointing accusing fingers.

It is unfortunate that some husbands, wives and children are the snare of their home. Yet they do not realise this, and they keep trading blame. If only you will stop cheating on your spouse, obey your parents, come out of that unequal yoke, apologise and ask for one another's forgiveness, tell the truth to your parents or spouse, it will be well with you and your home. Why are you holding back? Can't you see that your home is in a shambles? Can't you see that the enemy is boring a hole in your wall of defence because of your pride and refusal to apologise to your spouse? Please, let go the hurt, the anger and bitterness and forgive one another.

If Pharaoh had listened to the counsel of his servants, all Egypt would not have lost their firstborn. Pharaoh, his chariots and horsemen would not have drowned in the Red Sea. Stop the next plague the enemy is planning for your household. You can do that right now by apologising and making it up to your spouse or children or parents. Receive the grace to do this.

* Lord Jesus, forgive me for holding back from saying I am sorry.
* Please deliver me and my household from snares of life.
* Cast out that spirit at work in your household.


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Anger Antidote II

READ: Eph. 4:24-32
MORE LESSONS: Matt. 26:36-39; 27:46-50
Bible Reading in One Year: John1-13

Some people have inherited DNA traits that make it rather natural for them to get angry very quickly. Such people can trace a whole genealogy of the work of anger through the years past and are wondering how to disconnect from that blood line pattern. There is solution today for you. Ever wondered how Jesus went through the pain and passion of Calvary without getting upset for a single second but rather prayed for those who whipped and humiliated Him and asked the Father to forgive them? That is too good to be true. If it were you or I , God knows how many times we would have rained fire from heaven before we got to the cross. But you see, everything Jesus did was about creating models by which we could pattern our lives until we become just like him.

The first thing Jesus did that kept Him stable throughout that gruesome moment of extreme pain and anguish was that the moment before at the garden of gethsemane, Jesus prayed. He openly told God the weakness of his flesh. He expressed himself in sincerity. Matthew 26:41 The reason some of us cannot break out of funny habits is because we are not sincere with ourselves and God. The first person to talk to when next you get angry is not your grandmother, it is your Father in heaven. It doesn't matter how deep the weakness has eaten you, when you pray and believe, miracles will happen.

The other thing Jesus did to overcome all the tendencies of the flesh during that great passion of the cross was that He kept His focus on the glory with the Father that was ahead of Him. The only thing that mattered to Him was the Fathers love. The only time we saw Him cry out wit a loud voice was when the Father forsook him for a moment. When we drink deep into the Father’s love, it is easy to extend love to others even when they do not deserve it. Anger just seems to vanish when love switches on. It's power and rage is neutralized when the reality of God's unfathomable love pulses through our veins. It is easy to smile at a storm when the love of the Father matters most to you. Nobody can just press your buttons anyhow and trigger you to anger because you have felt true love. When it comes to anger find it, figure out the reason why, and let God fix it for you. God is healing our hearts by His love. Let us receive His free gift today and always.

* Thank God because the blood of Jesus can neutralize inherited issues and circumstances.
* Ask for grace to talk to the father in prayer about your pain and difficulty every time.
* Pray that more of the love of God will saturate your heart by the Holy Ghost so that anger and all emotional dysfunctions will be displaced.
* Confess that the enemy has no control over your mind and emotions anymore.


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Anger Antidote I

READ: James 1:19-27
MORE LESSONS: Prov. 16:32
Bible Reading in One Year: John7-10

It is often said that anger is a thief of good moments. This is absolutely true because when we are angry nothing else seems to matter except gratifying the lust of that feeling. A lot of the wars and killings in our world today can be traced to someone's anger against another person. The human being is built with a little of this tendencies but we all have different anger thresholds. Some people can suffer long before they get angry but some others are easily sparked to anger by the slightest stirring. By and large, some degree of anger is important in protecting what is right, but when anger gets out of control, like wild fire it can cause more damage than was originally intended. When anger is out of control, one seems to loose discretion and right judgement. This kind of rage cannot produce the righteousness of God. James 1:20 says; For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.

