Saturday, October 12, 2013

Members of Christ

Text: I Cor. 6:15-20.
More Lessons: I Cor. 3:16-17

The scripture reading today highlights five glorious things that happen to a man who turns over to Jesus and is born again.
1. The Christian becomes a member of Christ (v15a), that is, he has become a part of Jesus’ body). Such a person is taken care of. Your provision and nourishment are guaranteed, just as any part of a body receives its nourishment from the body. What a glory!
2. Your defence and protection from every work of the devil is guaranteed as no man deliberately allows himself to be hurt. In fact, the principle of reflex action is such that a defence and in some instances, an attack naturally springs up when anything that can hurt the body confronts it. Jesus cannot be aloof over anything that confronts you to hurt you. His reflex actions are too sharp and strong for any danger around and against members of His body.
3. Your body has a new designation and a new occupant. You are now the temple of the Holy Spirit who dwells in you (v19). You are a habitation of the Spirit of the Living God, not sickness and disease.
4. You have a worth, a precious price was paid to acquire you (v20). No man pays a heavy price for a worthless item. God could not stake so much as the blood of His Son on you if He did not consider you worthy.
5. Your body is the Lord’s whether in life or in death, therefore Satan has no claim over you. Satan contended for the body of Moses and Archangel Michael invoked the name of the Lord to rebuke him. Let it be so in your case so that at death, you will have an express passage to the Lord of your body. I welcome you to this glorious provision in Christ Jesus.

Prayer/ Action
* Ask that the reflex action of Jesus' body be activated against every attack on you, His body, now.
* Tell the devil to take his hands off you, now.
* Rededicate your entire body to God as His temple and ask Him to help you keep it holy.

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Friday, October 11, 2013

Lord Open Heaven

Text: Acts 7:55-59
More Lessons: Acts 9:1-9

And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God: v56. When Heaven opens upon an individual, a contact is made to see what will carry the individual to glory in life and destiny. Prophet Ezekiel was among the captives by the river. But while other captives saw hell in the hands of their tormentors, Ezekiel saw Heaven open; he had the visions of God and a mighty ministry. Open Heaven experience is only meant for earnest seekers of God. Jer. 33:3 says, Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

No man or woman can experience open Heaven except he or she is prepared for it as one that thirsts and hungers after righteousness. The worth of a certificate is only known by the one that worked hard for it. Stephen, the first martyr of the early church, defended the cause of the Master to the point of death and saw Heaven open and the Son of God seated in glory. Our Lord Jesus experienced open Heaven at the beginning of His ministry and life on earth. …and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: Matt. 3:16-17. On Mount Camel, when a choice was necessary in the land of Israel of who to serve – whether Baal of Jehovah – Heaven opened upon Elijah and responded to his sacrifice by fire (I Kg. 18:36-40). Great saints of God in contemporary times – Aimee Semple McPherson, Kathryn Kuhlman, Benson Idahosa, Kenneth Hagin, and many more succeeded in ministry because of the Open Heaven experience. May you experience open Heaven and see into the supernatural.

When heaven opened upon Jesus, Ezekiel and Stephen, the following things were evident: Ezekiel – Ezek. 1:1-3.
1. Visions of God (v1)
2. Express release of God's Word (v3)
3. The hand of the Lord comes upon man (v3)
Stephen – Acts 7:54
1. The revelation of God's glory (v54)
2. A vision of Jesus in His present position Jesus – Matt. 3:16-17
1. The release of the Holy Ghost in an unprecedented way (v16)
2. The direct voice of Heaven
3. Public attestation and approval (v17)
Beyond all these, there is nothing more that a man can desire in life. Ask God for an open heaven and your life will find fulfillment, in Jesus’ Name.

Prayer/ Action
* Pray against every spirit of closed heaven.
* Ask God to open the Heaven upon your destiny.
* Ask God for open heaven experience like He gave Stephen Elijah, Ezekiel and Jesus.

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Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Giving Spirit

Text: Lk. 6:30-38 More Lessons: II Chro. 7:4-7

There is a mystery involved in the act of open-handedness that only a few men understand or appreciate. The average man is pleased to receive value and reluctant to part with same. This is the basic instinct of a natural man. A popular Christian author, John Maxwell, once said, “We live by what we give”. When it dawns on a man that giving is the essence of life, then there will be no struggle in releasing his gifts, abilities, natural endowment, resources and time to serve God and humanity. God is the greatest giver that made all men – givers and gatherers, the generous and the tight-fisted. It is wisdom for a man to be on the giving and generous side of life.

It is only a mark of appreciation to the great Giver who gives to multiply givers on earth. If you study the lives of natural givers all over the world, you notice that their ability to give always increases and they never lack. Remember that an unbeliever that lives by giving will always be ahead of a most holy believer that is tight-fisted in natural wealth and possessions.

Believers have the greatest opportunity to part with poverty and live fulfilled lives. We often want to be associated with the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Solomon etc, but are we ready to pay the price they paid? These were men that emptied their lives for the Lord. He that empties himself for God will be rewarded with overflowing blessings from above.

Change your attitude positively towards tithes, offerings, pledges, vows, almsgiving and helping others and you will never regret it. You were created to give. God gave His best (Jesus) and His children should give like Him. Verse 38 of our text says, Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. That is not just a promise; it is a key to unlock wealth! If you are tired of poverty and you desire to come out as fast as you can, take the key of giving and the padlock against your wealth will give way speedily.

There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty: Pro. 11:24. Now answer the question, “Who holds the key to your prosperity?”

Prayer/ Action
* Promise God nothing will be too big for you to give Him.
* Cast every spirit of tight-fistedness out of your destiny.
* Command the spirit of giving to come upon you.
* Rebuke any spirit of loss, wastage and emptiness over your finances.
* Give a special offering this week to your local assembly, shepherd or a church project with a request to God for a testimony in your finances.

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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

True Disciples II

Text: Lk. 9:23-26.
More Lessons: Matt. 10:1-4

It is a great thing to witness the mass conversion of souls in our generation through great evangelistic campaigns, crusades, outreaches, church services and personal evangelism. Nothing can be better than registering such souls in the Kingdom of God.

To be converted from a sinner to a saint is a worthy thing. However, the divine plan of God is for disciples to be made of such converts. Only disciples can truly represent their Master because they have been touched and groomed by Him. Jesus our Lord had many converts in His earthly ministry. Remember, He was a crowd puller; He went about doing good, healing the sick and setting free all that were oppressed of the devil. Multitudes were always coming to Him because He met their spiritual and physical needs. However, each time He went to the mountain or crossed the sea to the other side, only His disciples came unto Him And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him; Matt 5:1.

Each time He came down from the mountain, converts (multitudes) followed Him. When he was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him Matt 8:1.

Multitudes followed Jesus for what they stood to gain while disciples were always with Him for what they could offer Him in service And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me: Luk 9:23.

The cost on disciples means that they must learn to constantly deny themselves (even of rightful pleasure), take up the cross (to suffer for the Lord, if and when necessary) and follow Him daily (no alternative whatever the case, but to focus on Him daily). Certainly, ordinary converts will not endure all these.

God wants you to move to the next level in your Christian life. Be a disciple indeed and not just a convert. Make up your mind to be a disciple today and disciple others thereafter.

Prayer / Action
* Ask God to help you pay the price of being a disciple.
* Ask God to promote all converts in JAWOM to the level of a disciple.
Take a decision today not to be an idle bench warmer in your local assembly.
Specifically decide which department or assignment you will join before your next fellowship day.

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