Text: Heb 4:12
More Lessons: Acts 19:11-20
The writer of Hebrews has given us fresh revelation on the mystery and efficacy of the Word of God at work in us. In today’s passage, three major things are evident about the power of the Word of God. Firstly, it is quick, which means that when you receive the Word of God, it quickens you. The reason why the Word of God is given to us as a 'quick' capsule is because the enemy wants to poison us until he can slow our lives down completely. Satan and his cohorts are out to stop every good thing that God is doing in and through our lives. They start out by slowing down our faith in God for that miracle and breakthrough, slowing down our zeal for the things of God and our desire to be in the assembly of the saints of God, slowing down our ability to tarry with God in prayer and deep communion. And as soon as communion with God is withdrawn, we lose direction and divine guidance, and then the spirit of fear sets in, followed by all manners of sin and lawlessness. But the Living Book declares in II Cor. 2:11, Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.
Then comes the ministry of the word in us; it quickens, revives, awakens and activates us unto the things of God. This is why we must continue to live by the Living Book, which provides quick capsules that insulate us from the poison of the enemy that can slow us down completely, and make us inactive and unresponsive to the things of God.
The next major assignment of the Word of God in us is to release immense power. Indeed, the Word of the Lord is powerful enough to save us from anything and everything that stands in our way. This is so, because the enemy’s device is not only to slow us down but also to leave us disarmed and weak. If you have ever noticed any area in your life that is weak and maybe a part of your body that is sickly, apply the power capsule in the Word of God and see the anointing of God's Spirit restore and re-invigorate you with the fullness of life. I dare to say that a wordless life is a powerless life. As you stand firm on the Word of God today, every slow and blunt area of your life is being quickened and empowered right now by the living Word of God, in Jesus’ mighty name.
Thank God for the Living Book. Thank Him for the Word of God.
Prayer/ Action
* Pray that God’s Word will quicken, revive and awaken you to who God is.
* Ask that the power of God’s Word will strengthen you in all areas of life.
* Release the power in the Word to re-invigorate your destiny in God.
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