Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Wait on the Lord

Text: Isa. 40:28-31
More Lessons: Isa. 30:18-21

One of the major problems in the world today is haste; everybody wants to “make it”, that is, succeed as a matter of urgency. Sadly, this attitude is also found even in the body of Christ. The irony, however, is that those who carefully and patiently come behind you discover the money which you might have run over.

Today, the Lord is teaching you to pause for a while. Learn to wait upon the Lord for everything. The Bible teaches us that the Lord makes things beautiful in His own time. God does not use a wristwatch to calculate time, seasons and years the same way we do.

Psalm 90:4 says, for a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday…. Are you in haste over anything? The Lord is telling you to wait upon Him. It is in your interest to wait upon the Lord because they that do so shall renew their strength (Isa. 40:31).

You burn a lot of energy running here and there but when you wait upon the Lord in prayer and fasting, in diligence and commitment, your burnt energy is renewed, replaced or refilled. For waiting on Him, He grants you the strength of an eagle (agility, might, glorious height and dominance of your environment) to fly over and above all circumstances; the speed to run, power never to be weary, and the majesty, caution, confidence, protection and guidance to walk over pain, affliction, lack, opposition and obstacles, and yet not faint. You are granted total protection when you fly (great speed), run (medium speed) and walk (slow speed) as strictly directed by the Spirit of God in response to situations and circumstances of life. Learn to wait on the Lord; it pays.

Never be desperate about anything, whatever goes round must come round. Trust in the power of God to give you yours in your season and His time. Prov. 28:20 says, a faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent!” And Isaiah the prophet says, Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.” Isa. 28:16 (KJV). Another version (NIV) says, He that relies on it will never be stricken with panic and the Amplified version says, He who believes (trusts in, relies on, and adheres to that Stone) will not be ashamed. Therefore, wait on the Lord!

Prayer/ Action
* Ask God to grant you patience in the midst of challenges.
* Pray for strength not to faint in the place of waiting.
* Find a prayer partner today and agree with him that you will not wait in vain.

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Monday, September 30, 2013

Are You Ready?

TEXT: I Thes.4:13-18, MORE LESSONS: Titus 2:13

The coming of the Lord is at hand and much more closer than before. The rapture; the taking away of the believers from the earth before the tribulation is the next event the world will experience whether we are ready for it or not.
After hearing a message about the rapture, a teenager said, “I know the Lord is coming someday but I hope it isn't right away. I have got a lot of things I want to do”. Most Bible scholars and preachers agree that the signs of the times are pointing to the coming of Jesus in air and with the sound of the trumpet to rescue believers from the earth for the Marriage Super of the Lamb in the sky for 3½ years. But unfortunately, many Christians are no longer waiting or eager about the taking away of the believers from the earth (Rapture). Rather, believers are becoming so much involved with the things of the world; they don't behave as if they are looking for Christ's return. Instead of becoming indifferent about the coming of Jesus, we should be living in constant expectation of that glorious event, since no one really knows for sure when Christ is coming to take away His own.
Jesus gave us the key and made us to understand how we should live while awaiting the coming of the Lord. And he called his servants and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, occupy till I come: Luke 19:13. That is to say while we are waiting for Christ’s return, we should be involved in active service for God in His vineyard. I Cor.15:52 makes us to understand how it will happen, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,…. Beloved, it will be a very sharp event, there will be no time to pray sinners prayer then, so why not pray, restitute and preach Christ to all you have to today. The rapture will not be a secret silent event, and will not be done twice. It is the very one and only last trumpet blow for the exodus of the believers from the earth. The dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed. That is to say we shall not stand before God in this mortal body; there shall be a change. Are you ready to put on another body? Are you ready to walk on the streets of gold? It wouldn't be long again!

* Ask God to put your spirit in a permanent state of expectation for the rapture.
* Pray that you will not be like the foolish virgins who narrowly missed the master.
* Pray that by God’s grace you will live and do all things with eternity in view.
* Plead for forgiveness and mercy over any past or present acts capable of making you miss the rapture.

