Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Breaking the Padlock

Text: I Sam.1:5,10-21 
More Lessons: Jer.33:1-3

I saw a revelation some weeks back when I knelt down to pray. The Lord opened my eyes and gave me a picture of a hall like a warehouse loaded from wall to wall. There was a door, which was not a surprise to me. What surprised me was that there was an unusual padlock on the door. The padlock was placed at the lintel, close to the roof in the same way that padlocks are closed to people’s destinies. Pondering over the matter I heard the voice of the Lord say to me, “Son, break this padlock that your people may be able to enter into their inheritance”.

Until the padlock against your destiny is broken, you will labour without results. By the power of the Holy Ghost and the anointing of God upon me, I break that padlock against your breakthrough, in the mighty name of Jesus. In today’s passage, two women are spoken about and compared with each other. I notice that Hannah was the one on the negative side while Peninnah was on the positive as far as child bearing was concerned because Hannah had no children. The matter was beyond Elkannah…But unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion; for he loved Hannah: but the LORD had shut up her womb v5.

If God locked the place, it means there was a precious priceless Samuel inside it that God didn't want to come out until he was needed to fulfil a divine agenda. Obviously therefore, Hannah may not be said to have been barren after all. That her womb was locked means that she had children but they were locked inside her womb waiting for the God-appointed time of their delivery. Jehovah Himself made sure that Hannah did not have them until there was the need for Samuel to be born and grow to occupy the space provided because of the ungodliness of Hophni and Phinehas, Eli's children.

When God Himself locks the door to whatever you are believing Him for, only Him can unlock that door. Hannah knew this better when that year she got to Shiloh, rather than answer Peninnah, who was taunting her, or report her to their husband Elkannah, or even report to Eli the Chief Priest, Hannah went straight to cry unto God who locked her womb, and God answered her. The God that answered Hannah will assuredly answer you. As you enter the new year, may the enemies’ padlocks on your life be broken.

* Command all satanic padlocks against your goodness to be broken now, in Jesus’ name. Repeat this prayer all day long.
* Like Hannah, add a covenant vow to your prayers, it breaks padlocks.
* Put aside distractions and cry unto God to unlock every padlock in your life.

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