Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Deliver us from Evil

READ: Psa. 21:7-12
Bible Reading in One Year: Genesis 47-50 Evil is wickedness, it is anything that negates good. To be delivered from evil is to be set free from the destroyer because evil is a destroyer. It is to have dominion over every negative thing that rules over your life. Sickness and diseases are evil that you need to be delivered from, He sends His word and delivered them from their destruction: Ps. 107:20. You need to be delivered from ignorance of the Word and promises of God for your life, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge… Hosea 4:6. When you know what the Word of God says concerning your situation you will be bold in trial. Caleb says, for it is said concerning me, Jesus says, for it is written, find the Word of God and you are delivered from anything that afflicts you.
Poverty is another evil that has made people to go into things that do not glorify God. It is a curse for which Christ has paid. Yet men worship men instead of God, some fornicate, all in a bid to make ends meet. Satan attempted it with Jesus when he demanded of Him, ...fall down and worship me: Matt.4:9. You will not bow to anybody because of what you will eat and wear, in Jesus’ name.
Evil can come from your enemy, For they intended evil against thee: they imagined a mischievous device, which they are not able to perform: Psa. 21:11. Today, God will deliver you from everyone that intends evil or imagines a mischievous device against you, in Jesus’ name. Evil can be spoken against a person in the form of a false report that is capable of tarnishing one’s image, spoil his record or even put him in trouble. It was done to Jesus.
There are also evil days as the Bible warns, Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not,.... Eccl. 12:1. Paul cautions, See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil: Eph. 5:15-16. Friend, the evil days are here!
Our nation like others is bedevilled with terrorism, political unrest, ethno-religious crises, natural disasters and epidemics. Several innocent people suffer for no just cause. What is the way out? Paul gives a clue to the way out, Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil: Eph.6:10-11. Satan is the architect of all evil. The armour of God that you need to put on is a life of righteousness and holy living,equipped with the Word of God.
Today, you will be delivered from all evil, in Jesus’ name.

* Lord, take evil far away from me.
* Deliver me from evil men wherever I go today, in Jesus’ name.
* I shall see no evil, I shall hear no evil from today, in Jesus’ name.

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Speed in the Face of Opposition

READ: Gen. 37: 8-11.
MORE LESSONS: Gen. 39:1-16
Bible Reading in One Year: Genesis 43-46

Whatever draws you back in life, is an opposition to your advancement. Opposition is usually aimed at reducing the speed of anyone in life in order to destroy his dreams. There are many ways a man can face opposition in life; it can come from family and friends. A man can face opposition from his closest friends, from an organization where he works, even from the brethren.

Whenever the devil wants to attack a man in life, he brings opposition his way and this might not be successful until he uses the vessels that are easily accessible for him to use. If you make yourself available, he will use you against your closest friend or even your own father or mother.

Whenever you face opposition in life, don't be afraid. It simply means that the devil recognises your speed and he wants to reduce it. Opposition is a ladder to your height if you manage it well.

In the book of Matt. 5:14, the Bible says: Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Do you know that light travels at 300,000 kilometers per second? or 700 million miles an hour? If you are the light of the world then, there is no limit of the distance you can cover in any good thing of life.

There are many people in the Bible who faced oppositions but came out victorious; as the opposition was coming, they were increasing in speed. Joseph faced opposition with his brothers from the day he told his dreams: And his brethren said to him, Shalt thou indeed reign over us? or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us? And they hated him yet the more for his dreams, and for his words: Gen. 37: 8. That was war from home but he came out fine.

Even in the face of opposition, Joseph was prospering; And the LORD was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man... Gen. 39:2a. As the devil saw that Joseph was prospering in the face of opposition, he needed a vessel to terminate the ordained plan of God for him so he picked up a vessel from within not from outside: The Bible says: And it came to pass after these things, that his master's wife cast her eyes upon Joseph; and she said, Lie with me. But he refused...: Gen. 39:7-8. Every opposition and temptation you do not refuse in life will take you far away from your destiny.

The devil will never give up on you to bring you down; And she caught him by his garment, saying, Lie with me:... v 12a Joseph did not stop at the point of refusing also, he acted. The Bible says: and he left his garment in her hand, and fled, and got him out. v 12 b. As soon as he ran out, the devil lost his plan in making an attempt to destroy his dreams. What became of Joseph? Thou shalt be over my house, and according unto thy word shall all my people be ruled: only in the throne will I be greater than thou: Gen. 41:40. May God empower you with the speed that you need to overcome the enemy of your destiny.

* Father, give me victory over every opposition that is organised against my destiny
* I receive wisdom not to eat the baits of the devil against my life for my downfall.
* I receive speed to cover the distances I need to cover in destiny.

