Friday, October 11, 2013

Lord Open Heaven

Text: Acts 7:55-59
More Lessons: Acts 9:1-9

And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God: v56. When Heaven opens upon an individual, a contact is made to see what will carry the individual to glory in life and destiny. Prophet Ezekiel was among the captives by the river. But while other captives saw hell in the hands of their tormentors, Ezekiel saw Heaven open; he had the visions of God and a mighty ministry. Open Heaven experience is only meant for earnest seekers of God. Jer. 33:3 says, Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

No man or woman can experience open Heaven except he or she is prepared for it as one that thirsts and hungers after righteousness. The worth of a certificate is only known by the one that worked hard for it. Stephen, the first martyr of the early church, defended the cause of the Master to the point of death and saw Heaven open and the Son of God seated in glory. Our Lord Jesus experienced open Heaven at the beginning of His ministry and life on earth. …and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: Matt. 3:16-17. On Mount Camel, when a choice was necessary in the land of Israel of who to serve – whether Baal of Jehovah – Heaven opened upon Elijah and responded to his sacrifice by fire (I Kg. 18:36-40). Great saints of God in contemporary times – Aimee Semple McPherson, Kathryn Kuhlman, Benson Idahosa, Kenneth Hagin, and many more succeeded in ministry because of the Open Heaven experience. May you experience open Heaven and see into the supernatural.

When heaven opened upon Jesus, Ezekiel and Stephen, the following things were evident: Ezekiel – Ezek. 1:1-3.
1. Visions of God (v1)
2. Express release of God's Word (v3)
3. The hand of the Lord comes upon man (v3)
Stephen – Acts 7:54
1. The revelation of God's glory (v54)
2. A vision of Jesus in His present position Jesus – Matt. 3:16-17
1. The release of the Holy Ghost in an unprecedented way (v16)
2. The direct voice of Heaven
3. Public attestation and approval (v17)
Beyond all these, there is nothing more that a man can desire in life. Ask God for an open heaven and your life will find fulfillment, in Jesus’ Name.

Prayer/ Action
* Pray against every spirit of closed heaven.
* Ask God to open the Heaven upon your destiny.
* Ask God for open heaven experience like He gave Stephen Elijah, Ezekiel and Jesus.

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