Text: Eph. 4:14-16.
More Lessons: Jm. 1:5-8
The Church of Jesus is filled with so many unstable believers who change church membership like they change their garments, without doctrinal base and terribly unstable in all things. They oscillate between fathers, churches and friends. Paul says they are…tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine…: Eph. 4:14. The worst of all is that many times the so-called leaders that are expected to be mature and provide leadership are the ones behaving like converts. They are known for their inability to stay focused in one place, and are given to complaints, easily persuaded out of what they believe and lack depth of the Word of God. Also, they are known for changing location, place of worship or relationship at the slightest challenge or problem, rather than seeking how best to solve the problem. Similarly, they don't have fundamental principles and they yield easily to new opinions without careful examination.
The solution to such instability is to develop a sound knowledge of God's Word. Many are tossed to and fro basically because of ignorance of the Word and divine counsel. Since end-time opinions and views on the things of God are multiplying, and the good, the bad and the ugly are increasing, those who will excel are those who will study and live by God's Word. Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth: II Tim. 2:15.
So, this year, come out of your spiritual childishness by spending more time with the Word. Plan never to miss any Bible Study service this year. Give more time to feeding on the Word because that is the food of the spirit by which spiritual growth to maturity is achieved. Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings, As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: I Pet 2:1-2.
In the name of Jesus you will not become a football for Satan to toss to and fro. You will be stable and focused!
Prayer/ Action
* Pray that you will not be an unstable Christian tossed by every wind of doctrine.
* Pray that you will be an example of the matured Christian, solving problems.
* Pray that you will not be an instrument of instability but a solution.
* Ask God to grant you a focused life that cannot be distracted.
* Pray against the spirit that makes people walk astray from God’s will.
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