Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Glorious Liberty: the Spirit of Liberty

Text: I Cor.9:19-23
More Lessons: James 1:25

A Christ-like life is not a life of do's and don'ts but a life of absolute freedom. Freedom of mankind is one of the reasons why Jesus went to the cross. He died to set at liberty all those that are bound by darkness and hell (Lk. 1:71-74). The Blood of Jesus is the legal tender for our freedom. The shed Blood of Christ has delivered every believer in Jesus from every hindrance, restraint, confinement and repression plaguing the world.

The world can offer independence and release but liberty and freedom come from Christ. Liberation is more than freedom because it includes the state of liberty into which the free person or thing is brought. The death of Jesus did not only free us from trouble, but brought us into an inheritance in God with the Lord Jesus. According to I Pet.1:4 we are bought…to an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you.

There is a great treasure God laid in store for us in heaven because of the freedom we have through Jesus Christ. As it is that the freedom we have in Christ Jesus delivered us from darkness, trouble, sickness and every bad thing, it also brings us into the riches of God in Christ Jesus. The believers in Christ have dividends for indentifying with the sacrifice of Jesus for all on the cross (Matt.19:27-29).Therefore, coming to Christ is not forsaking something for nothing. When you accept Christ, you gain more than you can ever lose. So, if you have not, why not accept Jesus today and enter into a glorious endless life. That is why Jesus made the call: Follow me and I will make you... Matt. 4:19.

Following Jesus is stepping into a life of abundance of every good thing and ceaseless victory. Everyone following Jesus closely knows that there are hidden treasures of darkness that God has reserved for those who have truly accepted the offer. You also need to tap into this treasure reserved for you.

Prayer/ Action
* I
Jesus is Life World Outreach Ministeries - JAWOM.
2 hours ago
Strength for Your Day
Tuesday, 29 October
Glorious Liberty: the Spirit of Liberty
Text: I Cor.9:19-23 More Lessons: James 1:25

A Christ-like life is not a life of do's and don'ts but a life of absolute freedom. Freedom of mankind is one of the reasons why Jesus went to the cross. He died to set at liberty all those that are bound by darkness and hell (Lk. 1:71-74). The Blood of Jesus is the legal tender for our freedom. The shed Blood of Christ has delivered every believer in Jesus from every hindrance, restraint, confinement and repression plaguing the world.

The world can offer independence and release but liberty and freedom come from Christ. Liberation is more than freedom because it includes the state of liberty into which the free person or thing is brought. The death of Jesus did not only free us from trouble, but brought us into an inheritance in God with the Lord Jesus. According to I Pet.1:4 we are bought…to an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you.

There is a great treasure God laid in store for us in heaven because of the freedom we have through Jesus Christ. As it is that the freedom we have in Christ Jesus delivered us from darkness, trouble, sickness and every bad thing, it also brings us into the riches of God in Christ Jesus. The believers in Christ have dividends for indentifying with the sacrifice of Jesus for all on the cross (Matt.19:27-29).Therefore, coming to Christ is not forsaking something for nothing. When you accept Christ, you gain more than you can ever lose. So, if you have not, why not accept Jesus today and enter into a glorious endless life. That is why Jesus made the call: Follow me and I will make you... Matt. 4:19.

Following Jesus is stepping into a life of abundance of every good thing and ceaseless victory. Everyone following Jesus closely knows that there are hidden treasures of darkness that God has reserved for those who have truly accepted the offer. You also need to tap into this treasure reserved for you.

Prayer/ Action
* I prophesy that today, I cease from a life of fruitless labour.
* I declare that all my labour will yield a divine harvest, in Jesus’ name.
* Dedicate your strength, ideas and wisdom to the Lord today and take His own.

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that today, I cease from a life of fruitless labour.
* I declare that all my labour will yield a divine harvest, in Jesus’ name.
* Dedicate your strength, ideas and wisdom to the Lord today and take His own.

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