Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Glorious Liberty: the Spirit of Liberty

Text: I Cor.9:19-23
More Lessons: James 1:25

A Christ-like life is not a life of do's and don'ts but a life of absolute freedom. Freedom of mankind is one of the reasons why Jesus went to the cross. He died to set at liberty all those that are bound by darkness and hell (Lk. 1:71-74). The Blood of Jesus is the legal tender for our freedom. The shed Blood of Christ has delivered every believer in Jesus from every hindrance, restraint, confinement and repression plaguing the world.

The world can offer independence and release but liberty and freedom come from Christ. Liberation is more than freedom because it includes the state of liberty into which the free person or thing is brought. The death of Jesus did not only free us from trouble, but brought us into an inheritance in God with the Lord Jesus. According to I Pet.1:4 we are bought…to an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you.

There is a great treasure God laid in store for us in heaven because of the freedom we have through Jesus Christ. As it is that the freedom we have in Christ Jesus delivered us from darkness, trouble, sickness and every bad thing, it also brings us into the riches of God in Christ Jesus. The believers in Christ have dividends for indentifying with the sacrifice of Jesus for all on the cross (Matt.19:27-29).Therefore, coming to Christ is not forsaking something for nothing. When you accept Christ, you gain more than you can ever lose. So, if you have not, why not accept Jesus today and enter into a glorious endless life. That is why Jesus made the call: Follow me and I will make you... Matt. 4:19.

Following Jesus is stepping into a life of abundance of every good thing and ceaseless victory. Everyone following Jesus closely knows that there are hidden treasures of darkness that God has reserved for those who have truly accepted the offer. You also need to tap into this treasure reserved for you.

Prayer/ Action
* I
Jesus is Life World Outreach Ministeries - JAWOM.
2 hours ago
Strength for Your Day
Tuesday, 29 October
Glorious Liberty: the Spirit of Liberty
Text: I Cor.9:19-23 More Lessons: James 1:25

A Christ-like life is not a life of do's and don'ts but a life of absolute freedom. Freedom of mankind is one of the reasons why Jesus went to the cross. He died to set at liberty all those that are bound by darkness and hell (Lk. 1:71-74). The Blood of Jesus is the legal tender for our freedom. The shed Blood of Christ has delivered every believer in Jesus from every hindrance, restraint, confinement and repression plaguing the world.

The world can offer independence and release but liberty and freedom come from Christ. Liberation is more than freedom because it includes the state of liberty into which the free person or thing is brought. The death of Jesus did not only free us from trouble, but brought us into an inheritance in God with the Lord Jesus. According to I Pet.1:4 we are bought…to an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you.

There is a great treasure God laid in store for us in heaven because of the freedom we have through Jesus Christ. As it is that the freedom we have in Christ Jesus delivered us from darkness, trouble, sickness and every bad thing, it also brings us into the riches of God in Christ Jesus. The believers in Christ have dividends for indentifying with the sacrifice of Jesus for all on the cross (Matt.19:27-29).Therefore, coming to Christ is not forsaking something for nothing. When you accept Christ, you gain more than you can ever lose. So, if you have not, why not accept Jesus today and enter into a glorious endless life. That is why Jesus made the call: Follow me and I will make you... Matt. 4:19.

Following Jesus is stepping into a life of abundance of every good thing and ceaseless victory. Everyone following Jesus closely knows that there are hidden treasures of darkness that God has reserved for those who have truly accepted the offer. You also need to tap into this treasure reserved for you.

Prayer/ Action
* I prophesy that today, I cease from a life of fruitless labour.
* I declare that all my labour will yield a divine harvest, in Jesus’ name.
* Dedicate your strength, ideas and wisdom to the Lord today and take His own.

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that today, I cease from a life of fruitless labour.
* I declare that all my labour will yield a divine harvest, in Jesus’ name.
* Dedicate your strength, ideas and wisdom to the Lord today and take His own.

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Monday, October 28, 2013

A New Creation

Text: Titus.2:1-11
More Lessons: II Cor.5:17

Being born-again is more than answering an altar call and confessing Christ openly in a church service or at a crusade. Becoming a Christian means a changed life-style. When a person becomes a Christian, old habits and desires are replaced with new ones. The new creature in Christ Jesus talks differently, acts differently and sometimes even dresses differently. He now prefers the company of Christians, enjoys fellowship with other believers, whether at house caring fellowship, unit meeting, Bible Study, prayer meeting or at the Sunday pastoral service. He will do everything possible to be present at every service.

Loving God and His Word is another evidence that a man is redeemed. The Word of God must become very sweet to him/her. How sweet are thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!: Psa.119:103.

Readiness to give God all that is required: offering, tithes, time, and our valuables without reservation is another great evidence that the old nature of selfishness and greed has passed away. Having strong desire to commune with God in the place of prayer and songs of worship is another evidence of a regenerated life. God’s love in a man’s life cannot be hidden; everyone who loves God will flow in love towards others as he lives day by day. And if we love God and His Word with passion, we will always have the push to go out of our way to share the good news of salvation with unbelievers and encourage other believers to keep the pathway of righteousness. Waiting eagerly for the coming of Christ is also a great proof that you are saved.

