Monday, July 15, 2013

Have You Been Baptised?

Monday, 15 July

TEXT: Mark 16:6, MORE LESSONS: Matt.28:18-20

It is unfortunate that many believers in Christ do not really understand the significance of water baptism after being born again. Many have funny ideas that are not in line with what the Lord Jesus and the apostles taught. Some believe in infant baptism but we can see from the scripture above that infant baptism cannot be valid.

Jesus says He that believes and is baptised shall be saved. Baptism is needful only after you have believed and personally received Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Baptising someone who has not believed is like white washing a sepulcher. A toddler has not reached the age to believe. Some believe in baptism by sprinkling, but the Bible says we are buried with him (Christ) in baptism (Rom 6:4). Baptism is actually from the Greek word batizo which means to dip, immerse, submerge or bury. Hence valid baptism is done by immersion in water after you have truly become born again.

Yet some say that baptism is not vital, and they cite the case of the thief on the cross who went to Heaven though he was not baptised in water. Now, are you a thief on the cross? There may be cases of people who receive Christ at their dying hour and have no opportunity to do water baptism. That is a narrow escape and God certainly has an arrangement for that. But for anyone who still has the opportunity after being born again to choose not to be baptised by immersion in water is violation of the Word of Christ.

Water baptism is a crucial part of the salvation process. It is the outward evidence that one has given one’s heart to the Lord. I t symbol i s e s one ’s identification with Christ’s death (buried in water) and His glorious resurrection (coming out of water). It is an indication that one has died to sin and received a glorious new life in Christ. On an issue as fundamental as the matter of the salvation of the soul, it is wise that you are not in any doubt that you have got it right. If you have never been baptised since you believed or it was done for you when you were an infant, go for water baptism now.

* Pray that you will walk in the truth of the Gospel all the days of your life.
* Pray for your pastor that he will teach the truth of the Word of God without fear.
* Pray for every believer that has not been baptised in the proper way that their eyes shall open to the truth of the Scripture about water baptism.

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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Law of Sowing and Reaping

     Sunday, 14 July

TEXT: Hos. 10:12, MORE LESSONS: 2Cor.9:6

Let it be known to you that life is about sowing and reaping, it is what you sow that you will reap. No man has ever succeeded in beating the law and no man ever will. If you sow the wind, you will reap whirlwind; If you sow to the flesh you will reap corruption; if you sow in righteousness you will reap mercy. God always gives to people according to their work. You will always earn the fruit of your doing. Where you are today is the result of the kind of seed you were sowing in the days gone by. If you continue to sow the same seed you will surely continue to reap the same result.

However, if you want a change of result you must also change the type of seed you sow. That is how God works and this is where repentance is called for. Repentance means change: change of mind, attitude, behaviour, habit and lifestyle. If you are tired of negative results in life, then repent and change your lifestyle. Sooner than later a new kind of harvest of righteousness, peace, joy, gladness, good will begin to show forth in your life.

Today, take a look at every area of your life, identify the area where you need a change. Be very sincere to yourself. Be decisive about the changes you need to effect. You must change for good. If you do you will begin to reap a harvest of joy and glory, spiritually and in all areas of life, Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the LORD, the God of hosts, shall be with you, as ye have spoken Amos 5:14.

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* Repent of sowing bad seed. Ask the Lord to forgive you and deliver you from their consequences.
* Ask for the grace of God to begin to sow positively in the spirit all the days of your life.
* Pray that positive results will begin to follow you from now on. If there are people you have wronged or you hold in your heart, reconcile with them today.

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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Go Forward, not Back and Forth

     Saturday, 13 July

TEXT: Acts 7:36, MORE LESSONS: Exo.7:3-5

My understanding of today's text is based on the New Living Translation (NLT), And by means of many wonders and miraculous signs, he led them out of Egypt, through the Red Sea, and through the wilderness for forty years Acts 7:36.

What a tragedy! The people moved back and forth in the wilderness, which explains why a journey that should take eleven days took forty years (Ex.14:15). Even then they did not make it to Canaan, except Joshua and Caleb, all because they did not believe or obey His Word in the wilderness.

Today, I rebuke every work of sin that can make you go back and forth in destiny. Indeed, it is time to stop retrogressing in your life's journey. I was troubled when I read Acts 7:36 and I prayed that stagnancy will not prevail over my life ever. And I pray for you, no more one step forward and three steps backward, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Now pray:
1. I shall not perish with the wicked in life.
2. I shall not die unfulfilled, I shall make it to Canaan.
3. The forces of backwardness and stagnancy shall not accompany me on my life journey.
4. I shall ever move forward and make progress.
5. I shall not live a life of disobedience which could bring God's wrath upon my life.

How do you avoid going back and forth?
1. Believe every Word God gives to you without doubt.
2. Let your obedience to the Word be prompt and total.
3. Do not listen to or company with anyone who tells you that God's Word cannot come to pass in your life.
4. Get rid of sin, lust and uncleanness in your life.
5. Develop the habit of listening attentively to God for His Word for you.

From today, you will go forward, steadily and consistently. Your pathway in life will shine more and more and you will not diminish, But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day Prov.4:18.

Using Ex.15:14 to pray: make a list of things that you have not been satisfied with, their level of progress and command them to begin to move forward from today.
Also use Josh.1:2-3; Job 8:7; Psa.84:7.

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Friday, July 12, 2013

Word Triumph II

          Friday, 12 July

TEXT: Psa.119:161-165, MORE LESSONS: Psa.19:7-8

The strength of God is hidden in His Word through His Spirit; so also the secrets of God are hidden in His Word. Therefore, no man that truly desires God can ignore His Word. Every conqueror in the Scripture, including Jesus, triumphed only by standing on the Word of God. That is why knowing God's Word is the secret of partaking in what God's Word can do.

Yesterday we examined what God's Word is capable of doing, now we want to see what God's Word is.
1. It is food for your soul- Matt.4:4.
2. It is medicine for your body- Prov.4:23-24.
3. It is your staff of authority- Matt.4:4,7.
4. It is the key to your prosperity - Psa.1:1-3.
5. It is the gateway to your good success in life - Josh.1:8.
6. It is your road map in your journey through life -Psa.119:105.
7. It is the anchor of permanent peace- Psa.119:165.
8. It is the power of righteousness - Psa. 119:11.
9. It is the light to your destiny pathway- Psa.119:105.
10. It has the power for great reward - Psa.19:11.
11. It is the secret of an established life- Matt.7:24-25.
12. It is the key to eternal life - Jn.5:24.

Jeremiah testifies,
Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart…. Jer.15:16.
That will be your testimony too. God's Word will do you good and take you to the place of triumph, in the name of Jesus.

Therefore, this year, instead of running helter-skelter, anxious for solution, simply apply God's Word and stand to see what Jehovah will do by His Word. The Psalmist says, The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart….Psa.19:8. Keep your focus and trust in the Word of the Lord this year and
there shall be a rejoicing of the heart for you.

* Declare that in 2013 you will hold on firmly to the Word of life which is able to settle all things concerning you.
* Pray that in the midst of storm you will be able to keep your focus and trust in the Word of God.
* Pray that everyday as you read the Word, you will discover the God of the Word more and more and that the Word will remain fresh in your life.

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