Fire is not evil, because we need fire to cook and to keep warm in the cold amongst other things. But when fire is out of control, it is the most dangerous thing you ever knew. Anger, like a little flame of fire is not sin but can lead to sin if it is not put in check and appropriate control. The word of God helps us channel our emotions in the right direction. Life would be more productive for us if we channel the wrath of our anger from unedifying arguments and quarrels to the very works of the enemy in our society, family and our future. This is the kind of wrath that leads us to the place of deep intercession and warfare prayer until we can completely halt the activities of Satan around us to a standstill.

Everybody can be angry about one thing or the other. In fact, God too shows anger. He is mad at the devil’s works in your life. So the real question is what you are angry at? Is it your fellow brother that you have the power to forgive or like God, you hate what God hates and are angry at the devil too. I wish we can spend all our anger, wrath and indignation on the devil so when a person hurts us, we'll have no anger left to unleash at them except to love them. One sure antidote to anger is letting the word of God dominate your heart. It will channel all your emotions rightly. It will teach you when to speak and when to be silent. When to say sorry and when to say thank you.

* Thank God for releasing a revelation today that will destroy the very grips of anger and wrath over your life.
* Pray that the word of God will dominate your heart and life and cast away the spirit of anger.
* Ask the Holy Ghost to give you wisdom to channel your emotions aright so that you will not make decisions that you regret later.


Monday, February 3, 2014

Keeping your Salvation

READ: Phil.2:12-16
MORE LESSONS: 1Cor.9:24-27
Bible Reading in One Year: Exodus 5-7

It is one thing to be born again, it is another thing to keep your salvation until Jesus comes. There is no doubt that God who saved you has the will and power to keep you to the end (2Tim.1:12).However, our text urges, Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling: Phil.2:12. Someone may ask, If I was saved by grace through faith, why do I still need to work out my salvation? It is because there is a part you must play to keep the salvation God has wrought for you.

Some steps are helpful in this regard: 1) You are to live a life of obedience to the Word of truth, whether your leader or any other believer is there or not.
2) Don't murmur or complain. God brought out Israel from Egypt with great power to take them to Canaan. But those who decided to give themselves to murmuring and complaining all perished in the wilderness. It was the intention of God to take them to Canaan, but they aborted that plan by their behaviour. 3) Be blameless sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. Let your conduct be such that even those who hate you will have no ground to fault you.
4) Be the shining light in your corner; dare to be different and unique. The popular saying, if you are in Rome, behave like a Roman or if you can’t beat them, join them, does not apply in the Christian walk. Don't do something because everyone around you is doing it. They could be wrong. When you are in doubt over any matter, ask your pastor.
5) Hold fast the confession of your faith. There are many false teachers and prophets in town, who are agents of satan to confuse young minds. Give yourself to the study of God's Word.
6) Always attend prayer and fellowship meeting where you learn more about God and obtain grace to be obedient to the Word.

God does not intend to abandon you on the way. Yet, as you can see in verse 16, it is possible to run in vain, and void the works of those who laboured over you (preached to you, followed you up, and taught you the way of the Lord). The desire of every spiritual leader is to see his flock blessed here on earth and make it to Heaven. Your success is one of the bases on which he will be rewarded in Heaven. So you are part of the stars on his crown on the last day. If you fail to make it to the end, he will have laboured in vain. You must make up your mind not to disappoint yourself and your spiritual leaders. Run according to the rules. Be focused on the prize for the upward call of God. Indeed, there is an incorruptible crown awaiting you if only you will run steadily to the end.

* Give thanks to God for the salvation of your soul.
* Thank Him for His plan to keep you in the faith to the end.
* Receive grace to stay in the faith.
* Rebuke every enemy of your salvation.


