Sunday, September 8, 2013

Divine Recipe for Long Life

TEXT: Ex. 20:12-14, 
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 91:14-16

Going through a write-up recently, it struck me more than ever before that I have a role to play in living my life to the full. It was as if a veil was removed from my face so I took some vital decisions to share some tips here for the benefit of readers of this devotional. God has already given us a promise, …with long life will I satisfy him…: (Psa. 91:6) and He has fulfilled this in the lives of many of our spiritual forefathers. Abraham is an example, …And Abraham was old and well stricken in age: and the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things: Gen. 24:1.
This is the type of testimony we all should aim at if Jesus tarries. However, it is clear that this has not been the case with many Christians. While many of us attribute untimely death to witches and wizards, sicknesses and diseases, and several satanic vices, recent studies have it that more of God's people are being killed by ignorance, disobedience and carelessness. One of such disobedience is the flagrant violation of the law of Sabbath. The law of Sabbath is the law of one day rest out of seven. God gave the law of the Sabbath for our benefit; not only for us to worship Him but to abstain from work and rest our body, mind, soul and in order to avoid untimely death occasioned by overwork and unbridled desire for success.
To live an healthy long life therefore, the following things have been found to be very vital. 1. You must eat healthy, wholesome food, not junk food;
2. live in clean, decent environment;
3. exercise regularly;
4. live a stress-free life and do not worry about anything;
5. take regular time to rest – good sleep daily and one day of rest out of seven as well as a regular break from your work to have a prolonged season of relaxation.
When men violate God's physical laws, refuse to rest, they do not live long and often die suddenly regardless of the promises of God. In the name of Jesus, you will live long; you will not die untimely. You brought nothing to this world and you will take nothing out of it. If you drop dead today, life will go on without you. Pause and take some time off. It is time to follow God's provision for long life.

* Ask God to forgive all your acts of disobedience to the law of God, especially the law of Sabbath.
* Ask God to remove every sickness that has resulted from your disobedience.
* Ask God to fulfil His promise of long life over your life.
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