READ: Matt.28:18-20
MORE LESSONS: Acts 2:41-42
Bible Reading in One Year: Genesis 12-15
The world population is about seven billion. The tragedy is that most likely half of this number have not heard about Jesus. But the great commission which is the last command that the Lord Jesus gave the Church before His ascension to the Father is, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature: Mk.16:15. This is the mandate and indeed, the greatest work that every child of God must be involved in.
The Gospel is to be proclaimed universally to all peoples – all nations and all cultures, every individual, all tribes, without discrimination. The primary preoccupation, passion and purpose of Christ’s ministry on earth was to seek and save the lost. Jesus paid the greatest price and sacrifice to redeem humanity from the bondage of sin and satan.
The Church was born and strengthened to evangelise and thereby reproduce ourselves as children of God. It is for this purpose that people are not taken to Heaven the moment they believe so that we can evangelise and save the lost. The responsibility to evangelise is not for the church leaders only, but for all born again Christians. It is a debt to be paid by all believers to all men in the world for whom Jesus died (Mk 16:15-17).
Therefore, we must go into every nook and cranny of this busy
world and preach the Gospel. We need to get to the lost souls everywhere - in the motor park, market, hospital, prison, school, neighborhood, office, seaport, airport, railway station, village, city, on the internet, etc and convince them to come to Jesus Christ.
This will be costly in terms of sacrifice, self denial and discipline, but no sacrifice is too great, no expense or time is too much to be invested in the task of soul winning. The work of soul winning has not ended yet because there is still much to be done. We are to re-dedicate our lives and give the best of our time and resources to bring the lost into the Kingdom of God.
* Pray that God will make you a pillar in the end time to win souls for Christ.
* Ask God to send more labourers for the harvest of souls.
* Ask God for grace that your place and role in world evangelism will not be given to another.
* Make a phone call, send text messages or email to members of your family, friends and neighbours that are not yet born again, and tell them about Jesus.
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