READ: 2 Cor.4:15 -1
Bible Reading in One Year: Genesis 6-9
There is hardly anything on earth that really lasts. A man can buy a car today and be mesmerised by the glory of his new car, but give it two years and you will see how faded the glorious car has become. Look at the life of a man; he grows from infanthood to
adulthood and then to old age. No matter how beautiful and fulfilling the life of a man is, at a certain old age he becomes a shadow of himself. With these two examples, it is important to note that everything on earth fades away. That is what the Bible means when it says, ...for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal: 2 Cor.4:18. Nothing really lasts beyond its lifespan.
A song writer captures it succinctly, Fading away like the stars of the morning, losing their lights in the glorious sun, thus shall we pass from the earth and its toiling, only remembered by what we have done.
The only glory that is unfading is what the Bible calls eternal glory. 1 Pet.5:10 tells us in unmistakable term that our call is to eternal glory by Christ Jesus. This glory is the one which is reserved for believers in Heaven. Interestingly, the factors that diminish the glory of earthly things have no power over heavenly things. The atmosphere of Heaven is corrosion-free and as such does not affect the glory of the things there.
This explains why the Bible urges us to lay up treasures for ourselves in Heaven where they can’t lose their value (Matt.6:20).
It is abundantly clear from the Scripture that though there is an unfading glory for us in Heaven, we may go through some temporal suffering for us to arrive at this glory.
We must keep labouring, despising the pain we go through, until our Chief
Shepherd appears to give us the crown of glory that does not fade (1Pet.5:4). Beloved of God, no matter the things you are going through on the path of righteousness, rest assured that they are working for you a far more eternal weight of glory. If your pain,
affliction, difficulties, and discomforts are working out something as weighty as eternal glory, then you must never complain but give thanks to God on a continuous basis, irrespective of how you feel.
* Father, let your glory upon my life not fade away, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive the grace of God to successfully pass through all that I need to pass through to enter into eternal glory.
* I am a glorious being, I walk in glory everyday of my life.
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