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Monday, January 13, 2014

Taming the Prince of the Power of the Air

READ: Eph.2:1-4
MORE LESSONS: Eph.6:10-13
Bible Reading in One Year: Genesis 40-42

The Scripture reading today tells us that there is a spirit personality at work in the sons of disobedience. When you see a person or a group of people doing what is clearly abnormal, they are under the influence of a school of spirits with the prince of the power of the air in charge. The influence of this principality is so strong that an entire nation or continent can be under his control.

I believe strongly that nations and groups of people that deliberately embrace abnormal practices such as same sex marriage are under the influence of the prince of the power of the air. The Bible says it is the spirit that is at work in those who oppose God, upon whom the wrath of God abides. Nations given to violence, drug abuse, killing, and those that consciously oppose the preaching of Jesus and freedom of religion are under the influence of this same prince who does not want the people under his control to see and embrace the light of salvation.

The good news is that the influence of this spirit over any person or people has never been everlasting. The Scripture says all of us were once under his control. But one day, through the power of Jesus, we came off its hook and control. Moreover, God has empowered those who believe in Jesus to demonstrate His manifold wisdom over principalities and power, To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: Eph.3:10-11.

Believers must now take their responsibility to bind and restrain the spirit that perpetuates violence and atrocities in their land. The Church now carries the keys of the kingdoms, both of light and darkness. As offspring of the Seed of Abraham, we possess the gate of the enemy. Whatsoever you bind on earth is bound in the spirit realm (in the heavens). So important is this matter that Jesus declares it in Matt.16:19 and affirms it in Matt.18:18.

Arise, tame the spirit fuelling violence, atrocities and abnormality in your domain. Speak prophetically to your land, bind the prince at work in the sons of disobedience; bind every anti-Christ, anti-Church, wicked and blood-sucking spirit. Hand over your nation to Jesus, and ask Him to reign as the King and Lord of lords.

* In the name of Jesus, I bring to an end every activity of the prince of the air in my life and destiny.
* I am no longer under the control of any satanic spirit by the blood of Jesus.
* Thank You Jesus for raising me above satanic activities.

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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Lord, Lift me Up

READ: Psa. 3:1-3
MORE LESSONS: Psa 40:1-4
Bible Reading in One Year: Genesis 37-39

God is the lifter of men, But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head: Ps. 3:3. When you ask Him to lift you up you are simply requesting Him to perform His role in your life. God is a performer; all that we can see or imagine are made available by His ability to perform.

Yet some speak about themselves as being self-made, reducing the glory of God to evolution from apes. Many argue that the greatness they attain is a function of their ingenuity, self will and effort, forgetting that their soul could be demanded of them any moment, as is the case of the rich fool (Lk 12:16-20). In order to buttress the futility of man’s ability to lift up himself, Jeremiah muses, O Lord I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps: Jer.10:23

An attempt by man to depend on another man of a higher status, position or influence for a lifting is equally disastrous. Thus Jeremiah declares, ...Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm....: Jer. 17:5. It is common to see highly placed people boast and demand praise or worship from their beneficiaries, assuming the position of a deity in such lives. I pray no man takes the place of God in your life. This is not to say that God cannot use a man or any other thing for your lifting but the prerogative to do so is His sole reserve.

It is the Creator’s design, through Jesus Christ who left His glory in Heaven, took the nature of a man, died, was buried, resurrected and sits at the right hand of the Father, to ensure man's lifting from the dungeon of hopelessness and sit him together with Christ in heavenly places, But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love… even when we were dead in sin, hath quickened us together with Christ…and hath raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: Eph 2:4-6. Everyone who is in Christ Jesus is qualified to be lifted by the Lord. Asking the Lord to lift you up without depending on your own ability or that of others is asking according to the will of the Father, with the assurance of hearing you (I Jn 5:14-15).

It is wisdom to hand over your lifting to the Lord, who is lifted and sited in Heaven (Psa. 2:4). His vintage position as the Almighty (Gen 17:1), all-sovereign (Col. 1:18), all-glorious (Luke 13:17), all-sufficient (II Cor. 9:8), all-gracious (Exo. 33:19), all-powerful (I Chron. 29:11-12), all-knowing (Isa. 40:13-14) qualifies Him to be looked up to as a perfect lifter. When the Lord lifts you up, you remain at the top. Nothing can pull you down because God has His everlasting arms under you (Deut 33:27). You are like a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden (Mat. 5:14). In 2014, the testimony of lifting is your portion and your domain shall be reserved with the great.

* Proclaim that your lifting is from God only.
* Repent of any act of looking up to man for lifting.
* Ask God to lift you out of the miry clay and set you upon the Rock of Ages.

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