Wednesday 23 December
READ: Prov. 3:8
The Bible rates health right very high on the list of importance (3 John 1:2). Man's mind, spiritual nature, and body are all interrelated and interdependent. God gave health rules because He knows what is best for the body (Deuteronomy 6:24, Exodus 23:25). A bondservant of Christ should eat and drink all to the glory of God, using only "that which is good" (Isa. 55:2, 1Corinthians10:31). If God says something is not fit to eat, He must have a good reason. He is not a dictator, but a loving Father. All His counsels are for our good. So if God withholds a thing from us, it is because such does not benefit us (Psa. 84:11). Let us see a list of 12 holy and totally healthy habits dug up from the Word of God:
1. Eat your meals at regular intervals (Ecc.10:17).
2. Don't overeat (Prov. 23:2, Luke21:34).
3. Make mealtime a happy time (Eccl. 3:13).
4. Don't harbour envy or hold grudges (Prov. 14:30, Matt. 5:23,24).
5. Balance work and exercise with sleep and rest (Exo. 20:9,10, Ecc. 2:22 ,23; 5:12, Psa. 127:2).
6. Keep your body clean (Isa. 52:11).
7. Avoid all harmful stimulants.
8. Bury body waste to avoid disease (Deut. 23:12-13).
9. Avoid eating animals that are strangled (Acts 15:20, 29; 21:25).
10. Avoid eating animals that die by themselves (Lev. 17:15; 22:8, Deut.14:21, Ezek. 4:14).
11. Do not eat animal fat or blood (Gen. 9:4, Lev. 3:17; 7:23-27; 17:10-14, Deut. 12:16).
Note: Recent scientific studies have confirmed the fact that most heart attacks result from a high cholesterol level in the blood and that the use of fats is largely responsible for this high level. Also, the blood can transfer diseases. Science is just catching up with the Bible.
12. Put full trust in the Lord (Proverbs 4:20-22;19:23).
God's counsels and rules are always for our good, just as good parents' rules and counsels are best for their children. God holds us accountable (James. 4:17). The reason for restricting our diet is because we are the holy children of a holy God (Deut.14:1-3).
* Thank God for appropriate provision and food consumption.
* Repent of any abuse of food.
* Pray that God will provide food for the needy.
Share your food with somebody today.
He that keepeth Israel shall keep me; He shall not sleep nor slumber for my sake and underneath me are the everlasting arms, so I shall not fall, in the name of Jesus.
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