Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Nothing but the Word

TEXT: Mk. 7: 5-13, MORE LESSONS: Jer. 23:29; Acts 19:20

It is important to emphasize again that God's Word is powerful and can do anything and even without any other help because the Word is God Himself. The Word of God is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13:8). It has achieved great results for generations. However, events have shown that the Word of God works in some people's lives and eludes others. The reason is not that God is partial to some people; it is that some people have chosen some things that quench the Word of God. Such things include sin, unbelief, deliberate ignorance of God's workings, traditions etc. which frustrate God's interventions in the situations.
Jesus in Mk. 7:13 says that some people make the Word of God of no effect through their tradition. It is terrifying how many Christians exalt their village traditions above the Word of God, yet they still expect God to perform His Word in their lives. Jesus has already clearly stated that you cannot serve two masters at a time. The Word of God and the traditions of men don't work together; they often contradict each other. It is true that the Word of God is powerful but the Master says that the traditions can make it of no effect in your life. Christianity is a way of life with its own principles and is governed by the Holy Spirit and not traditions. Most traditions of men are devilish and oppose the way of the Lord.
The Bible is our guide; it covers what has happened, what is happening and what will happen. It is sufficient for guidance, instruction, rebuke and correction: (2Tim. 3:16); it does not need addition. It carries the whole weight and authority of God. It deserves to be obeyed in full and in its obedience is life and victory. That was why God told Joshua, This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success: Jos 1:8.
All these promises and more came to pass upon Joshua for as long as he remained committed to God's Word alone. God's Word works for those who know it, read it and live by it alone. It will work for you if you do the same.
* Pray that the spirit of the Word of God will fall upon you.
*Declare that no devilish tradition will prevail against God’s Word in your life.
* Declare that the Word of God will prosper you as it prospered others before you.

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