Gen. 2:15-25,
MORE LESSONS: Col. 3:18-21
has a plan for each of His children's home, present or future. As the initiator
of the institution of marriage, His desire is that no home fails. It is important
for us as God's children, who want to be part of His heavenly desire in the
place of marriage, to know God's original purpose for this institution and there
are three major ones.
marriage was ordained for the mutual societal help and comfort which husband and
wife ought to provide for each other, both in prosperity and adversity. Two, it
was ordained in order that the natural instinct and affection implanted by God
should be allowed and directed aright, that is pure sexual life without fornication.
Finally, it was ordained for procreation, that godly seeds may be raised on the
all these, God's topmost priority from the beginning is not procreation, which
unfortunately today is our number one purpose for marriage. His priority
actually is for help, in prosperity and in adversity, And the LORD God said, It
is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him:
v18. And God repeated this same thing in verse 20 …but for Adam there was not
found an help meet for him. Every other reason for marriage is God's plan but
being an help is His priority. The question now is, how helpful are you to your
spouse or do you intend to be when you get married? Until you are a helper to
your spouse in all things: spiritual, physical, material, economic, health, etc,
you are not yet building a happy home.
are a few things and principles that God has set aside as standards and roles
which if we apply can make a happy home.
Husbands must love their wives unconditionally (Eph. 5:25).
Wives must submit to their own husbands without reservation (Eph. 5:22).
In honour they must prefer one another.
They must endeavour to keep the unity of the spirit.
They both must leave to cleave. (Eph 5:31).
Finally, God hates divorce and husbands and wives must recognize and agree that
according to God's
divorce is never an option (Mal. 2:16).
Pray for homes that are under satanic attacks and marriage crisis.
Ask God to defend and restore peace to the marriage institution.
Pray that all unmarried brethren will find God's favour in marriage choice.
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