TEXT: Matt. 27:15-24, MORE LESSONS: 2 Cor. 5:14-15
When Pilate, at the trial of Jesus asked, …what shall I do then with Jesus, which is called Christ? (v22), he was expecting an answer like, “Release Jesus, crucify the armed robber, Barabbas”. Unfortunately, to Pilate's surprise, the people had been sufficiently briefed and mobilized enough to answer in the negative, …they are all saying to him, let him be crucified. One day, all who ever lived will be asked that same question.
Jesus was born to a Jewish family but with a global eternal mission. Anyone who avoids Him on the earth will meet Him in Heaven (II Cor. 5:10). Those who shouted “Crucify Him”, preferring the armed robber to the Saviour, will be there that day, including those who flogged and nailed Him, shared His dress, gave Him vinegar, etc. Those who called Him a homosexual and those who an inferred that He had immoral affairs with Mary and Martha will also be there to give their own account to explain why they said what they said. Even Pilate will be there to answer the question he posed to the crowd. On that day, what will you say you did with Jesus? Today, some are playing religion with Jesus, they keep all the religious files- such as going on pi lgrimage wi thout any personal relationship with Jesus the object of the religion. Some are building kingdoms around Jesus, founding churches and ministries in His name, whether they are called or not, studying and propounding stories, yet they have never met Him. In fact, some are related with Jesus only to the intent of using His name for money making; they produce religious materials, CDs DVDs, books etc to sell in His name but they don't know Him.
All of us will answer for what we did with Him. Jesus said, concerning Himself, … I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly: Jn. 10:10. Angel Gabriel said concerning Him, ...for he shall save his people from their sins. Matt. 1:21. Whatever we do with or for Jesus that does not include receiving forgiveness of our sins, and accepting Him as the only source of life is not correct. Do you have the life of Jesus in you or you are locked up in religious activities. Accepting Jesus to clean you of all sins and live in you as your Lord and Master is the only right thing to do with Jesus; all other things are secondary.
* Pray that you will not be empty of God's Word that you have been hearing.
* Ask God for a daily renewed relationship with Jesus.
* Pray that nothing will be more important to you in life than your relationship with Jesus.
* Take a deep thought about your relationship with Jesus.
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