Wednesday, September 11, 2013

All things work for Good

TEXT: Rom. 8:28, 
MORE LESSONS: Job 42:1-13

Job lost all that he had in one day - his children, business and his friends - but he never called God wicked. Whatever happens to you, keep giving God thanks, praise and glory. Never question Him, complain or refuse to serve Him anymore. Job was one of the greatest men that ever lived because of the way he handled his difficult time. The strength of a man is known in the time of crisis not when everything is sweet. How do you handle challenging times?
An ungodly king had a servant who always told the king, ‘God is perfect, He doesn't make mistakes. So whatever happens is for a purpose and it's working for good’. One day the king and his servant went hunting and were attacked by an animal; the king lost one finger and became angry. He said, ‘How could God allow me to go through the hurt of losing a finger’. The servant replied, ‘I believe God is good and knows why this happened. Everything He does is for a purpose’. The king got angry the more and ordered the servant to be locked up in jail for insisting that God is good even after what happened to him.
After sometime, the king went out hunting alone and in the forest some savages kidnapped him for rituals. As they were about to sacrifice him, the priest noticed that he had lost a finger and said, ‘Our god only takes a complete and unblemished human for a sacrifice. This man is not fit for the sacrifice’. They released him because his missing finger disqualified him from being sacrificed. As soon as he got home, he ordered the release of the servant. He agree that God is good and everything He does is for a good purpose. He realized that if the animal had not removed one of his fingers he would have been used for sacrifice by the savages. He then asked the servant what good was in punishing him (the servant) for saying the truth. The servant replied, ‘Oh king, thank you for locking me up so that I missed your last hunting trip. It was for a very good purpose’.
All things work together for good (Rom. 8:28) so be positive about all that happens to you. Look forward to the joy that will come out of all situations. Never blame God for anything and when good happens, give thanks to God. So whatever betides, also give Him glory and praise. Give God thanks, not because of negative situations but because of the good that will come out of them.

* Receive grace to thank God for whatever you are going through now.
* Ask for grace to see His purpose in whatsoever you are going through.
* Rebuke the enemy and refuse him from taking advantage of your situation.
* Take a step of faith; go give a testimony over your situation.
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