Saturday, October 19, 2013

Another Repentance

Text: Psa. 119:11 More Lessons: Jn. 5:39-47

Aside from repenting from our sins and iniquities, there exists yet another kind of repentance that we all must undertake in our faith walk. It is repentance from sheer unbelief, which in the life of a Christian is about the most grievous of offences one can commit. This is so because we know that the Word of God cannot lie yet out of logic and personal perspectives we develop reasons to doubt the Word of God. Every believer has the Holy Spirit, and it is He who empowers us to believe God’s Word until we receive what it promises. It is one thing to have the Word of God in your head (logos) and it is another to have the Word in your heart (rhema). King David who was a man after God’s heart made this clear enough when he said of the Word of God in Psa. 119:11 that it must find its way into our hearts. For it is from our hearts that the abundance of life flows.

The Word of God is not a logical book and cannot be approached as such. It is spiritual wisdom and can only be interpreted by the spirit of the one who inspired its writings. We are not even mandated to understand everything that the Word of God delivers to us at first contact because we just might not; we are rather instructed to believe it. This is the difference; faith. We must exercise our faith in God’s Word, both individually and corporately. Faith is the prerequisite for getting the best out of God’s Word.

The litmus test of true maturity in the things of God is actually a measure of the difference between the scriptures we know in our heads and the ones we have received into our hearts and lives. Our head knowledge must be mixed with faith in our hearts so that we can get the results that the Word talks about. The word in the book cannot do us good until it becomes the Word at heart. Sin is figurative of all the works of the devil so the psalmist was saying that the Word of God in his heart is his defense from the powers of darkness.

Oh! How powerful is the Word of God in our hearts? Enough of confessing your feelings, your pains and your negative situations! Away with sense knowledge and approach to things; away with our traditions. It’s time to make heartfelt faith proclamations from the Word that is stored up in our hearts. It’s time to confess the Word of God by faith and see the power of God at work in and through you.

Prayer/ Action
* Pray that you will never to doubt or deny God’s Word in your life ever.
* Pray that God should forgive you for every time you ever doubted His Word.
* Pray that God’s Word will mix with faith in your heart and produce results in your life.

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