Monday, December 30, 2013

Help is on the Way II

Text: Psa.37:34
More Lessons Jam.1:6-22

To trust God means to take away your confidence from man and focus entirely on God alone because the arm of flesh will fail but the Word of God lives and abides forever. We cannot do God's part for Him. He alone is God. We can only do our part and wait on Him to move on our behalf. We cannot also ask God to do our part for us. Waiting on God is actually partnering with the divine to deliver the fulfilment of our destiny. Sometimes it could be tough waiting for God especially when you've prayed and prayed and He seems not to say a word about what you're going through.

The best way to handle such seasons and transitionary times is to remember that when a teacher sets an exam, he's quiet and says nothing until the exams is over. Sometimes those tough times are test times that the Lord is taking you through and like every good examination, He intends to use those circumstances to take you to your next level.

Waiting on God has largely been misunderstood to just mean fasting and praying endlessly on a pressing need or matter, but as much as those exercises form the bedrock practices for waiting on God, there is much more. Let's look at a few more things that we must get straight in trying and waiting times.

1. Never murmur or worry. Many people spend most of their waiting moments murmuring or worrying as though they have forgotten that the God we serve can never fail. So to get quick answers to your prayers, you cannot pray and worry; you must remain joyful at all times. You must depend on the joy of the Lord to strengthen you. Crying and weeping will only depress and keep you further away from taking hold of your miracle.

2. Sow seeds sacrificially. One of the principles that are binding on the universe is the law of sowing and reaping. Sowing provokes a harvest. Sow a prophet's offering to your pastor or make a vow to the Lord in your local assembly and bind it to your request. Look for people who God has blessed with the same thing you desire and sow a seed into their lives to connect to the blessing in their lives. Be involved in projects to help the needy or build the house of God. For when you put the matters of God's house first, He puts the issues of your house first. Between the promise and the provision is the process. Hang in there because Help is on the way for you!

  • Ask for the unfailing help of the Lord for all that you do.
  • Ask for direction from the Lord concerning the type of things to do for the particular help you need.
Meet a particular need of a member of your family or assembly today as a point of contact for your help.

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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Help is on the Way I

Text: Psa.37:34 
More Lessons 1 Sam.1:1-19

Waiting on the lord is one of the most discussed topics in Gospel articles, discussions, books and teachings across Christian denominations and pulpits because it is ever relevant. We all have one thing or the other that we are waiting upon the Lord for, at one time or the other. For this reason and more, therefore, we cannot be ignorant of the right or appropriate way to brace ourselves as we wait upon the Lord for a miracle or breakthrough. I believe that it is largely our ignorance of the subject that has cost us the delays in our breakthroughs and victories. There are a few basic but infallible truths about waiting on God for a miracle.

1. Faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ is the first step in waiting on God. Let it be settled in your heart that the price for all your needs has been paid by the death of Jesus on the cross. No pain or sickness comes from God. The curse of sin is broken and the bounties of Heaven are available for us. Healing, provision, miracle, babies, favour in career and a blessed home are all our rights through Christ Jesus, Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree Gal. 3:13. We do not beg to be blessed; we.walk in the blessings that God has commanded over us as sons of God, And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you Luke11:9

2. You must find the promises of God in His Word that address your needs and wants and demand for them in Jesus name. The only things God will not provide for us are the things he did not promise us. If He said He will do it, you can believe that He fulfil His word, Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away Matt.24:35.

One thing you can always count on is that any request you make according to God's will and Word will not go unanswered, Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss…. James 4:3. One way to always be sure you do not ask amiss is to ask according to God's Word. Knowing that God will never ignore a request made to him from His Word and by the name of Jesus helps us maintain peace, rest and joy even in waiting and trying times. Our God is a prayer-answering God. It's your time for a miracle because help is on the way for you. Only believe!

