Sunday, July 21, 2013

Upload your Day/Year

TEXT: Ps 68:19, MORE LESSONS: Isa 46: 9-10

From the Scripture, it is clear that days, years and seasons are not the creation of man or any human authority, and God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and or days, and years Gen 1: 14.Since all are the creation of God, then days, years and seasons are spiritual things, not just natural occurrences.

The good news arising from this is that knowing the origin and source of days and years gives one the opportunity to determine how a day/year/season runs by going to the source. Everyone therefore who is connected to God, the author and creator of days/years/seasons, is also connected to the power of the day and can influence it. What a great thing to be able to influence what happens in your day/year/season.

No doubt the components of a day how that there is evil in it (Eph.5:16) but it also has good in it, Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits.… Psa.68:19. In essence, God made the day and uploads it daily with benefits. Therefore, all of God's children who have this knowledge of God as the creator and loader of everyday should not allow any evil in their day. By prayer to God you should daily upload your day, first thing in the morning every day of the year, with all the benefits that you want your day to bring and download them every second as you run in the day.

 The scripture you read, the prayer you say and the confession you make at the take-off of your day are your uploading process, and what you load into the day is what you download in the day. Every time you refuse to start your day with the Word and prayer you give Satan an opportunity to upload evil into your day. Days and seasons are spiritual, they are gifts from God with loaded benefits and every child of God should go through each day with this knowledge and take charge of what his or her day will be from the spiritual (God) at every start of the day/year, especially at the personal and family altar.

A day started with God as the Alpha and Omega cannot end in disaster, God will take charge. Upload your day from the beginning with God and your day will be loaded with benefits.

* Ask the Lord to help you never to start a day/year without raising an altar to upload your day/year with blessings.
* Rebuke every evil intended from hell over this day.
* Declare your desires for this day/year and command them activated now.

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