Thursday, October 24, 2013

Power Capsule

Text: Heb 4:12
More Lessons: IISam 22:14-22.

Those who believe and receive the Word of God will experience an endless supply of the power of God every single day of their lives. Today's world is too wicked not to have power. There are too many devils out there ready to trample our lives underfoot. But if we tap into God's power, we can live above and subdue these devices of the devil. It is God's desire that we live in dominion and power perpetually but His power cannot manifest in our lives more than we take hold of His word and insist on our dominion mandate in Christ.

The third operation of the Word of God in us is that it comes to sharpen us up and it is sharper than any two-edged sword, releasing matchless penetrating power into our lives. It corrects and fine tunes rough edges in our lives. It is the desire of the enemy, Satan, that old serpent and accuser of the brethren to leave our lives rough and not good enough for God's use; this is why God sends us sharp capsules in His Word. As we live and confess the Word of God, we discover that our capacity to resolve hard riddles and bring sharp solutions to the world's situation becomes everyday reality. The human tendency to be confused and blunt is taken away, leaving us sharp and able to sharpen things around us. Every bluntness in our lives, every rough edge is polished by the Word of God. We come out brighter and more elegant as we live by God's Word. The sharp capsules in the Word of God is also sharp enough to reaching into the deepest parts of our souls and spirits, bringing healing and restoration to deep wounds, hurts and even physical diseases, …piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow…: Heb. 4:12b. No matter is too hidden or deep for the Word of God to penetrate and transform.

Absolutely nothing is out of reach for the laser of God's Word. In Matt. 8:8 we see a man who knew the power of God's sharp capsule …The centurion answered and said… but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed. Do not fight that battle with the sword of your connection or influence, but by the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God, for it is sharp enough to bring down any stronghold or foe. When we on the word, we become lords of our circumstances. By the Word of God, we reign; we rule and live victoriously in Christ. Every man or woman of God is a man or woman of the Word of God.

Receive the threefold power of the word today, Take God at his Word.

Prayer/ Action
* Ask that the power of God’s Word will not cease but continue to flow I your life.
* Pray that the power in God’s Word will liberate your destiny from every work of darkness and sin.
* Pray that by the power of God’s Word, you will reign, rule and be victorious in life.

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