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Assurance of Salvation

READ: Eph.2:1-8
MORE LESSONS: Rom.8:14-16
Bible Reading in One Year: Exodus 1-4

Yesterday, we considered what it takes to be truly born again and perhaps you prayed and committed your life to Jesus. Many young converts grapple with the problem of confirming their new status in Christ. A young convert may be faced with questions such as: What makes you believe that you are now born again? Did you see Jesus enter into you? How can mere repetition of the preacher's prayer get you born again? Thus he or she is confused. Perhaps you are also confused about the prayer you made yesterday, but I want you to understand the following from our text:
1. You are saved by grace through faith. Having said the prayer yesterday, believe in the efficacy of the prayer.
2. Jesus does not have to physically walk into your life. The Spirit of God entered into you at conversion. So Jesus is in your heart.
3. You are now a child of God. The Spirit of God will henceforth continue to testify, witness to your own spirit (conscience) that you are born again.

It is the strategy of satan to put doubt in anyone who confesses Jesus to make him think nothing has changed. But from the very moment you made those statements sincerely from your heart, God who sees your heart knew that you meant every word. So He released His Spirit to carry out a work of regeneration on your spirit man. In the spirit realm, you have been rescued from the control and dominion of the power of darkness (Col.1:13). Your name was removed from the books of judgement and boldly written in the Book of life (Rev.20:11-15).

Satan and his agents and the angels of God know this truth. Stand your ground. Your affection for God and things of God will begin to increase. There is a deep-seated joy and satisfaction in your inner being. You feel as if you have everything even though physically, you may have some lack. You feel God is now nearer to you than before. You will also resent sin. You feel odd in the midst of old friends who practise sin, and you desire a new company. These are some of the evidence that you are born again. Go ahead and change those friends because they can pull you down if you continue with them. Go to a Bible believing church and present yourself to the pastor, and ask him to give you someone who can follow you up. Remember, you are born again by grace through faith, not by works.

* Thank God for His mercies by which He saved you.
* Ask God to keep you in the faith until Jesus comes.
* Pray against the enemy that makes men to backslide.
Share your salvation experience with a friend today.


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Are You truly Born Again?

READ: John 3:1-8
MORE LESSONS: Acts 8:26-39
Bible Reading in One Year: Mark 14-16

It is interesting to know how much the Gospel of Jesus Christ has prevailed in our time. Some years back, it was a sacrilege in many homes to be born again. You automatically became an outcast, an object of ridicule, one that missed his way in life. Today, it is fashionable to be born again. Even those who are yet to be saved hate to be called unbelievers. While this development in our time is glorious, it is necessary to review what it means to be born again so that no one lives on a false assumption that he or she is saved.

It is possible to be very devout, God-fearing, pray regularly, show kindness to fellow human beings, go on pilgrimage to Jerusalem and read/study the Bible, yet you are not born again. From our text, Cornelius the Centurion was a devout man. Many Church leaders of our time cannot earn the commendation accorded Cornelius. Now consider the commendation: Cornelius (was) 1) A devout man. 2) Feared God with his entire household. 3) Gave much alms to the people, 4) Prayed to God always. 5) Had a vision in which an angel told him his works were noticed by God. Yet he needed to send to Peter at Joppa who had to tell him the way of salvation.

Another personality that God had to intervene in his matter to get him truly saved was the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-39). This man went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem. He was even reading the Bible (the book of Isaiah) on his way back to Ethiopia. The Holy Spirit had to prompt Philip the evangelist along Gaza strip to explain the way of salvation to the eunuch. Are you truly born again? The two examples demonstrate the fact that you are not born again because of your good works or religious activities.

What then does it take to be truly born again? One must:
1. Admit and confess Jesus as Lord and Saviour, and put one’s total trust in His name: Rom.10:9-10; 10:13.
2. Turn from following satan and his agents to God: Acts 26: 17-18; 1Thess.1:9.
3. Be made a new person in character and affection by the power of the Holy Spirit: Titus 3:5; 2Cor.5:17.
4. Live a life that is solely dependent on God's Word and His Spirit: John 3:3-8; 1Pet. 1:23; Matt.4:4. You live by the Bible and are led by the Holy Spirit (this is what it is to be born of water and Spirit).

Think about these facts: Are you truly born again? Does your life manifest the issues raised above? You can surrender your life to Jesus today.

* Jesus, I confess You as the Son of God. I believe You died to take away my sins. I surrender my life to You. I renounce every connection with satan and his agents. I surrender my body, soul and spirit to Jesus Christ the Son of God. Jesus, welcome into my heart.
