Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Word for Triumph

TEXT: Gen 1:1-5, MORE LESSONS: Josh 14:6-7, 9, 10

The earth was without form and void until God's Word came to it. Life also is void, without form, and filled only with darkness until the Word of the Lord comes into it. I pray God give you understanding of this text because it is the root of all that you desire in life. Until God's Word comes into your life, just like the earth at creation, your life will simply remain empty and without form or beauty whatsoever.

From the text, this beautiful earth was an ugly, chaotic and shapeless place until Jehovah showed up and began to speak to it. Lazarus remained a dead man, rotten and smelling until his word came, …Lazarus, come forth Jn.11:43. Your situation remains dead and rotten until you locate and speak God's Word to it.

Although a prophet of God, Jeremiah remained unfocused, without direction and purposeless until his word came, Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; … and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Jere.1:5. The phrase, a prophet unto the nations, changed his perspective entirely, he stopped seeing himself as a local prophet sent only to Israel; now he knew he was an international prophet sent to nations. While thousands were dying in the wilderness between Egypt and Canaan, Joshua and Caleb were simply dreaming of the type of house they would have in Canaan, because they already had God's Word for the journey, Doubtless ye shall not come into the land, concerning which I sware to make you dwell therein, save Caleb … and Joshua …. Num.14:30. All the age mates of Simeon died of sickness, old age, attack, etc but Simeon refused to die like others, because he had God's Word that he would not die until he had seen the Saviour born (Lk.1:25-26). He lived until he saw the Saviour.

Caleb made it to Canaan but remained empty without any possession in the land until he laid hold on the Word of God for his life, Now therefore give me this mountain, whereof the LORD spake in that day…. Josh.14:12. You too need to lay hold on God's Word for your life by reading, studying and praying God's Word into your situation or else you will be empty, void and shapeless like the earth was initially. When Joseph's Word came, he prevailed over the prison. Today, by God's Word I see you break your prison doors (Ps. 105:19-20).

Start prophesying now over your life and destiny. Declare that:
* Your destiny will not be barren of anything good.
* You will reach your Canaan.
 You will triumph in life, spiritual and physical.

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