Text: Judges 6:11-16
More Lessons: Gen.26:12-16
It is a wonderful thing to be called a
mighty man. To be mighty is to be endowed with an extra ability beyond the
normal. Might is a function of strength. When you talk about might you talk
about being able, by an extra ability, to do what is not ordinary. God produced
many mighty men in the Scripture and I pray for you today that you will go
beyond the ordinary, in the name of Jesus. The strength of a man determines the
extent of what he can carry. When people run away from challenges, the truth of
the matter is that they lack the strength. There is nothing that God does that
He fails. That's why we call Him the Almighty God; the God that has strength in
every area. That strength is deposited in man because man is created in God’s
image. God has endowed men with divine capability.
One of such men is Gideon who God raised
to counter the oppression Israel suffered at that time in the hands of the Medianites
who exercised might over the weak Israelites. One day an angel of God called
Gideon a mighty man of valour. The argument of Gideon was irrelevant to the angel.
If the Almighty God says you are a mighty man, you are, indeed. If a man is experiencing
defeat but is called a mighty man by God, what is God saying? When a man who cannot
beat his chest in the presence of his enemies is referred to as a mighty man by
the Almighty God who cannot lie, then there is something inside that man that
makes God say so. It simply means that God Himself is with the man. Once God is
with a man, that man cannot be defeated by his enemies and that is why he is a mighty man. He may not know it, but that is
who he is.
Regardless of what your experiences are today,
as long as a conviction exists inside you that with God on your side all things
are possible, you are already a mighty man. Your strength begins from knowledge
because your ability to know is the beginning of your strength. So work harder
on what you know if you want to be a mighty man. Get to know more. If you want to
know more, read more, ask questions from them that know more; acquire knowledge
because it is the beginning of might. Gideon eventually realised that when God
is with a man the man cannot be defeated. So Gideon led Israel into victory over
the Medianites. God is with you, you cannot be defeated.
* Pray for divine strength to do God's
work more than ever before.
* Pray that you will be strengthened by
the Word of God in all situations.
* Tell the Lord you are taking your
place in strength and you are dropping every weak man’s mentality
Believe what God says about you that you
are a mighty man and live like one.
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