Monday, January 13, 2014

Taming the Prince of the Power of the Air

READ: Eph.2:1-4
MORE LESSONS: Eph.6:10-13
Bible Reading in One Year: Genesis 40-42

The Scripture reading today tells us that there is a spirit personality at work in the sons of disobedience. When you see a person or a group of people doing what is clearly abnormal, they are under the influence of a school of spirits with the prince of the power of the air in charge. The influence of this principality is so strong that an entire nation or continent can be under his control.

I believe strongly that nations and groups of people that deliberately embrace abnormal practices such as same sex marriage are under the influence of the prince of the power of the air. The Bible says it is the spirit that is at work in those who oppose God, upon whom the wrath of God abides. Nations given to violence, drug abuse, killing, and those that consciously oppose the preaching of Jesus and freedom of religion are under the influence of this same prince who does not want the people under his control to see and embrace the light of salvation.

The good news is that the influence of this spirit over any person or people has never been everlasting. The Scripture says all of us were once under his control. But one day, through the power of Jesus, we came off its hook and control. Moreover, God has empowered those who believe in Jesus to demonstrate His manifold wisdom over principalities and power, To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: Eph.3:10-11.

Believers must now take their responsibility to bind and restrain the spirit that perpetuates violence and atrocities in their land. The Church now carries the keys of the kingdoms, both of light and darkness. As offspring of the Seed of Abraham, we possess the gate of the enemy. Whatsoever you bind on earth is bound in the spirit realm (in the heavens). So important is this matter that Jesus declares it in Matt.16:19 and affirms it in Matt.18:18.

Arise, tame the spirit fuelling violence, atrocities and abnormality in your domain. Speak prophetically to your land, bind the prince at work in the sons of disobedience; bind every anti-Christ, anti-Church, wicked and blood-sucking spirit. Hand over your nation to Jesus, and ask Him to reign as the King and Lord of lords.

* In the name of Jesus, I bring to an end every activity of the prince of the air in my life and destiny.
* I am no longer under the control of any satanic spirit by the blood of Jesus.
* Thank You Jesus for raising me above satanic activities.

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