Text: I Jn.2:18-25
More Lesson: Matt.21
There have been questions about the
definite date of Christmas, whether Jesus was actually born on 25th December or
not. Some biblical scholars believe that Jesus must have been born on 18th
August. Some suggested March 28, while others suggested November 18th. Even the
year of His birth is in dispute. Moreover, it is said that Christmas did not
begin as a Christian festival, rather it was a pagan celebration turned to a church
festival by pagan converts and accepted by the Church as an incentive to
encourage the pagan idol worshippers to accept Christ. And this is true.
The argument still rages on till today.
However, whatever the arguments, two things are not in doubt. One, that Jesus
was ever born is not in doubt and that is great enough. Two, that Christmas is beyond
date, it is the celebration of a man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Every other
story is a mere academic rhetoric. If the argument today is that Jesus is a
myth, that He was never born or that He never lived, instantly both Christianity
and Christmas will collapse. But thank God, Jesus once walked physically on the
planet earth, in Jerusalem to be precise. He was born, lived, died, resurrected
and ascended to Heaven and is coming back soon.
Unfortunately, there are more people who
celebrate Christmas as another opportunity for fun and festival without any
contact with Jesus the real reason for the season. Truly speaking, to hate or deny
Jesus and still celebrate His birth is the height of disservice to oneself and
a terrible satanic deception. Only the ignorant and the unlearned will do it. The
scripture reading of today in fact, describes anyone who denies that Jesus is the
Christ as an anti-Christ and a liar. So how does an anti-Christ celebrate the
Christ he opposes and denies? Unfortunately, there are more anti-Christs today
celebrating Christmas.
The question is, Are you an anti-Christ
celebrating Christmas or are you Christ-like? Many of us will hate to be called
anti-Christ yet by the simple definition of John the beloved, anybody who
denies that Jesus is the Christ is an anti-Christ even if he goes to church and
celebrates Christmas with others. I ask you once more, Who are you at Christmas
and beyond? Be a true celebrant, invite Jesus into your life today and
Christmas will be real for you to celebrate. HAPPY CHRISTMAS
* Thank God for the rare gift of Jesus.
* Give thanks to God for the work of
redemption Jesus came to do for mankind.
* Pray for the countless crowd that will
be celebrating Christ today without Christ in their lives, that before the next
Christmas they will encounter Christ.
*Tell someone about Jesus today by word
or action.
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