Thursday, January 23, 2014

Nothing Failing

READ: Ps. 90:14-17
Bible Reading in One Year: Job 25-27

Except God establishes the work of a man's hand, the efforts and struggles involved in such work are bound to fail. Without enlisting God in it, the journey of twelve months is too far for anyone to make alone without encountering failure and frustration. No wonder the Psalmist says, Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain: Psalm 127:1.

Sometimes things don't go the way we want. A promising marriage moving to the brink of failure, the loss of job because of 'downsizing', the weather ruining one’s crops, wasted harvest, the loss of a dependable friend and loved ones, wasted academic effort, etc. These situations are evident of failure and wastage which most of the time are beyond our comprehension because of the contrary forces that are at work against us. The only factor that saves a man from failing or wasting away is God Himself. If nothing must fail or waste, you must consciously allow God to champion your life course for it is written, …for by strength shall no man prevail:1 Sam 2:9.

Our text says that the economy of Egypt was so bad that even money failed (Gen 47:15). However, when God helps a man, it doesn't matter how bad things are, God will make a way of escape to actualise His will for you. Whoever God empowers cannot fail and whatever He blesses cannot waste. For God therefore to prosper your work this year, ask Him to empower you for success, fruitfulness and increase.

More importantly, set the Lord always before you and live by His instructions so that you can be lifted above failure and wastage. May you not fail or waste away in the year.

* Ask God to empower you not to fail.
* Pray that your health will not fail this year.
* Pray that nothing you do this year will amount to a waste.
* Rebuke all forces of failure and wastage militating against you.



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