Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The General Overseer and His Family

Read: Eph. 6:18-19
More Lessons: II Sam. 21:17
Bible Reading in One Year: Job 18-20.

A general overseer is a servant of God, called with a particular assignment or message to mankind. Such mission normally requires God calling or appointing other men (pastors and other church workers) to serve under the leadership of the general overseer. Overseeing men who work in church, ministry or commission is such a tremendous responsibility that only men that are genuinely called of God will be able to run the assignment with clear conscience before God and men, fight the good fight of faith and finish the course well.

The General Overseer of JAWOM Commission is our spiritual father (1 Cor 4:15), our prophet (Num 12:6), a Levite with his life wholly devoted to divine service (Num 8:14) and the light of Israel that must be shielded from strenuous and risky tasks (2 Sam 21: 17). Like the Levites and apostles of old, the General Overseer's life is wholly devoted to God (Num3:12), given unto prayers and the ministry of the word (Act 6:4). All JAWOMites and friends of the Commission must of necessity have a vital place for the ministry of the General Overseer in their heart by doing the following constantly: 1) Pray always for Daddy and Mummy Bakare for grace and utterance in making known the mystery of the Gospel. 2) Support him always in all his assignments as Aaron and Hur supported Moses (Exo.17:10-12), especially in church administration (Ex 24:14). 3). Give him and his family double honour at every opportunity, in his presence and absence. Honouring spiritual as well as biological parents earns a man prosperity and long life. 4) Care for him and his family financially and materially. No man ever gives sacrificially to men of God and lacks in the day of need.

To enjoy your full blessings and fulfilment under the ministry of the General Overseer, ensure you take heed to the following:
i) Don't despise him and his family. It is a dangerous thing to despise and speak evil of spiritual authority (Jude 8).
ii) Don't murmur about him (Num 14:36) or challenge his spiritual authority (Num 16: 1-4).
iii) Don't, by your action and inaction, make the work of the ministry difficult for him like Hymaneus and Alexander did to Paul and were penalised (1 Tim 1:20; 2 Tim 4:18). iv) Don't judge and condemn his actions, rather seek clarification and divine insight (Luke 6:37; 1 Cor 4:3. v) Don't rebel or gang up against him or his authority. God always defends His servants and severely punishes gangsters (Num12: 1-9).

* Oh Lord, preserve our general overseer and help him to fulfil your call over his life, in Jesus’ name.
* I declare an unending blessing upon the life and family of our general overseer, in Jesus’ name.

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