Sunday, 14 July
TEXT: Hos. 10:12, MORE LESSONS: 2Cor.9:6
Let it be known to you that life is about sowing and reaping,
it is what you sow that you will reap. No man has ever succeeded in beating the
law and no man ever will. If you sow the wind, you will reap whirlwind; If you
sow to the flesh you will reap corruption; if you sow in righteousness you will
reap mercy. God always gives to people according to their work. You will always
earn the fruit of your doing. Where you are today is the result of the kind of
seed you were sowing in the days gone by. If you continue to sow the same seed
you will surely continue to reap the same result.
However, if you want a change of result you must also
change the type of seed you sow. That is how God works and this is where repentance
is called for. Repentance means change: change of mind, attitude, behaviour, habit
and lifestyle. If you are tired of negative results in life, then repent and
change your lifestyle. Sooner than later a new kind of harvest of righteousness,
peace, joy, gladness, good will begin to show forth in your life.
Today, take a look at every area of your life, identify
the area where you need a change. Be very sincere to yourself. Be decisive about
the changes you need to effect. You must change for good. If you do you will
begin to reap a harvest of joy and glory, spiritually and in all areas of life,
Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the LORD, the God of hosts, shall
be with you, as ye have spoken Amos 5:14.
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* Repent of sowing bad seed. Ask the Lord to forgive
you and deliver you from their consequences.
* Ask for the grace of God to begin to sow positively
in the spirit all the days of your life.
* Pray that positive results will begin to follow you
from now on. If there are people you have wronged or you hold in your heart,
reconcile with them today.
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