* Receive the power of faith to be able to trust God for all you need in life.
* Declare that you will not desire without having, every of your good expectations will materialise, in Jesus’ name.
* Say, “Help of the Lord, come to me, in Jesus’ name” seven times now and you will see God in action.

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Saturday, December 28, 2013

When God Decides to Intervene

Text: Acts12:1-10 
More Lessons Psa.105:13-15

When God decides to intervene in your matter, no amount of satanic or human activity can hinder Him. The story of Peter’s release from Herod’s dungeon proves this very clearly. The security measures that Herod put in place against Peter’s escape was so strong it would have been humanly impossible for any man to attempt breaking the jail to rescue Peter. They include the following: Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and the keepers before the door kept the prison. Then the first gate, second gate and the iron gates were firmly secured.

All these not withstanding because God decided to intervene, the chains and the gates opened of their own accord to Peter and the angel. The angel never had to address the chain nor the gates, they only had to pass, When they were past the first and the second gates, they came to the iron gate that led into the city; which opened to them of its own accord. They went out, passed on to the first street and forthwith the angel departed from Peter (Acts.12:10). That is the way your iron door will open of its own accord today. When God decided to intervene at Jesus’ grave, He took no man’s permission.

The Bible says, So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch Matt.27:66. However, all that became a wasted effort when Jehovah intervened. For the angel of the Lord descended from Heaven and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it (Matt.28:2). What a mockery of human security! Just one angel rolled away the stone and sat on it. Every road block over your progress is today rolled away, in Jesus’ mighty name. All the accusations of Portipha’s wife against Joseph for which he was jailed were not strong enough on the day of God’s intervention in Joseph’s situation. The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of the people, and set him free Psa.105:20. Even so, all the evil accusations against you shall no longer be able to stop you from today because Jehovah will intervene.

God’s requirements for His divine intervention are clear 1. Righteousness, Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people Prov.14:34. 2. Trust in the Lord, Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee Isa. 26:3.

* Ask God to intervene in the matter of your life where satan is threatening.
* Tell God you trust in His power to prevail in your matter.
* Prophesy that every iron door shut against you shall open of their own accord today.

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Friday, December 27, 2013

Who Owns your Life?

Text: ICor.6:15-20 
More Lessons: II Tim.2:19

There is a law in the United States about self defence. If you are sitting in your house and someone shows up with a weapon to hurt you; if there is evidence that he is coming to attack you, the law allows you to take a gun and kill him. As long as it is within your territory, you are allowed to defend your land. In fact, the government will help you to do the burial because it happened in your territory. He must have come to attack you and you should not be killed inside your own house. You are allowed the right of self defence within your territory because you are the lord over that territory.

The point here is, it doesn't matter how strong and big the activities of an enemy, it doesn't matter how long, if it does not have the power of ownership, it doesn't have the power of usage. The reason the devil is perching over your forest and doing whatever he likes is because he has seen evidence that he owns the place. For example, even as a believer, if what he tells you to do is what you do, you can bear the title of a believer but he knows that you are not a believer.

So when everybody is praying in church, binding every spirit of sickness, whatever is killing this sister we bind it, the devil is laughing somewhere because he knows that you have no authority to exercise the power you are exercising in that jurisdiction. Now, this is the point that deserves attention in this scripture. What you need to examine properly in that scripture is the ownership, who owns the land? I can reject certain things in my life as a child of God and other members of my family may not be able to do the same, because the ownership differs. God owns my life, so I can tell the devil to remove his hand.

If your life is not owned by God, you can't tell the devil to take his hand off your life, he won't. He won't even listen to you because he is contesting with the issue of ownership. If the devil can confirm and show evidence that he is the owner of your life, you are finished. And that's the point we want to pray about today. Who owns your life? This is important because the power to build, to plant, to raise belongs to the owner.

* Re-dedicate your life to Christ today. Tell Him you give Him all your life.
* Confess any sin that makes satan lay claim to your life.
* Declare to the devil that you are God’s property and God’s alone.

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