Wednesday, 10 July
Text: 2 Cor. 6:14-18, MORE LESSONS: Eph. 5:7-10
If indeed you are a true child of God, then it
matters who you marry. As a believing parent, it matters who your child
marries. Marriage is so central to a person's life, future, and happiness as
well as the fulfilment of the plan and purpose of God for his/her life that one
can’t afford to be careless about the choice of a life partner. It is an issue that
should be given all the diligence and prayer it deserves.
Throughout the Scripture, God treats marriage as a
very serious matter and God's covenant people in the Scripture gave the matter of
marriage a very careful and proper attention. It was God that gave Eve to Adam
(Gen.2:18). Abraham insisted that Isaac his son should not marry a Canaanite.
He sent his servant to go and pick a wife from among his people for Isaac (Gen.28:1-4).
How properly you marry will determine how well
connected you will be with the covenant blessings of God. In several places in
the Bible, God warns His people not to intermarry with the idolatrous Canaanites,
rather they should marry from among God's covenant people. So also our text says
you cannot be unequally yoked with an unbeliever. As a believer you cannot
marry someone who (is):
1. Not yet born again.
2. A backslider.
3. Living in sin and is not ready to repent.
4. Already married.
5. Eager to go to bed with you before marriage.
6. Does not share your faith, belief, and core-values.
You are to marry by God's leading and to a person in
Christ. It is important to seek the consent and approval of your parents and
spiritual leaders before you finalise any marriage deal. In fact, it is better to
carry them along from the beginning. May the Lord lead and guide you in this
vital decision of life, in Jesus' mighty name. However, if you have already
made a mistake in this regard, seek the face of the Lord for divine
intervention and help. Don't take any rash decision, seek for counsel from a
Bible-believing spiritual leader and carry your spouse along in any decision.
Marriage needs care, so handle it with God”s Word and wisdom.
* Give thanks to God because His Spirit is ever
willing and ready to direct you.
* Pray for young people that God will direct them in
this crucial issue of marriage and that they will hear and obey the voice of
the Lord.
* Pray against any doctrine of satan in marital
issues that they will no longer prevail over our youths.
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