Thursday, September 26, 2013

Destiny Safety II

TEXT: Psa. 23:1-6, MORE LESSONS: Ecc. 4:9-12

There is no self made man on the earth; God did not create one. Every man needs someone else in life. No matter how great a man is in life, he still has one need someone else can meet. We, therefore, must all open up for help when necessary. Many destinies have been unnecessarily wasted because of arrogance. I am till believing God for greatness in my life; I have not shut doors for correction and rebuke. I value those who are able to love me enough to call my attention to what I do wrong. But beyond that, I have people that I have willingly submitted my life to for correction and rebuke when necessary. They are people that I know cannot rebuke me out of ignorance or jealousy; people who God has raised and are ahead, people of grace, not of age, strong enough to raise me under God. If I slip down the slope, I know the power of the Holy Ghost and I know the strength of God but I also know that, Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth...: Ecc. 4:9-10.
In addition, I know that the secret of the strong sheep (Psa. 23) is the shepherd. The sheep shall not want (v1) they shall find pasture and a still noiseless stream. When he misses his way, he finds restoration, and is guided in the path of righteousness because he has a shepherd over his life. In fact, with the shepherd nearby, there is no fear even in the valley of the shadow of death and the sheep eats to his satisfaction while his enemies look on. However, the sheep’s confidence is based on these things: the shepherd's presence, his rod (to protect and fight the sheep's enemies) and the staff (to guide, correct and rebuke the sheep). If your destiny is to be safe therefore, you need someone by your side who you can have access to and trust for direction and correction. That is the joy of having a shepherd and that is safety.
If you have a pastor, leader, or mentor who cannot tell you when you are wrong, your destiny is at a risk, run! A man of God said, ‘If your pastor preaches a message strong enough to make you cry, buy a gift and go give him for a good job’. As a congregation, we need such shepherd over our lives and even as a shepherd, you also need a shepherd over you. Any shepherd without a shepherd, mentor or father is not worthy of leading others. It is only in being led that we can lead. It does not help to worship in a place and have no contribution to the place; and worst of all, to live a life without a shepherd.

* Ask God to make you a faithful sheep to your shepherd.
* Pray that you will not stray from your shepherd.
* Pray that the rod and the staff of your shepherd will comfort you and that you will not rebel against instruction.

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