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Honouring the Lord

TEXT: Dan. 10:18,    MORE LESSONS: 2Tim.1:7

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were three Hebrew men who honoured God in a strange land. They were captives to Babylon but stood as ambassadors of Jehovah in the land of captivity. Although they were set up for the purpose of being discredited and destroyed out of jealousy, their faith in God, turned the setup to a turn-up. I imagine how God and the angels in Heaven felt when these Jews dared the king's fire. Their action can be summarized in the following ways.
1. They feared God more than man (v18).
2. Although, far from home, they kept the commandment they had been taught from home, never to bow to any image/idol (Exo. 20:3).
3. They made God proud in heaven, so God also made them proud on the earth.
4. They took a risk for the Kingdom's sake and were not disappointed.
5. They chose not to be cowards or to deny God in a foreign land like the other captives in Babylon. Obviously, God is honoured in these characters. In contrast to these however, when is God dishonoured? He is dishonoured when;
1. we fall flat to simple temptations,
2. we deny Christ because of little earthly, temporary things,
3. we fear man more than God (I Sam. 2:19),
4. we break God's laws with impunity,
5. we toy with sin as if we have no conscience,
6. it doesn't matter becomes our excuse for sin,
7. we begin to classify sin as major or minor. Sin is sin,
8. we disrespect God's appointed leaders for whatsoever reason,
9. we misrepresent God in dressing, speech, and public office.
Friend, God is honoured when like Jesus we have a testimony that we fulfilled all righteousness (Matt. 3:11-15). When we dare the devil and the world to obey God rather than men, then the Fourth Man in the fire will show up for us like He did for the three Hebrews in the fire. My prayers for you today is that as you dare to honour God and take risks for God's Kingdom. Then, God will show up for you.

* Pray that your life will bring honour to God and His people.
* Pray that as many as are being persecuted for the sake of heaven will not lose focus nor fail God.
* Pray that you will be a practical and an exceptional example of God's people in your generation.
* Repent of everything you ever did that brought shame to God's name.

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

What to do with Jesus

TEXT: Matt. 27:15-24, MORE LESSONS: 2 Cor. 5:14-15

When Pilate, at the trial of Jesus asked, …what shall I do then with Jesus, which is called Christ? (v22), he was expecting an answer like, “Release Jesus, crucify the armed robber, Barabbas”. Unfortunately, to Pilate's surprise, the people had been sufficiently briefed and mobilized enough to answer in the negative, …they are all saying to him, let him be crucified. One day, all who ever lived will be asked that same question.
Jesus was born to a Jewish family but with a global eternal mission. Anyone who avoids Him on the earth will meet Him in Heaven (II Cor. 5:10). Those who shouted “Crucify Him”, preferring the armed robber to the Saviour, will be there that day, including those who flogged and nailed Him, shared His dress, gave Him vinegar, etc. Those who called Him a homosexual and those who an inferred that He had immoral affairs with Mary and Martha will also be there to give their own account to explain why they said what they said. Even Pilate will be there to answer the question he posed to the crowd. On that day, what will you say you did with Jesus? Today, some are playing religion with Jesus, they keep all the religious files- such as going on pi lgrimage wi thout any personal relationship with Jesus the object of the religion. Some are building kingdoms around Jesus, founding churches and ministries in His name, whether they are called or not, studying and propounding stories, yet they have never met Him. In fact, some are related with Jesus only to the intent of using His name for money making; they produce religious materials, CDs DVDs, books etc to sell in His name but they don't know Him.
All of us will answer for what we did with Him. Jesus said, concerning Himself, … I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly: Jn. 10:10. Angel Gabriel said concerning Him, ...for he shall save his people from their sins. Matt. 1:21. Whatever we do with or for Jesus that does not include receiving forgiveness of our sins, and accepting Him as the only source of life is not correct. Do you have the life of Jesus in you or you are locked up in religious activities. Accepting Jesus to clean you of all sins and live in you as your Lord and Master is the only right thing to do with Jesus; all other things are secondary.

* Pray that you will not be empty of God's Word that you have been hearing.
* Ask God for a daily renewed relationship with Jesus.
* Pray that nothing will be more important to you in life than your relationship with Jesus.
* Take a deep thought about your relationship with Jesus.

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