Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Enemy of your Household

READ: Exodus 10:3-7
MORE LESSONS: Isa.30:15-17
Bible Reading in One Year: Exodus 18-20

The background to this statement was that Pharaoh the king of Egypt did not want the Israelites to go to the wilderness to worship Jehovah. Pharaoh perceived that if Israel went, they would not come back, and that would be a big blow to the Egyptian economy since it was the Israelites that were their slave labour force. Pharaoh and his wise men had tried to play down what the God of Moses could do by repeating some of the miracles that Moses did to convince Pharaoh that God was not behind Israel’s request. What started like a mere display of miracles of rods turning to snakes and water to blood became full blown plagues of frogs, lice, flies, livestock disease, boils, hail and locusts in succession. The Egyptian magicians could no longer reproduce the same and admitted that there is a Being that is higher than the gods of Egypt at war against them. The servants of Pharaoh were fed up and they cried out to their master, And Pharaoh's servants said unto him, 'how long shall this man be a snare unto us? Let the men go, that they may serve the LORD their God: knowest thou not yet that Egypt is destroyed? v 7.

Now, between Pharaoh and the magicians on one hand, and Moses and God on the other, who was actually the snare of the nation of Egypt? Pharaoh would not let Moses and his people go because of pride and arrogance. He was greatly encouraged by the magicians at the beginning of the battle. They showed him that Moses' miracles were not impressive by repeating some of them, which hardened Pharaoh's heart. The magicians and Pharaoh were the snare of their own people. I wish they realised this truth and faced their problem squarely, but they were pointing accusing fingers.

It is unfortunate that some husbands, wives and children are the snare of their home. Yet they do not realise this, and they keep trading blame. If only you will stop cheating on your spouse, obey your parents, come out of that unequal yoke, apologise and ask for one another's forgiveness, tell the truth to your parents or spouse, it will be well with you and your home. Why are you holding back? Can't you see that your home is in a shambles? Can't you see that the enemy is boring a hole in your wall of defence because of your pride and refusal to apologise to your spouse? Please, let go the hurt, the anger and bitterness and forgive one another.

If Pharaoh had listened to the counsel of his servants, all Egypt would not have lost their firstborn. Pharaoh, his chariots and horsemen would not have drowned in the Red Sea. Stop the next plague the enemy is planning for your household. You can do that right now by apologising and making it up to your spouse or children or parents. Receive the grace to do this.

* Lord Jesus, forgive me for holding back from saying I am sorry.
* Please deliver me and my household from snares of life.
* Cast out that spirit at work in your household.



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