Friday, December 27, 2013

Who Owns your Life?

Text: ICor.6:15-20 
More Lessons: II Tim.2:19

There is a law in the United States about self defence. If you are sitting in your house and someone shows up with a weapon to hurt you; if there is evidence that he is coming to attack you, the law allows you to take a gun and kill him. As long as it is within your territory, you are allowed to defend your land. In fact, the government will help you to do the burial because it happened in your territory. He must have come to attack you and you should not be killed inside your own house. You are allowed the right of self defence within your territory because you are the lord over that territory.

The point here is, it doesn't matter how strong and big the activities of an enemy, it doesn't matter how long, if it does not have the power of ownership, it doesn't have the power of usage. The reason the devil is perching over your forest and doing whatever he likes is because he has seen evidence that he owns the place. For example, even as a believer, if what he tells you to do is what you do, you can bear the title of a believer but he knows that you are not a believer.

So when everybody is praying in church, binding every spirit of sickness, whatever is killing this sister we bind it, the devil is laughing somewhere because he knows that you have no authority to exercise the power you are exercising in that jurisdiction. Now, this is the point that deserves attention in this scripture. What you need to examine properly in that scripture is the ownership, who owns the land? I can reject certain things in my life as a child of God and other members of my family may not be able to do the same, because the ownership differs. God owns my life, so I can tell the devil to remove his hand.

If your life is not owned by God, you can't tell the devil to take his hand off your life, he won't. He won't even listen to you because he is contesting with the issue of ownership. If the devil can confirm and show evidence that he is the owner of your life, you are finished. And that's the point we want to pray about today. Who owns your life? This is important because the power to build, to plant, to raise belongs to the owner.

* Re-dedicate your life to Christ today. Tell Him you give Him all your life.
* Confess any sin that makes satan lay claim to your life.
* Declare to the devil that you are God’s property and God’s alone.

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