Text: Jn.14:1
More Lessons: Psa.12:1-3
Life is filled with troubles, beginning from
the day a man is born. There are health, financial, family and career troubles
and lots more. Life assails us with a million kinds of trouble. If we were to
choose one word to sum up our times, ‘trouble’ would be a good pick.
We live in the time of great anxiety,
fear and insecurity within and without. The reports are not different because
we hear of wars, rumours of war, pestilence, hunger, natural disasters of
unimaginable dimensions. Many times one wonders whether God is aware of the events
happening around. In Jesus’ days, both Jesus and His disciples were troubled when
Jesus prepared to go. He was agitated as He was about to identify the one who would
betray Him, He was troubled as He was about to predict that Peter would deny
Him three times and He was stirred up and ready to tell the disciples for the final
time that He was about to leave them.
As He got to Gethsemane, He announced to
His disciples, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here,
and watch with me Matt. 26:38. As for the disciples, they had reasons to be
troubled because their bread winner was leaving, the One who paid their taxes
when they had no money, fed them when they were hungry, healed their household
when they were sick, delivered them from the scourge of the Pharisees and now He
announced that He was going. What was Jesus’ cure for this trouble? Let not
your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me Jn.14:1.
The cure for a troubled heart is to believe
in God and take Him at His Word. It was the cure for His disciples and it is the
cure for us today. Believing God and His Christ is all, every other thing rests
on this. It is when you believe God that you can believe His Word, trust what
He says, and take up His promises in prayer. Jesus demonstrated this when, in great
agony, He went into intensive prayer to the Father because He believed the Father
had the answer to the trouble (Matt.26:38-39). Child of God, stay believing God,
no matter how dark the night looks, God is in control and all things will work together
for your good (Rom.8:28).
* Command every doubt, worry and anxiety
to disappear from your life.
* Ask God to increase your faith in Him.
* Ask Jesus to help you stay trusting in
Him in all situations.
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