Jn. 14:1-2,
am looking forward to the day I will get home, home sweet home, where there
will be no more darkness, And there shall be no night there; and they need no
candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: Rev 22:5.
Yes, home in heaven where there will be no more fear. It seems as though
society is becoming increasingly dangerous and more violent. But in heaven we
won't need burglar proofs for our windows and doors or even have to lock our
doors; all will be free of violence and fear of being terrorized.
home sweet Heaven, where all my questions will be answered. For example, I don't
understand why some people are using contraceptive to stop making babies and still
get pregnant, while some are labouring to be seen to be pregnant even if for one
day. I don't understand why prostitutes are getting pregnant and aborting, while
sound heaven-bound believers, even pastors have fasted in vain for years. I
don't know why all requirements fulfilled, spiritual and physical, the
beautiful sisters are left waiting very long for marriage partners. I don't understand
why healthy children die and the children of the mad woman on the street
survive. There are many things I don't understand and can’t explain.
have come to understand that God is sovereign. He knows what He's doing; He is in
control. I'm confident that when I see Him face to face, my questions will be
answered. What a joy and a reason to look forward to going home! What a home,
where all tears shall be wiped away (Rev. 21:4), there shall be no more curse
(Rev. 22:3) and where we shall spend all of eternity in peace, and joy.
all the troubles of this world, the persecutions, denials, pains, hurts etc,
heaven will be a place of rest. Paul says, If in this life only we have hope in
Christ, we are of all men most miserable (I Cor. 15:19). Our lives here on the earth,
therefore, should be lived like father Abraham (Heb. 11:10). We must look
forward to our heavenly home, and not see this earth as all in all. Always
remember the following about this earth:
The earth is a temporary place.
We brought nothing here, and we shall not take anything away.
The earth is a transit place, only heaven is home. Therefore, if you have a
hope of heaven, then do all things with heaven in view! Whatever will take
heaven from you, avoid like a plague.
Jesus said, “I go to prepare a place for you”.
that nothing on this earth will distract your dream of heaven.
God to take from you anything that will rob you of Heaven.
God to do anything but never take your name out of the Book of Life.
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