Jesus is definitely coming for those who are waiting for His coming. If you are not preparing nor waiting for His coming, you can't be ready when He comes. What if it's today? Are you rapturable? Or if it is by death, will you make it?

Prayer/ Action
* Ask God to make all things in you new indeed.
* Lord, make me pure in heart, renew my spirit and make me totally yours.
* Share the testimony of your new life with someone today.

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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Following Jesus

Text: Matt.4:18-25
More Lessons: Gen. 12:1

Following Jesus is not an adventure we choose but a quest that comes to us; we are called to it. Jesus, during His earthy ministry called men with whom He fulfilled His mandate on earth, people like John, James, Peter and Andrew. (John 1:40-43). As He did then when He was physically on earth, He is still doing today.

However, most often, when God calls us, we are tempted to go only halfway with Him. I will follow you if you show me where you are taking me or I will go if I can still keep my boyfriend, my sinful lifestyle and if the pay will be reasonable enough. The call of God to man for fellowship is always complete, total and never an easy thing, but it is always for a life of fulfillment…I will make you fishers of men: Matt 4:19. The call of God on your life is to make you what you are designed to be, which sometimes you may or may not know.

Moreover, following Jesus entails certain virtues and sacrifices as enumerated by the scriptures.
1. Self-denial, (Matt 16:24): the call of God upon your life is a call unto sacrifice and discipline. The title “disciple” came from the word discipline; disciples are disciplined people, who are able to follow in all situations.
2. Your possessions (Luke 18:22): Jesus said … sell all…that is to say, its ownership. Brethren, everything you posses is for the purpose of your call, when you let it go for God’s work on earth, you will meet it in heaven. Your possessions can stand in the way of your call if care is not taken. Following the Lord involves avoiding distractions.
3. Things that ma k e for peace (Rom.14:19): being an agent of peace, as a believer means following the Lord, bridging the gap between God and man, and the gap between man and man. In following the Lord, you must follow peace with all men (Heb.12:14).
4. Righteousness and godliness, (I Tim.6:11): any man who is following Jesus must also follow virtues like righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience and meekness. The choice to follow Jesus is a choice to follow certain things and a choice to also run away from others. Jesus said that whoever follows Him must be ready to forsake “all” to be able to do so. A type of Christianity that allows everything, not being selective and discerning, is not true Christianity. We must do all things to be able to follow completely.

Prayer/ Action
* Lord Jesus, help me to follow You correctly and to the end, in Jesus’ name.
* I break off every tendency for diversion and distraction over my life.
* I receive the power to be focused, in Jesus’ name.

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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Life Tool

Text: Eph. 6:13
More Lessons: John 16:7-13

Our God is a God of order. He made provisions for His children to live above the limitations of this life. As a tool chest that is full of tools, so is the believer in Christ given all kinds of godliness spiritual tools and blessings necessary for life and godliness. We are not defenseless. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Chris: Eph. 1:3.

An apt understanding of these tools and their specific functions and applications will enable the believer walk in the fullness of power and dominion. Examples are: the name of Jesus (Phil. 2:10) the blood of Jesus (Heb. 10:19) etc. But all our interest this time is on the Word of God (Eph. 6:17). The power of the Word of God is matchless. It's an incredible tool in the believer's walk of victory. Even God honours His Word above his name; …for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name: Psa. 32:2. So the next time you read the Word of God, do it with the consciousness that you are in contact with the most powerful and eternal tool straight from the heart of God. Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away: Luk. 21:33. One of the reasons why we sometimes find it difficult to believe that God will do what he says in His Word is because we ourselves fail to do what we say we will do. So our inadequacy in integrity makes it sub-consciously difficult for us to accept and believe in the integrity of God's Word. But … for he is not a man, that he should repent: I Sam. 15:29.

Considering the account of the temptation of Jesus Christ by the devil, you will realize that the enemy is so desperate and daring, that he even thinks he can overcome the Son of God. This means that nobody is exempted from the tempter's striking range. But praise God, Jesus knew just what tool to use against Satan's temptations; He spoke the Word. The arsenal that really sends the enemy back and quenches all his fiery darts in our hearts and minds is not our years of experience or constant pleading of the Blood of Jesus alone, but speaking theWord of God against him. Remember that at this time Jesus was even carrying in veins the spotless blood that saved us all, yet He didn't plead the Blood; He spoke the Word against the adversary. Daily victory over demonic suggestions and temptations is depends on how much of God's Word fills our hearts and proceeds from our lips. Stop that devil today; confess the Word of God!

Prayer/ Action
* Command the matchless power in the Word of God to flow over you right now.
* Ask God to Honour His Word in your life and destiny and against every reproach in your life.
* Pray that the Word of God will not fail in your matter.
* Proclaim that you will begin to win by the Word everywhere, everytime.

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